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ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China
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ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon
training at the digital hub

Enterprise digitalization

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon

The ILO, DICT, and Japan constructed and launched the first Digital Transformation Centre in Pampanga to boost enterprise digitalization and competitiveness.

Pacific employment report reveals persistent challenges despite job growth
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Press release

Pacific employment report reveals persistent challenges despite job growth

New International Labour Organization report highlights how low-quality jobs are driving migration from smaller Pacific islands and calls for targeted policies for inclusive decent work.

Decent work towards 2050: Joint ILO-PIF Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue opens
ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa greets Fiji President Wiliame Katonivere

Press release

Decent work towards 2050: Joint ILO-PIF Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue opens

Government, employer, and worker representatives gather in Fiji to shape priorities needed for quality and inclusive employment growth across the region.

Greater social justice is the cornerstone of a more sustained recovery, ILO tells World Bank and IMF
IMF and World Bank spring meetings 2024 logo

Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF

Greater social justice is the cornerstone of a more sustained recovery, ILO tells World Bank and IMF

In statements to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings in Washington D.C., the ILO’s Director-General, Gilbert F. Houngbo, underlined "the crucial need for concerted, coordinated action at all levels" in the face of converging global crises.

Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to take place 23-26 April 2024 in Suva, Fiji
Participants of the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent in Suva, Fiji

Media advisory

Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to take place 23-26 April 2024 in Suva, Fiji

Organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), the event will foster a coordinated and inclusive approach to ensure decent work in the Pacific.

The UAE introduces voluntary pensions to replace end-of-service indemnities, joining an increasing trend of reforms across the GCC countries
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The UAE introduces voluntary pensions to replace end-of-service indemnities, joining an increasing trend of reforms across the GCC countries

The ILO and NBS Collaborate to Train Stakeholders on Child Labour and Social Protection Statistics
Participants of the 3-day training

The ILO and NBS Collaborate to Train Stakeholders on Child Labour and Social Protection Statistics

To be able to gather and use data for informed decisions in the implementation of the Global Accelerator Lab (GALAB) project, The ILO Country Office Abuja, with the collaboration of the National Bureau of Statistics, organized 3-day training on child labour and social protection statistics for stakeholders.

Indonesia launches its Road Map for Care Economy for a more Gender Equal World of Work
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Indonesia launches its Road Map for Care Economy for a more Gender Equal World of Work

The International Labour Organization (ILO) Office in Indonesia supports the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in the development of a Road Map on Care Economy for a Transformative, fair and Equal World of Work in Indonesia.

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection
construction workers in a building

Global Accelerator

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection

To address challenges and channel investments, the Philippines becomes a pathfinder country of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions, a joint high impact initiative of the United Nations to create decent work and extend social protection for sustainable development.

ECCAS Member States, Stakeholders Convene to Validate Study Findings and Roadmap for Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers in the Region
Farmer in his field

Tripartite Regional Workshop to Validate Study & Roadmap

ECCAS Member States, Stakeholders Convene to Validate Study Findings and Roadmap for Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers in the Region

The Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) is a collaborative initiative between the African Union Commission (AUC), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM). Adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State, the JLMP's strategy emphasizes intra-African labour migration and aligns with the First 2023 Ten Year Plan of the AU's Agenda 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is currently implementing projects to enhance rights-based governance for labour migration and mobility in Africa, ensuring gender-responsive regulations and protections for all migrant workers; increase availability and utilization of labour migration data & statistics by MSs and RECs for evidence-based policy-making; and support MS to establish systems that promote safe, secure, and equal working conditions for migrant workers in formal and informal sectors with access to social protection and skill recognition.

Second Phase of PROSPECTS Launched in Ethiopia, Empowering Refugees, IDPs and Host Communities
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Second Phase of PROSPECTS Launched in Ethiopia, Empowering Refugees, IDPs and Host Communities

Norwegian Ambassador visits Jordanian NGO to witness the positive impact of Estidama++ program on workers and employers
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Norwegian Ambassador visits Jordanian NGO to witness the positive impact of Estidama++ program on workers and employers

Estidama++ supports SMEs in Jordan to strengthen access to social protection rights

Suriname officials validate National Social Protection Strategy
The Hon. Steven Mac Andrew, Minister of Labour, Employment and Youth Affairs, Suriname

Suriname officials validate National Social Protection Strategy

Process contributes to successful implementation of DWCP.

BVI launches “Secure Your Tomorrow” to encourage greater participation in social security system
Hosts at the "secure your tomorrow" event in the BVI

BVI launches “Secure Your Tomorrow” to encourage greater participation in social security system

Initiative targets most vulnerable with support from ILO Caribbean under Joint SDG Fund Programme.

Bahrain takes leap forward in enhancing end-of-service rights for migrant workers
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Bahrain takes leap forward in enhancing end-of-service rights for migrant workers

A new provident fund for end-of-service indemnity for migrant workers is established in the Social Insurance Organization as part of GCC-wide reforms to reform social protection systems in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU-ILO join forces to strengthen Agroforestry Value Chains in Timor-Leste
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EU-ILO join forces to strengthen Agroforestry Value Chains in Timor-Leste

The European Union, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), facilitated a multi-stakeholder workshop on agroforestry value chains in Timor-Leste, under the EU’s Agroforestry Skills for Employment and Resilience Project.

New ILO policy brief calls for domestic workers to be included in care policies to ensure their rights at work
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Rights of domestic workers

New ILO policy brief calls for domestic workers to be included in care policies to ensure their rights at work

Domestic workers play an integral and increasing role in care provision but lack access to labour rights and social protection. Governments and social partners need to act.

Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq: Recovery and Reform- Q&A Blog
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Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq: Recovery and Reform- Q&A Blog

Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue
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Promotion of social dialogue

Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue

The ILO facilitates workers and employers of the Indonesian palm oil sector to promote social dialogue for improved productivity and workplace cooperation.