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Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa
Crops being harvested by machine


Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa

Empowering Networks and Activation for Building Long-term Employment (ENABLE)
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Empowering Networks and Activation for Building Long-term Employment (ENABLE)

The programme, funded by the European Union (EU), focuses on providing livelihoods opportunities to enhance the economic capacity of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities residing in targeted areas in Lebanon. It will provide integrated employment services and short‐term employment opportunities in infrastructure construction/rehabilitation projects, while increasing linkages between social protection and employment activation.

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan – Phase II
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan – Phase II

Towards a more inclusive economy through immediate job generation and enterprise development for vulnerable refugee and host communities in Jordan.

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan

The Project is the second phase of an Italian funded EIIP project, which aims to enhance green economic opportunities for some of Jordan’s most vulnerable workers in vulnerable host communities in Irbid and Mafraq governorates through immediate short-term job creation, on-the-job training and home-based business development support.