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Supporting Resilience and Social Cohesion with Decent Livelihood Opportunities
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Supporting Resilience and Social Cohesion with Decent Livelihood Opportunities

Supporting Resilient Livelihoods, Food Security and Climate Adaptation in Yemen, Joint Programme (ERRY III)
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Supporting Resilient Livelihoods, Food Security and Climate Adaptation in Yemen, Joint Programme (ERRY III)

Research Partnership for Improved Livelihoods of Jordanian & Syrian Youth
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Research Partnership for Improved Livelihoods of Jordanian & Syrian Youth

Through this research partnership, the ILO aims to support the Government of Jordan and national constituents in responding to the youth employment challenge and supporting dialogue around policies and strategies for improving the livelihoods of young Syrians and Jordanians through evidence-based research and analysis.

Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) and decent employment for women in Yemen
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Employment Intensive Investment Program (EIIP) and decent employment for women in Yemen

Cooperative Support Programme for Palestine (CSP-OPT)
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Cooperative Support Programme for Palestine (CSP-OPT)

The project aims to enhance employment and livelihood opportunities for Palestinian women and men by activating a supportive institutional, regulatory and promotional environment for autonomous and economically self-reliant cooperatives.

Estidama++ Fund – Extension of Coverage and Formalization in Jordan
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Estidama++ Fund – Extension of Coverage and Formalization in Jordan

The Estidama++ Fund supports informal workers by aligning with international labor standards, providing subsidies and rewards, and enhancing social security inclusion for vulnerable workers.

Creating decent job opportunities through applying Employment Intensive Approaches at Cultural Heritage Conservation activities
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Creating decent job opportunities through applying Employment Intensive Approaches at Cultural Heritage Conservation activities

The project aims to safeguard and rehabilitate cultural heritage sites in northern Jordan, through applying Employment Intensive Approaches in heritage sites rehabilitation activities, including clearance, maintenance, consolidation, site development and presentation. Jobs created through this project target both Syrian refugees and Jordanians in the host communities.

Towards a More Inclusive Economy through Immediate Job Generation and Enterprise Development for Vulnerable Refugee and Host Communities in Jordan
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Towards a More Inclusive Economy through Immediate Job Generation and Enterprise Development for Vulnerable Refugee and Host Communities in Jordan

The Project is an Italian funded EIIP project, it aims to enhance economic opportunities for some of Jordan’s most vulnerable workers in vulnerable host communities in Irbid and Mafraq governorates through immediate short-term job creation and home-based business development support

Adopting a Multi-sectoral Approach to Fighting Child Labour and Addressing Multiple Vulnerabilities in two Governorates of Syria
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Adopting a Multi-sectoral Approach to Fighting Child Labour and Addressing Multiple Vulnerabilities in two Governorates of Syria

As Syria’s economy deteriorates, many Syrian families are resorting to negative coping strategies such as sending their children into child labour. The ILO’s multi-sectoral strategy to prevent child labour and address numerous vulnerabilities aims to combat the Worst Forms of Child Labour in two Syrian governorates, by working with present and former child labourers.

Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 in the Syrian workplace
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Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 in the Syrian workplace

The ILO is working to strengthen Syria’s labour inspection system and improve occupational safety and health to reduce the impacts of COVID-19 in the workplace.

The FAIRWAY Programme
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The FAIRWAY Programme

© Photo: Leila Alaoui / ILO, Design: Alexandros Chatzipanagiotou / ILO The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

The FAIRWAY programme
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The FAIRWAY programme

The FAIRWAY Programme is an inter-regional initiative to improve labour migration conditions from Africa to the Arab States, and to protect all vulnerable migrant workers in the Arab States. Over the course of four years, FAIRWAY will contribute to enabling migrant workers to contribute to sustainable development in both countries of origin and destination.

Land and Rights – Paths to Social and Solidarity Economy in Palestine
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Land and Rights – Paths to Social and Solidarity Economy in Palestine

The project aims at contributing to the respect of economic and social rights for the Palestinian population.

Promoting Decent Work For Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens
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Promoting Decent Work For Syrians Under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens

Applying the G20 Training Strategy: A Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation (Phase 2)
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Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation

Applying the G20 Training Strategy: A Partnership of the ILO and the Russian Federation (Phase 2)

The ultimate goal of the project is to strengthen national Skills Development systems, policies and strategies to enhance employment opportunities for both women and men. In particular the Project will address a number of key challenges that the TVET system is currently facing on a policy and institutional level.

Employment through Labour Intensive Infrastructure in Jordan (Phases 1 to 5)
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Employment through Labour Intensive Infrastructure in Jordan (Phases 1 to 5)

This programme has been running since 2016 across northern Jordan with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), through the German Development Bank (KfW). It provides short term employment for Jordanians and Syrians, improve infrastructure and public spaces, and give post-employment opportunities to workers.

Engagement with the construction sector in the Arab States
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Engagement with the construction sector in the Arab States

To build a strong, resilient and fair construction sector across the Arab States, the ILO FAIRWAY project engages with the private sector to support their adherence to international standards and principles.

Migration and Governance Network - MAGNET
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Migration and Governance Network - MAGNET

ILO supports Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen and the Gulf Cooperation Council States to strengthen labour migration governance and combat human trafficking.

Decent Work for Domestic Workers: Advocating Institutional Reform in the Middle East
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Domestic workers

Decent Work for Domestic Workers: Advocating Institutional Reform in the Middle East

This project is an initiative of the Migration and Governance Network - MAGNET. The ILO is working with countries in the Arab States to provide options for reform of national policies and institutions to protect migrant domestic workers rights.

Strengthening Workers’ Organizations in the Arab Countries through social, economic and legal literacy
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Strengthening Workers’ Organizations in the Arab Countries through social, economic and legal literacy

The project develops the capacity of workers’ organizations in the Arab region to participate effectively in policy debates, influence public decisions, and defend workers’ rights and interests.