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Supporting migrant returnees and communities in vulnerable situations to uplift their livelihoods, enhance their skills and promote safe and regular migration (UPLIFT)
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Supporting migrant returnees and communities in vulnerable situations to uplift their livelihoods, enhance their skills and promote safe and regular migration (UPLIFT)

This project aims at contributing to the sustainable socioeconomic reintegration and uplifting of skills/livelihood of returnees, aspirant migrant workers and victims of human trafficking

Promoting Advancement of Vulnerable Persons and Enterprises (PAVE) Project
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Promoting Advancement of Vulnerable Persons and Enterprises (PAVE) Project

The PAVE project builds on the ILO’s project Local Empowerment through Economic Development (LEED+) Project, which was supported by the Government of Norway and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The LEED+ project successfully used market systems to promote sustainable improvements in livelihoods.

Development of social insurance-based unemployment insurance scheme in Sri Lanka
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Development of social insurance-based unemployment insurance scheme in Sri Lanka

This project aims to providing assistance through effective and efficient unemployment protection mechanisms including unemployment insurance through effective tripartite social dialogue

Healthy Socio-economic Recovery of Informal Sector Micro and Small Enterprises in Severely COVID-19 Impacted Districts of Sri Lanka
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Informal sector

Healthy Socio-economic Recovery of Informal Sector Micro and Small Enterprises in Severely COVID-19 Impacted Districts of Sri Lanka

Healthy socio-economic recovery of apparel sector Micro and Small Enterprises in severely COVID-19 impacted Gampaha District of Sri Lanka
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Healthy socio-economic recovery of apparel sector Micro and Small Enterprises in severely COVID-19 impacted Gampaha District of Sri Lanka

This project aims at contributing towards the healthy socio-economic recovery of apparel sector Micro and Small Enterprises. It is implemented in Gampaha district that has been hardest hit by the pandemic both in terms of the health crisis and socio-economically. Gampaha hosts a large number of MSEs in the informal economy struggling to survive and build back from COVID19.

South Asia Leadership in Entrepreneurship (SALE – Sri Lanka)
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South Asia Leadership in Entrepreneurship (SALE – Sri Lanka)

This sub-regional project promotes entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka and Nepal as a desirable career option for youth, with the support of the US Department of State.

Supporting the Socio-economic Reintegration of Sri Lankan Migrant Workers Repatriated due to the COVID-19 Outbreak (IOM-ILO collaboration)
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Supporting the Socio-economic Reintegration of Sri Lankan Migrant Workers Repatriated due to the COVID-19 Outbreak (IOM-ILO collaboration)

This project aims at contributing towards sustainable reintegration of Sri Lankan migrant workers. The project has been designed with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in alignment with the National COVID-19 Response Plan for Migrant Workers, and the Sub Policy and National Action Plan on Return and Reintegration of Migrant Workers (2015). It is also broadly linked to the UN Advisory Note on COVID-19 Socioeconomic Response (July 2020) and the UN Sustainable Development Framework (under Human Security and Socioeconomic Resilience)

Promoting Decent Work through Good Governance, Protection and Empowerment of Migrant Workers
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Migrant workers

Promoting Decent Work through Good Governance, Protection and Empowerment of Migrant Workers

Supported by the Government of Switzerland, this programme aims at ensuring an effective implementation of the Sri Lanka National Labour Migration Policy- Phase IV while promoting decent work through good governance, protection and empowerment of migrant workers.

Safety + Health for All Workers in South Asia
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Safety + Health for All Workers in South Asia

Safety + Health for All Plantation Workers in South Asia: Sri Lanka Component
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Safety + Health for All Plantation Workers in South Asia: Sri Lanka Component

The ILO/Japan project on “<a href="/newdelhi/whatwedo/projects/osh-plantation-workers/lang--en/index.htm">Safety + Health for All Plantation Workers in South Asia</a>” is being implemented in the framework of the ILO’s Flagship programme “Safety + Health for All”. The project will contribute towards improving the safety and health of workers in plantation sector in South Asia (India, Nepal, Sri Lanka). This page describes the Sri Lanka component under the project.

Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management
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Social protection

Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management

This project aims to support the Government of Sri Lanka in extending social protection coverage to workers, both men and women, in the tourism sector.

Skilling Sri Lankan Migrant Workers affected by COVID-19 for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
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Skilling Sri Lankan Migrant Workers affected by COVID-19 for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

This project aims to increase capacity of the ILO constituents to identify current skills mismatches and anticipate future skills needs; to design and deliver innovative, flexible and inclusive learning options encompassing work-based learning and quality apprenticeships; and to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and sustainable enterprises, with a focus on enhancing the employability of returned and aspirant migrant workers

Building Sri Lanka’s national and enterprise-level dispute resolution system back better during COVID-19
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Building Sri Lanka’s national and enterprise-level dispute resolution system back better during COVID-19

This project aims to strengthening social dialogue and labour relations, laws, processes and institutions and to improve international standards

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)
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Labour migration

Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)

GOALS project is aimed at ensuring labour migration is safe, orderly and regular for all women and men from Colombo Process Member States through strengthened collaboration and effective migration governance.

Healthy Socio-Economic Recovery of the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector of Sri Lanka (COVID-19)
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Healthy Socio-Economic Recovery of the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector of Sri Lanka (COVID-19)

Support for Micro and Small enterprises for healthy socio-economic recovery when they start the business under the COVID 19 pandemic

Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Sri Lanka
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Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Sri Lanka

Supported by the Government of Sweden, this programme aims to promote decent work for domestic workers through advocacy to bring domestic workers within the ambit of national labour laws, promote ratification of C189, and to strengthen organisation of domestic workers

Working for Health in Sri Lanka Project: Phase II
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Working for Health in Sri Lanka Project: Phase II

Working for Health is a joint collaboration between the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Measurement, Awareness Raising, and Policy Engagement (MAP16) Project
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Measurement, Awareness Raising, and Policy Engagement (MAP16) Project

The project contributes to the promotion of decent work in Sri Lanka by supporting prevention measures and addressing child labour and its worst forms through new, fit for purpose, targeted approaches.

Towards Fair and Sustainable Global Supply Chains: Promoting Decent Work for Invisible Workers in South Asia – Sri Lanka
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Informal economy

Towards Fair and Sustainable Global Supply Chains: Promoting Decent Work for Invisible Workers in South Asia – Sri Lanka

The ILO/Japan project “Towards fair and sustainable global supply chains: Promoting formalization and decent work for invisible workers in South Asia” (Sustainable Global Supply Chains in South Asia) aims to contribute to the development of ethical and sustainable global supply chains.

Support to Resettlement and Reconciliation through the United Nations Joint Programme for Peace (SURAR)
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Support to Resettlement and Reconciliation through the United Nations Joint Programme for Peace (SURAR)

This project aims to providing timely and strategically focused assistance towards two peacebuilding priorities that tackle core grievances of the minority Tamil community. The interventions contribute towards securing and sustaining the peacebuilding process, through helping to build trust and confidence amongst the Tamil community in the direction in which the country is moving