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Safety + Health for All in Maghreb countries: Promoting a safe and healthy working environment for workers in vulnerable situations such as young workers and women
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Safety + Health for All in Maghreb countries: Promoting a safe and healthy working environment for workers in vulnerable situations such as young workers and women

The project, funded by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion), aims at improving the safety and health of workers in vulnerable conditions in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') Phase II
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Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') Phase II

Funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), the ADWA’ project works at the policy level in order to support evidence-based decisions on key dimensions of the Decent Work Agenda.

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region
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Social Protection

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region

Creating space for dialogue between agencies and governments in the Middle East and North Africa is critical to identify options for the expansion of social protection for agricultural workers in the region.

The social dimension of the ecological transition
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The social dimension of the ecological transition

Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean
International trade Port at Oakland, California 2016

METI Project

Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean

ProAgro Morocco – ‘Promotion of Decent Work in Agribusiness’ Project
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ProAgro Morocco – ‘Promotion of Decent Work in Agribusiness’ Project

The FAIRWAY Programme
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The FAIRWAY Programme

© Photo: Leila Alaoui / ILO, Design: Alexandros Chatzipanagiotou / ILO The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa (THAMM)
A veiled woman writing on a white board.

Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa (THAMM)

This Project is a sub-regional project funded by the European Union through the “Emergency Trust Fund for Stability and Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Migration and Displaced Persons in Africa” and the German Federal Ministry for Development (BMZ). It is implemented under two separate contracts, one concerning the ILO and IOM funded by the European Union and one concerning GIZ funded by the EU and BMZ.

Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA')
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Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA')

Funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), the ADWA’ project works at the policy-making level in order to support evidence- based decisions on key dimensions of the Decent Work Agenda.

Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') - Pilot Phase
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Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') - Pilot Phase

This project takes an innovative but informed and measured take at improving policy design, monitoring and evaluation for decent work in North Africa.

MAP16 Project: Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour
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MAP16 Project: Measurement, awareness-raising and policy engagement to accelerate action against child labour and forced labour

Improving the governance of labour migration and the protection of migrant workers’ rights in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Egypt
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Improving the governance of labour migration and the protection of migrant workers’ rights in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Egypt

In the North Africa region, unemployment, underemployment, informality of employment and decent work deficits triggered the social unrest leading to the 2011 revolutions and contributed to the ongoing political transformation processes.

Promoting Good Labour Market Governance and Fundamental Rights at Work in Morocco - Project
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Freedom of association

Promoting Good Labour Market Governance and Fundamental Rights at Work in Morocco - Project

Promoting the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work through Social Dialogue and Gender Equality in Morocco
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Promoting the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work through Social Dialogue and Gender Equality in Morocco

The project will reinforce the institutionalization of social dialogue in Morocco. An Economic and Social Council (ESC) was established for the first time to support the dialogue between social partners and civil society organizations.

Promoting Good Labour Market Governance and Fundamental Rights at Work in Morocco
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Promoting Good Labour Market Governance and Fundamental Rights at Work in Morocco

This project aims to support government and social partners' organizations in developing social dialogue in the country for greater promotion and implementation of fundamental rights at work.

Promoting Productive and Decent work for Youth in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania
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Promoting Productive and Decent work for Youth in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania

This project aims to improve the efficiency of youth employment policies and programmes at the region level.

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
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Child labour: GAP 11

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project

Expanding the evidence base and reinforcing policy research for scaling-up and accelerating action against child labour Project
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Child labour

Expanding the evidence base and reinforcing policy research for scaling-up and accelerating action against child labour Project

Project for a Rational and Sustainable Development of the Fishing Sector
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Project for a Rational and Sustainable Development of the Fishing Sector

Promoting equal employment opportunities at the workplace in Morocco
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Promoting equal employment opportunities at the workplace in Morocco

Through the Middle East Partnership Initiative, this pilot program was aimed at promoting employment equality at the workplace in Morocco based on a bottom-up approach.