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Supporting migrant returnees and communities in vulnerable situations to uplift their livelihoods, enhance their skills and promote safe and regular migration (UPLIFT)
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Supporting migrant returnees and communities in vulnerable situations to uplift their livelihoods, enhance their skills and promote safe and regular migration (UPLIFT)

This project aims at contributing to the sustainable socioeconomic reintegration and uplifting of skills/livelihood of returnees, aspirant migrant workers and victims of human trafficking

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work
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Decent work in global supply chains

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

The project supports an inclusive and sustainable future of work in three supply chains of importance to the European Union to achieve full and productive employment and decent work.

Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
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Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition

Promoting the Transition to Formalization through Integrated Approaches in Cambodia
A huge crowd of Cambodian garment workers leave the factory

Promoting the Transition to Formalization through Integrated Approaches in Cambodia

This project aims to support the formalization of jobs and enterprises in Cambodia. The intervention targets workers and enterprises in the informal economy, particularly female workers, and micro and small enterprises in some selected sectors.

Promotion of a Safe and Healthy Working Environment as Fundamental Principle and Right at Work through Application of Fundamental Conventions in Cambodia and Thailand
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Occupational safety and health

Promotion of a Safe and Healthy Working Environment as Fundamental Principle and Right at Work through Application of Fundamental Conventions in Cambodia and Thailand

The project builds on the achievements made by “the ILO/Japan project on Enhancing Occupational Safety and Health Standards in Construction Sector in Cambodia”. The project aims to improve safety and health of workers in Cambodia and Thailand.

Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN
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Employment promotion and South-South cooperation

Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN

The Project seeks to enhance collaboration between China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to promote South-South cooperation among ASEAN Member States in the areas of employment, public employment services, and entrepreneurship development.

Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region
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Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region

Development of social insurance-based unemployment insurance scheme in Sri Lanka
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Development of social insurance-based unemployment insurance scheme in Sri Lanka

This project aims to providing assistance through effective and efficient unemployment protection mechanisms including unemployment insurance through effective tripartite social dialogue

Promoting Advancement of Vulnerable Persons and Enterprises (PAVE) Project
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Promoting Advancement of Vulnerable Persons and Enterprises (PAVE) Project

The PAVE project builds on the ILO’s project Local Empowerment through Economic Development (LEED+) Project, which was supported by the Government of Norway and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The LEED+ project successfully used market systems to promote sustainable improvements in livelihoods.

Setting Adequate Wages (SAW)
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Setting Adequate Wages (SAW)

The Setting of Adequate Wages (SAW) Project is a global project, funded by Netherlands, MOFA. It aims to enable decent living standards and household incomes for workers and their families while at the same time ensuring the sustainability of enterprises which create jobs for these workers.

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains (RISSC) in the Philippines
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Tripartism and social dialogue

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains (RISSC) in the Philippines

Rural Employment Promotion in Lao People's Democratic Republic
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Economic and social development

Rural Employment Promotion in Lao People's Democratic Republic

The project aims to support the Government of Lao People's Democratic Republic as well as the employer’s and worker’s organizations in implementing the National Rural Employment Strategy which provides a comprehensive national framework for the project to link sustainable, decent and productive rural job creation to the long-term national development vision and strategies.

Building Social Protection Floors for All: Support to the Extension of Social Health Protection in Asia
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Social protection

Building Social Protection Floors for All: Support to the Extension of Social Health Protection in Asia

The Project has for overall goal to help more women and men in Asia access adequate social health protection, under the overall umbrella of national strategies toward UHC and the global development agenda including ILO's Flagship Programme on Social Protection Floors.

Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations
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Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations

This programme is implemented in the context of an increasing demand on companies to respect human rights and labour rights in their operations, and to promote respect for such rights in their supply chains, including by conducting due diligence.

ILO in Cox's Bazar
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Skills development

ILO in Cox's Bazar

ILO, UNHCR and BRAC jointly designed this project focusing on the employability and economic resilience of the host communities in Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh.

Healthy socio-economic recovery of apparel sector Micro and Small Enterprises in severely COVID-19 impacted Gampaha District of Sri Lanka
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Healthy socio-economic recovery of apparel sector Micro and Small Enterprises in severely COVID-19 impacted Gampaha District of Sri Lanka

This project aims at contributing towards the healthy socio-economic recovery of apparel sector Micro and Small Enterprises. It is implemented in Gampaha district that has been hardest hit by the pandemic both in terms of the health crisis and socio-economically. Gampaha hosts a large number of MSEs in the informal economy struggling to survive and build back from COVID19.

Healthy Socio-economic Recovery of Informal Sector Micro and Small Enterprises in Severely COVID-19 Impacted Districts of Sri Lanka
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Informal sector

Healthy Socio-economic Recovery of Informal Sector Micro and Small Enterprises in Severely COVID-19 Impacted Districts of Sri Lanka

Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies
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Skills development

Strengthening Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) in ASEAN for better skills and employment policies

The project aims to increase capacity of ASEAN Member States to identify current skills mismatches, anticipate future skills needs and prevailing barriers to access by specific groups, and to generate evidence with a view to inform skills and employment-related policy formulation.

South Asia Leadership in Entrepreneurship (SALE – Sri Lanka)
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South Asia Leadership in Entrepreneurship (SALE – Sri Lanka)

This sub-regional project promotes entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka and Nepal as a desirable career option for youth, with the support of the US Department of State.

Promoting Sustainable Enterprises in India (PSEI)
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Promoting Sustainable Enterprises in India (PSEI)

The overall objective of the project is to support Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in India to sustainably integrate in global supply chain in alignment to Decent Work (DW) agenda, and generate more and better quality jobs.