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Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work
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Decent work in global supply chains

Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work

The project supports an inclusive and sustainable future of work in three supply chains of importance to the European Union to achieve full and productive employment and decent work.

Skills Development for Increased Employability Programme
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Skills Development for Increased Employability Programme

The four-year Skills Development for Increased Employability Programme (SDEP), launched in 2023, strengthens the relevance, quality and governance of the TEVET system, and encourages greater participation of the private sector in skills development initiatives that respond to the needs of industry, in a greener economy. Funded through a partnership agreement with the European Union (EU), the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Zambia is working to support the Government and private actors to focus on the governance and management structures of Zambia’s Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) system and to support the upgrading and maintenance of training facilities and curriculum development. Private sector involvement plays an important role in updating curricula and for the promotion of Work Based Learning (WBL) interventions. The overall objective is to contribute towards improving employability of the labour force for both women and men in Zambia and supporting the TEVET system towards producing relevant skills that match the needs of the industry by the year 2026.

Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Project Phase II
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Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Project Phase II

The BRMM Phase II programme, a three-year prolongation of the BRMM Phase I programme funded by the UK-FCDO is focusing on strengthening the capacities of countries in East and Horn of Africa to govern labour migration by using evidence-based policies, enhancing migrant workers' qualifications and skills, and actively engaging the social partners.

Rehabilitation / Construction of Primary Schools in Response to Cyclones in Madagascar
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Employment-Intensive Investment

Rehabilitation / Construction of Primary Schools in Response to Cyclones in Madagascar

Socio-economic recovery from cyclones Ana and Batsiraï in the Analamanga and Fitovinany regions of Madagascar
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Socio-economic recovery from cyclones Ana and Batsiraï in the Analamanga and Fitovinany regions of Madagascar

Strengthening the socio-economic resilience of local communities affected by cyclones and improving governance for risk management and recovery.

Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') Phase II
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Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa (ADWA') Phase II

Funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), the ADWA’ project works at the policy level in order to support evidence-based decisions on key dimensions of the Decent Work Agenda.

JLMP Lead (Labour, Employment and Mobility actions of the AU-ILO-IOM Programme on Labour Migration Governance for development and integration in Africa)
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JLMP Lead (Labour, Employment and Mobility actions of the AU-ILO-IOM Programme on Labour Migration Governance for development and integration in Africa)

Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria
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Labour migration

Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria

The Employment and Reintegration in Nigeria Project aims to strengthen the capacity of relevant stakeholders in Nigeria to provide advisory and support services to returnees and the local population in the areas of employment promotion, income generation and return and reintegration, and advance the generation of data and statistics.

JLMP Action (Catalytic Actions for the AU/ILO/IOM/UNECA Joint Programme on Labour Migration Governance for Development and Integration in Africa)
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JLMP Action (Catalytic Actions for the AU/ILO/IOM/UNECA Joint Programme on Labour Migration Governance for Development and Integration in Africa)

Opportunity Salone Programme
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Value chain development

Opportunity Salone Programme

The Opportunity Salone Programme aims at job creation and job quality improvement with a focus on women and youth in Sierra Leone. It supports infrastructure improvement and immediate job creation through feeder road maintenance and longer term job creation in agricultural value chains in four districts.

Sparking Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation (SPARK)
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Sparking Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation (SPARK)

ILO is implementing multi-country project on disability inclusion in rural livelihood. SPARK project is integrated in IFAD-funded Nav Tejaswini Yojana, Government of Maharashtra.

Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base
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Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base

The project aims to contribute towards creating an enabling legal and policy framework that could enhance the visibility and raise awareness about the contribution of SSE towards achieving inclusive and sustainable development and decent work.

Egypt Youth Employment (EYE): Economic Empowerment under FORSA Programme
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Egypt Youth Employment (EYE): Economic Empowerment under FORSA Programme

This project aims to contribute to the overall goal of the national Forsa Programme and to support the transition from the conditional cash transfer schemes of “Takaful & Karama".

The social dimension of the ecological transition
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The social dimension of the ecological transition

Trade for Decent Work Project - Ghana
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Trade for Decent Work Project - Ghana

The Ghana project is aims at improving the application of the ILO Fundamental Conventions as well as compliance with reporting obligations to the ILO supervisory bodies, in particular regarding child labour and the worst forms of child labour, in sectors with high incidence such as the cocoa sector, and related conventions contributing to decent work in those sectors and connected activities in the local and global value chains such as all services and transport.

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better
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Decent work in global supply chains

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

Advancing decent work in five global supply chains of key importance to the European Union for a fair, resilient, and sustainable COVID-19 crisis recovery

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better – Textiles and clothing manufacturing in Madagascar
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Decent work in global supply chains

Sustainable supply chains to build forward better – Textiles and clothing manufacturing in Madagascar

Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work Programme South Africa
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Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work Programme South Africa

Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world: COVID-19 and beyond
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Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world: COVID-19 and beyond

Supply chains for a Sustainable Future of Work – Project linked to Fisheries in Namibia
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Supply chains for a Sustainable Future of Work – Project linked to Fisheries in Namibia