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Promoting Decent Work For Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens
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Promoting Decent Work For Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens

JEUN’ESS: Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy and Creation of Decent Jobs for Tunisian Youth
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JEUN’ESS: Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy and Creation of Decent Jobs for Tunisian Youth

The JEUN’ESS project aims to create decent jobs for young people in disadvantaged areas and support the transition to the formal economy through the promotion of the social and solidarity economy (SSE). The project proposes an approach based on the promotion and strengthening of collective entrepreneurship through SSE organizations and mechanisms.

Improved Workers' Rights in Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a Focus on Women
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Workers' rights in rural sectors

Improved Workers' Rights in Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific with a Focus on Women

This ILO project, funded by the US Department of Labor (US DOL), aims to improve the promotion and compliance to labour laws, occupational safety and health, and gender equality in the rural sectors in the Philippines and Indonesia, with a focus on women workers.

Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia
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Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia

Advancing social protection in Cambodia extends social protection coverage and quality of provisions by improving operational capabilities of social protection institutions and the adaptability of existing schemes to the characteristics and needs of those working in the informal sector and the vulnerable. The project is a joint collaboration between ILO, UNICEF and the EU Delegation in Cambodia over a 4 years’ time frame.

Promoting Sustainable Enterprises in India (PSEI)
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Promoting Sustainable Enterprises in India (PSEI)

The overall objective of the project is to support Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in India to sustainably integrate in global supply chain in alignment to Decent Work (DW) agenda, and generate more and better quality jobs.

Supporting the transition of informal enterprises towards sustainable growth and formalization
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Supporting the transition of informal enterprises towards sustainable growth and formalization

Building resilience for the future of work and the post COVID-19: Promoting rights and social inclusion through organization and formalization (PRS) - Phase II Nepal
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Building resilience for the future of work and the post COVID-19: Promoting rights and social inclusion through organization and formalization (PRS) - Phase II Nepal

Innovative Solutions for Formalization in Latin America and the Caribbean (FORMALIZATION)
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Innovative Solutions for Formalization in Latin America and the Caribbean (FORMALIZATION)

The project "Innovative Solutions for Formalization in Latin America and the Caribbean" (FORMALIZATION), financed by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO), aims to promote the design and implementation of comprehensive strategies based on innovative and effective solutions to facilitate the transition from the informal to the formal economy in Latin America and the Caribbean countries.

Skills Development for Increased Employability Programme
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Skills Development for Increased Employability Programme

The four-year Skills Development for Increased Employability Programme (SDEP), launched in 2023, strengthens the relevance, quality and governance of the TEVET system, and encourages greater participation of the private sector in skills development initiatives that respond to the needs of industry, in a greener economy. Funded through a partnership agreement with the European Union (EU), the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Zambia is working to support the Government and private actors to focus on the governance and management structures of Zambia’s Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) system and to support the upgrading and maintenance of training facilities and curriculum development. Private sector involvement plays an important role in updating curricula and for the promotion of Work Based Learning (WBL) interventions. The overall objective is to contribute towards improving employability of the labour force for both women and men in Zambia and supporting the TEVET system towards producing relevant skills that match the needs of the industry by the year 2026.

Promoting the Transition to Formalization through Integrated Approaches in Cambodia
A huge crowd of Cambodian garment workers leave the factory

Promoting the Transition to Formalization through Integrated Approaches in Cambodia

This project aims to support the formalization of jobs and enterprises in Cambodia. The intervention targets workers and enterprises in the informal economy, particularly female workers, and micro and small enterprises in some selected sectors.

Enabling Sectoral Pathways towards Formality for Vulnerable Workers, and Enterprises in Nepal’s Informal Economy
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Enabling Sectoral Pathways towards Formality for Vulnerable Workers, and Enterprises in Nepal’s Informal Economy

This intervention aims to strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of tripartite constituents in Nepal to address vulnerabilities of workers and economic units in the informal economy in the agriculture, transport, and construction sectors and ultimately facilitate their transition to formality.

Fostering the Transition to Formality of Informal Workers and Economic Units in Mongolia
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Fostering the Transition to Formality of Informal Workers and Economic Units in Mongolia

The project is to provide technical support to tripartite constituents to foster the transition to formality of informal workers and economic units in Mongolia through the implementation of an integrated approach to promote policy coherence, utilisation of technologies to access information & ease registration, and the provision of business development services to enhance businesses formalisation.

Empowerment of rural informal workers through advocacy, skills development and outreach
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Informal Economy

Empowerment of rural informal workers through advocacy, skills development and outreach

This project is funded by the ILO-Japan Social Safety Net (SSN) fund and managed by the ILO’s Bureau of Workers Activities (ACTRAV) and delivered through CO-Suva in collaboration with the Fiji Trades Union Congress (FTUC) and Papua New Guinea Trades Union Congress (PNGTUC).