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Improving accessibility and effectiveness of grievance mechanisms for workers in Serbian enterprises in supply chains of EU-based companies
The project will contribute to enhanced access to efficient grievance mechanisms for workers in target industries, thus improving sound collective labour relations. This will be achieved through creating evidence for informed reforms, capacity building and knowledge transfer, and awareness raising of all actors in the grievance process.
Access to grievance mechanisms for workers in selected industries in Serbia
The ILO and the GIZ will work together in order to provide workers in the automotive, electrical and textile industry in Serbia with better access to grievance mechanisms, including amicable settlement of labour disputes. The project will also aim at training compliance officers in these industries, with a goal of increased awareness of and reliance on grievance mechanisms.
Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world: COVID-19 and beyond
The Future of Work in Information and Communication Technology
ESF/XENOS-Project "Berlin Alliance against Human Trafficking into Labour Exploitation"
Joint project between the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Work and Social Issues (SenIAS)
Going back – Moving on: Economic and Social Empowerment of Migrants including victims of trafficking returned from the EU and neighbouring countries
In many European countries, Thai and Filipino women are among the largest group of women migrant workers. They are heavily concentrated in the services sector, as waitresses in restaurants, and in entertainment venues, (including sex-establishments) and as domestic workers. Given their occupational profile and the irregularity of their employment status, it is not surprising that many Filipino and Thai migrant workers, especially women, have experienced some of the worst forms of exploitation in Europe.
Labour Market Inventory Projects
Inventory of Labour Market Policy Measures in the EU 2008-13
The second inventory analyses how member states of the European Union have responded to the dramatic impact of the financial crisis of 2007/08 on their labour markets, and investigates to what extent those policies were successful in mitigating that negative impact. It is the result of the collaboration between the ILO and the European Commission and was completed in December of 2015.
ILO’s support to refugees and host communities in Turkey