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Climate adaptation and insurance in the Pacific
Informal Economy
Empowerment of rural informal workers through advocacy, skills development and outreach
This project is funded by the ILO-Japan Social Safety Net (SSN) fund and managed by the ILO’s Bureau of Workers Activities (ACTRAV) and delivered through CO-Suva in collaboration with the Fiji Trades Union Congress (FTUC) and Papua New Guinea Trades Union Congress (PNGTUC).
Labour migration
Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security – Phase II
The Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) Phase II programme builds upon the outcomes of the Phase I programme, while drawing on its lessons learned and experiences.
International labour standards
Promoting Implementation of ILO Standards in Pacific Island Countries
The project funded by the Australian Government - Attorney-General's Department 'Promoting Implementation of ILO Standards in Pacific Island Countries (PICs)’ objective is to build capacity, knowledge and consensus on how to implement International Labour Standards (ILS) in the region to address some of the key development and labour market challenges.
International Labour Standards
Labour Standards on Fishing Vessels
This project, funded by the Government of New Zealand, will support Pacific Island Countries to address the issue of poor working conditions, labour rights violations and human trafficking on fishing vessels in the Pacific and contribute to making employment on fishing vessels in the region safe, decent and worthwhile.
Implementing Occupational Safety and Health Legislation in Papua New Guinea
This project specifically focuses on further building the national capacities to implement OSH legislation. This work is a continuation of the ILO’s commitment to providing technical support for labour law reform and its implementation in PNG.
Labour market
Improving the Performance of Labour Markets in the Pacific
The objective of the joint ADB/ILO collaboration under the Technical Assistance (TA) is to support labour market policies and programmes in participating Pacific Island countries (Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea) that are more evidence-based, collaboratively determined and gender focused.
Global Jobs Pact Framework for Labour Governance and Migration – Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
The project will result in at least 500 migrant workers from Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tuvalu and Vanuatu receiving effective re integration services, based on identified needs, to support their economic reintegration.
Strengthening Capacity to Implement Australia's Seasonal Worker Program in Papua New Guinea and Nauru
Seasonal migration schemes, currently in place between selected Pacific Island countries and Australia and New Zealand respectively, are a valuable opportunity for Pacific Island countries to address unemployment, improve skills development amongst their citizens and stimulate growth through remitted earnings. Given that the schemes target unskilled workers, these programs have the potential to achieve developmental impacts for both workers and the communities and provinces they come from. Papua New Guinea and Nauru, as more recent entrants to the Australian Seasonal Worker Program, face various challenges in ensuring that institutions are in place to market, prepare and reintegrate seasonal workers. This project was aimed at addressing these challenges, helping to ensure that workers are prepared and protected to participate in seasonal migration, and improve management and visibility of the schemes so that employers are more likely to engage workers in future.
Building Trade Union Capacity in Papua New Guinea
A project to organise workers in the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Liquefied Natural Gas Supply Chain
Pacific Growth and Employment Project
The project supports industry led action plans that enhance economic growth, deliver skills development and employment opportunities for youth, and sustainable and decent jobs for local workers.
Pacific Enable
The “Pacific Enable” project is the product of a joint UN collaboration between ILO, UNICEF, WHO, UNESCAP, UNV, the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). The two-year initiative (2013-2014), with funding provided by the United Nations Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) and targets persons with disabilities in Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Cook Islands.
Pacific Island Work Places Combating HIV/AIDS
The overall objective of this project is to develop policies and programmes to protect workers against HIV related discrimination, develop comprehensive prevention programmes at the enterprise level and ensure awareness and uptake of available services for HIV testing, treatment, care and support.
Labour Governance & Migration
This multi-country technical cooperation project has two main components: strengthening labour market governance and improving the development impact of labour migration.
Social safety nets
ILO/Japan Fund for Building Social Safety Nets in Asia and the Pacific (SSN Fund)
The SSN Fund aims to broaden the use of social safety nets through a wide range of projects to extend existing social security systems, promote occupational safety and health (OSH), develop human resources, strengthen labour inspection, eliminate forced labour and foster entrepreneurship. The Fund also responds to natural disasters by implementing crisis response activities in the affected areas to support disaster recovery.
Child labour and education
Tackling child labour through education in African, Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) States (TACKLE) Project