All projects in country
Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world: COVID-19 and beyond
Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa
Digitalization, the future of work and the teaching profession
Assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination (ECLM)
The project assesses the economic importance of labour immigration in a significant number of developing countries where immigrants represent a large share of the workforce in key economic sectors.
Global: Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Promoting the right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining - Project
Implementing innovations in social protection
This programme will model innovations in social protection programming to inform the development, design, targeting, and management of nationally owned solutions for reducing poverty and vulnerability and building resilient livelihoods.
Child labour: GAP 11
Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
Cooperative Facility for Africa - CoopAfrica
The Cooperative Facility for Africa - CoopAfrica is a technical cooperation programme of the ILO, under DFID funding. From its office in Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania), CoopAfrica covers 9 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. CoopAfrica assists cooperatives to improve their governance, efficiency and performance in order to strengthen their capacity to create jobs, access markets, generate income, reduce poverty, provide social protection and give people a voice in society.
Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) and a Project on Promotion of Decent Work in the country’s Informal Economy launched in Rwanda
DWCP Priorities include promoting employment social protection for all, social dialogue and rights at work
Exploring public options for health insurance and health services provision for refugees