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Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations
This programme is implemented in the context of an increasing demand on companies to respect human rights and labour rights in their operations, and to promote respect for such rights in their supply chains, including by conducting due diligence.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Thailand
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of national and multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Thailand is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in the vehicle parts industry and the meat, fruit and vegetable sectors of the agriculture industry. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
Multinational enterprises and social policy, EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Philippines
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Philippines is working to promote respect for human rights and labour and environmental standards in agricultural export supply chains. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Myanmar
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Myanmar is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in the seafood and agricultural export industries.
EU, ILO, OECD Project
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - Viet Nam
The Responsible Supply Chains in Asia programme aims to promote responsible business practices into the operations of multinational companies and their supply chains. Active in six Asian countries, the programme in the Vietnam is working to enhance respect for labour rights and environmental standards among multinational enterprises with supply chains in wood processing and seafood/aquaculture industries. This project is co-funded by the European Union and the ILO under the EU’s Partnership Instrument.
Supporting the definition and extension of a social protection floor (SPF) in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands
The project aims to support Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to develop progressively comprehensive social protection systems. The Social Protection Floor (SPF) Recommendation provides guidance to member countries in building nationally defined social protection floors which aim at providing health care and minimum income security throughout the life cycle.
Way Out of Informality: Facilitating Formalization of the Informal Economy in South Asia
The project aims to facilitate the formalization of some selected sectors in the informal economy and support the discouragement of informalisation of jobs and enterprises in the formal economy.
ILO/Japan Cross-border Movement of Labour Project
n 2007, the project has been implementing its programme of activities taking into consideration the decent work country programmes and the regional plan of actions for labour migration.
Japanese Technical Officers Programme
Since 2003 this programme has organized the secondment of young professionals to ILO offices across Asia and the Pacific for one year assignments.
Partnership with Tokyo 2020
On 26 April 2018, the ILO and Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020) signed a partnership agreement aimed at promoting sustainability through the Tokyo 2020 Games.