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Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work
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Decent work in global supply chains

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

The project supports an inclusive and sustainable future of work in three supply chains of importance to the European Union to achieve full and productive employment and decent work.

Supply chains for a Sustainable Future of Work – Project linked to Fisheries in Namibia
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Supply chains for a Sustainable Future of Work – Project linked to Fisheries in Namibia

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better
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Decent work in global supply chains

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

Advancing decent work in five global supply chains of key importance to the European Union for a fair, resilient, and sustainable COVID-19 crisis recovery

Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa
Crops being harvested by machine


Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa

Strengthening Public Employment Services in English Speaking Africa
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Labour Market Services for Transition Unit(EMPLAB/SERVICES)

Strengthening Public Employment Services in English Speaking Africa

Supported by the Republic of Korea, the Employment Policy Department’s - Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch (EMPLAB) - of ILO is implementing the project to support strengthening the PES in English speaking Sub-Saharan Africa through upgrading the job portal system and building the capacities of public officials in Namibia and Malawi. The third component involves carrying out a global study to investigate how the use of technology in PES is helping improve service delivery to clients. This project is implemented in line with the Centenary Declaration and the Future of Work Report, which recommend an increase of investment in PES and to optimise digitalisation.

Namibia: Job creation in the green economy
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Namibia: Job creation in the green economy

Namibia conducts a green jobs assessment to inform and prioritize development plans and policy interventions.

ILO/Norwegian partnership on labour inspection
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ILO/Norwegian partnership on labour inspection

On 5 December 2011 Norway and the ILO signed a new Partnership Cooperation Agreement. This agreement provides financial support for a range of technical areas under the ILO’s mandate, including labour inspection. The projects’ goal is to assist countries strengthen and modernise their labour inspection services for more effectiveness and impact. This includes promoting a balanced approach between labour law enforcement and compliance and in so doing, improving cooperation between labour inspectorates, workers’ and employers’ organizations and other relevant institutional partners.

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
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Child labour: GAP 11

Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project