All projects in country
Enabling Sectoral Pathways towards Formality for Vulnerable Workers, and Enterprises in Nepal’s Informal Economy
This intervention aims to strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of tripartite constituents in Nepal to address vulnerabilities of workers and economic units in the informal economy in the agriculture, transport, and construction sectors and ultimately facilitate their transition to formality.
Womens' empowerment
Empowered Women Prosperous Nepal (UNJP)
The Joint EU and UN programme, Empowered Women, Prosperous Nepal will contribute to the full realization of human rights and agency of Nepalese women, girls and people of diverse genders.
The Bridge Project – Phase II
From Protocol to Practice: A Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labor, Phase II (Bridge II)
The Bridge Project’s phase II aims to improve global, regional, and country-level capacity to eliminate forced labour, building on the accomplishments and lessons learned from the first phase.
Informal economy
Building resilience for the future of work and the post COVID19: Promoting rights and social inclusion through organization and formalization (PRS) Phase II
The project aims to contribute to the reduction of decent work deficits and gender inequalities in the informal economy and promote the transition to the formal economy in Nepal, India and Pakistan.
Building resilience for the future of work and the post COVID-19: Promoting rights and social inclusion through organization and formalization (PRS) - Phase II Nepal
Enhancing skills of women and workers informal economy, harnessing the potential of green transition: Towards human-centered recovery from COVID-19
The project focuses on skills development of women, returnee migrants and workers in informal economy through work-based learning approach and active engagement of employer’s organizations.
Safety + Health for All Workers in South Asia
Safety + Health for All Workers in South Asia: Nepal Component
The ILO/Japan project on <a href="/newdelhi/whatwedo/projects/osh-plantation-workers/lang--en/index.htm">“Safety + Health for All Workers in South Asia”</a> is being implemented in the framework of the ILO’s Flagship programme “Safety + Health for All”. The project will contribute towards improving the safety and health of workers in plantation sector in South Asia (India, Nepal, Sri Lanka). This page describes the Nepal component under the project.
Labour migration
Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS)
GOALS project is aimed at ensuring labour migration is safe, orderly and regular for all women and men from Colombo Process Member States through strengthened collaboration and effective migration governance.
Protecting workers in the workplace
Strengthening Action against Violence and Harassment with Focus on Sexual Harassment in the World of Work in Nepal
Funded by the Government of Japan, the project aims to promote violence and harassment free workplace in the world of work in Nepal in line with ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190).
Immediate UN Response for coherent safeguarding the livelihoods of people made most vulnerable by COVID-19 in Nepal
The project is funded by the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund (COVID-19 MPTF or the Fund) and contributes to government’s early recovery efforts.
Social protection
Enhancing Social Protection System: Towards Investments for Results in Nepal
The project is part of the European Union’s global Action on improving synergies between social protection and public finance management (PFM), jointly implemented by the ILO, UNICEF and the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors (GCSPF), represented in Nepal by We Social Movements (WSM).
Child labour
Asia Regional Child Labour Programme - Nepal
The Asia Regional Child Labour Programme (ARC) aims to reduce vulnerability to child labour and enhance protection of children from exploitation in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Pakistan to contribute to the eradication of child labour, particularly its worst forms.
Asia Regional Child Labour Programme (ARC)
The Asia Regional Child Labour Programme (ARC) aims to reduce vulnerability to child labour and enhance protection of children from exploitation in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Pakistan to contribute to the eradication of child labour, particularly its worst forms.
Sustainable enterprises through MSMEs
Constituents and stakeholders, provincial, and local levels have promoted more and better jobs, especially for young women, men and disadvantaged groups
The project focuses on addressing the constraints related to growth, job creation and fostering small and medium enterprises through specific policy, supporting institutions, capacity building, specific financial products, information and technology and improving labour relations.
FAIR Programme - Phase II
Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR) Phase II
This global project seeks to contribute to the promotion of fair recruitment practices globally and across specific migration corridors in North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Target countries include Hong Kong SAR, Jordan, Nepal, the Philippines, Tunisia and Qatar.
Fair recruitment
Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR) - Phase II - Nepal
The project aims to contribute to the promotion of fair recruitment practices across specific migration corridors.
Migrant workers
Migrants Rights and Decent Work Project (MiRiDeW)
The project focuses on strengthening service delivery capacity of diplomatic missions in major destination countries; supporting Government of Nepal to be prepared and positioned better in regional and global migration related fora and reflect back its commitments; and promote new destinations or sectors in existing destinations for low-skilled Nepalese workers.
Work in Freedom, Phase II - Fair recruitment and decent work for women migrant workers in South Asia and the Middle East
The Work in Freedom is an integrated programme to support mobility by choice among women and girls from countries of origin (India, Bangladesh and Nepal) to decent jobs with safety and dignity of workers in destination countries (India, Lebanon and Jordan) through fair recruitment processes.
Women migrant workers
ILO-FCDO Partnership Programme on Fair Recruitment and Decent Work for Women Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East – Phase II (Nepal)
The Work in Freedom is an integrated programme to support mobility by choice among women and girls from destination countries (India, Bangladesh and Nepal) to decent jobs with safety and dignity of workers in destination countries (India, Lebanon, Jordan, Oman and Kuwait) through fair recruitment processes.