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“Partnerships for Youth Employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States”
The technical cooperation project, financially supported by the PJSC LUKOIL and implemented by the ILO, seeks to improve the effectiveness of youth employment policies and programmes in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan to establish a framework for regional cooperation and knowledge sharing on youth employment.
Decent Work Country Programme
Decent Work Country Programme of the Republic of Azerbaijan 2016 - 2020
Decent work for all has increasingly been made a key objective for the Government's efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the ILO will provide support to Azerbaijan to implement the 2030 Agenda. This will be addressed in line with comprehensive employment policy of the Government.
Child labour: GAP 11
Global Action Programme (GAP) on Child Labour Issues Project
Promoting gender equality and non-discrimination in Azerbaijan
During 2011, the ILO undertook work in Azerbaijan as a follow up to two in-depth ILO studies on discrimination and gender which were commissioned in 2009-2010. The findings of these two studies confirmed the need for continued legislative reform, especially to prevent discrimination based on sex in Azerbaijan. The studies pointed to a need for awareness on the part of workers and employers on relevant legal norms. In May 2011, constituents validated these studies and agreed on the way forward to implement the recommendations emanating from them that will ultimately lead to establish new or modify laws, policies, action plans and/or programmes to be adopted and brought into line with international standards on non-discrimination, as well as implement an awareness raising strategy on non-discrimination. Two crucial activities have been undertaken to date: 1) an in-depth review of the labour code, and 2) translation into Azeri of the equal pay guide on gender neutral job evaluations.
Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - Second Phase
The project seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through capacity building and provision of protection and assistance to actual and potential victims.
Development of a comprehensive anti-trafficking response in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
The project seeks to contribute to the progressive reduction of trafficking in human beings in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through capacity building and empowerment of actual and potential victims.
Boosting Youth Employment is using an integrated approach and this in the framework of the Decent Work Country Programmes developed for Azerbaijan" (2007-2010) and Kyrgyzstan (2006-2009)
Partnerships for youth employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States (YEP CIS)
Good Practice
ILO Evaluation Summaries - Page 1 Partnerships for Youth Employment in the CIS– Final evaluation
Career guidance videos
Partnerships for Youth Employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States
Project brief
Career guidance videos