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Adopting an economic empowerment approach to reducing violence and harassment in Zimbabwe
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Adopting an economic empowerment approach to reducing violence and harassment in Zimbabwe

Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families
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Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families

The programme focuses on promoting the decent work for migrant workers worldwide.

Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families
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Forced labour

Global Action Programme on Migrant Domestic Workers and their Families

The project seeks to promote the human and labour rights of migrant domestic workers worldwide by addressing the challenges that make migrant domestic workers particularly vulnerable to the risks of exploitation and abuse.

Sustainable investments in African agriculture
Agricultural landscape in Madagascar.

Sustainable investments in African agriculture

Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the World of Work in Brazil, Angola, South Africa India, China (BASIC)
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Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the World of Work in Brazil, Angola, South Africa India, China (BASIC)

This project aims to tackle sex-based discrimination and promote workplaces where women and men enjoy equal rights and respect, as well as equal opportunities and treatment.

Kenya-Zimbabwe: Green jobs for the young marginalized
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Kenya-Zimbabwe: Green jobs for the young marginalized

The ILO’s Youth Employment Support (YES) Jobs for the Unemployed and Marginalized young People (JUMP) project focused, among other topics, on green jobs and green entrepreneurship promotion.

Action-research project on Promoting Decent Work in Construction and Related Services: the Key Role of Local Authorities
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Action-research project on Promoting Decent Work in Construction and Related Services: the Key Role of Local Authorities

Youth and Women Economic Empowerment Project
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Youth and Women Economic Empowerment Project

The Project aims to contribute towards the reduction of unemployment, among the youth and women, through the creation of employment opportunities in a number of areas, including agribusiness value chains and artisanal mining. The direct beneficiaries of the Project are the 5,000 women and youth targeted in five of the 59 districts of the country and and the indirect beneficiaries shall include the 650,000 people living in the five districts.

Evaluating the impact of a youth-focused Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE)
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Evaluating the impact of a youth-focused Training for Rural Economic Empowerment (TREE)

The Youth Employment Support (YES) Jobs for the Unemployed and Marginalized young People (JUMP)
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The Youth Employment Support (YES) Jobs for the Unemployed and Marginalized young People (JUMP)

The Youth Employment Support (YES) Jobs for the Unemployed and Marginalized young People (JUMP) is part of the ILO’s response to the Zimbabwe Decent Work Country Programme adopted in April 2009 by the Social Partners Government, Workers and Employers. The objective of the ILO YES-JUMP Project is to contribute to the poverty alleviation efforts in Zimbabwe through creating decent and sustainable jobs for the youth of poor and marginalized communities.

Jobs in the Informal and Rural Economy
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Jobs in the Informal and Rural Economy

The programme aims to promote more and better jobs for young people and women in the rural and informal economy. This will be achieved by promoting skills development, entrepreneurship and local economic development to place beneficiaries in self and wage employment.

Labour Migration
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Labour Migration

The ILO in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is assisting the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of labour and Social Services to improve and increase availability of statistics and data on labour migration through the establishment of a Labour Migration Centre (LMC) in the border town of Beitbridge.

Spotlight Initiative in Zimbabwe
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Spotlight Initiative in Zimbabwe

The Spotlight Initiative is a global partnership to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and being implemented by UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA, UNESCO, UNICEF and the ILO in Zimbabwe. The programme is an integrated package of interventions across six (6) pillars which are: 1) legislative and policy frameworks; 2) institutional strengthening; 3) prevention and social norms; 4) delivery of quality essential services; 5) data availability and capacities and 6) supporting the women’s movement. The ILO’s contribution spreads across Pillars 3, 4, and 6 and is multi-pronged, drawing on lessons from its international labour standard focussed on ending violence and harassment in the world of work and promoting women economic empowerment as both a preventive and mitigatory measure to reduce GBV targeting survivors of GBV, PLHIV, women with disabilities, and women in extreme poverty . The Spotlight Initiative is funded by the EU.

UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality (JPGE)
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UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality (JPGE)

This project is a component decentralised to the ILO through the Country Office for Zimbabwe (CO-Harare) under the United Nations of the Joint Programme on Gender Equality (JPGE). The JPGE addresses four priorities that were identified through a multi-sectoral consultative process that included government, workers’ and employers’ organizations. The four priorities have been structured around four pillars of: (1) promoting women’s security and combating gender-based violence; (2) women’s political participation and influence; (3) women’s economic empowerment and working conditions; and, (4) national accountability on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

HIV/AIDS Prevention and Impact Mitigation in the World of Work in sub-Saharan Africa
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HIV/AIDS Prevention and Impact Mitigation in the World of Work in sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has remained the epicentre of the AIDS pandemic, with 22.4 million people living with HIV and with 67 percent of new infections worldwide. From a sub-regional perspective, Southern Africa, where this programme is primarily implemented, is the area most deeply affected by the epidemic. Several factors have contributed to the spread of HIV in the region and these are compounded by prevailing poverty and various forms of inequality.

Green enterPRIZE Innovation & Development in Zimbabwe
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Green enterPRIZE Innovation & Development in Zimbabwe

The proposed project seeks to contribute to solving a series of inter-related development problems, such as high levels of youth employment, low levels of formal and growth oriented entrepreneurship and unsustainable production processes of SMEs in Zimbabwe. The causes of these problems stem from, among other things, historical gender inequality where women, and especially young women, do not have access to equal technical skills and entrepreneurship development opportunities. In addition, the current education system does not produce work ready graduates and neither graduates with entrepreneurial skills and competencies, which results in both young men and women struggling to find employment as well as struggling to start their own businesses.

Child Labour
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Child Labour

The initiative seeks to assist the Government of Zimbabwe to meet its obligations as required under the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No.182), ratified by Zimbabwe on 11 December 2000. With regard to child labour, there is a strong commitment among key stakeholders in Zimbabwe that there is an urgent need to progressively reduce incidences of child labour, protect working children and to work toward the immediate elimination of the worst forms of child labour by adopting a holistic approach.

Employment Promotion and Labour Market Governance (EPLMG) Project
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Employment Promotion and Labour Market Governance (EPLMG) Project

The Employment Promotion and Labour Market Governance Programme is a partnership of the Government of Zimbabwe, Employers’ Confederation of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. It is contributing to the implementation of the Zimbabwe Decent Work Country Programme, focusing on two priority areas: supporting employment promotion through the formulation of a comprehensive national employment policy as well as mainstreaming employment targets into policies and programmes; and contributing to strengthening social dialogue Institutions through building capacities of social partners to engage in bipartite and tripartite dialogue. The overall aim of the programme is to contribute to the country’s efforts to achieve SDG 8 targets. It is an RBSA funded initiative.

A Systemic Approach to Decent Work and Labour Rights in Southern Africas Construction Sector
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A Systemic Approach to Decent Work and Labour Rights in Southern Africas Construction Sector

Building a pathway to improved working conditions for youth and the working poor

Skills for Youth Employment and Rural Development in Western and Southern Africa
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Skills for Youth Employment and Rural Development in Western and Southern Africa

The Skills for Youth Employment and Rural Development Programme is a 5 year partnership between the ILO and the Danish Africa Commission which is supporting the social partners in Zimbabwe (Benin and Burkina Faso) - government, trade unions, employers and civil society organizations - to address the challenges of youth employment and rural development. The development objective of the ILO Skills Programme is to strengthen skills development systems that improve employability, promote access to employment opportunities and increase incomes for inclusive and sustainable growth.