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The United States of America authorized to participate in the proceedings
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The United States of America authorized to participate in the proceedings

Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue
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Promotion of social dialogue

Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue

The ILO facilitates workers and employers of the Indonesian palm oil sector to promote social dialogue for improved productivity and workplace cooperation.

ILO marks third anniversary of Myanmar military takeover with call for the release of trade union leaders and all those unjustly detained
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Trade union rights

ILO marks third anniversary of Myanmar military takeover with call for the release of trade union leaders and all those unjustly detained

Deep concern expressed at continual erosion of civic space and trade union rights in the country.

ILO submits dossier related to the right to strike dispute to the International Court of Justice
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ILO submits dossier related to the right to strike dispute to the International Court of Justice

Human rights are labour rights; it is our duty to protect and support them if we are to achieve the goal of social justice
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Human rights are labour rights; it is our duty to protect and support them if we are to achieve the goal of social justice

Opening remarks at the event marking International Human Rights Day 2023 by Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director, ILO DWT/CO-New Delhi

Freedom of association is a human and labour right: ILO’s tripartite constituents commemorate International Human Rights Day
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Freedom of association is a human and labour right: ILO’s tripartite constituents commemorate International Human Rights Day

To commemorate the Declaration the International Labour Organization hosted an event, focusing on Freedom of Association as this year also marks 75 years of ILO’s fundamental Convention, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No.87).

ILO publishes handbook to assess the realization of the five fundamental principles and rights at work in the workplace
FPRW Handbook

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

ILO publishes handbook to assess the realization of the five fundamental principles and rights at work in the workplace

The ILO developed a research methodology that, for the first time, addresses under a combined framework the five fundamental principles and rights at work

Integrated ILO Approach on Good Governance and Decent Work in Uzbekistan’s Cotton, Textile and Apparel Sector
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Integrated ILO Approach on Good Governance and Decent Work in Uzbekistan’s Cotton, Textile and Apparel Sector

On 29 November 2023, the International Labour Organization (ILO) organized a workshop for social partners to present the integrated ILO Approach on Good Governance and Decent Work in Uzbekistan’s Cotton, Textile and Apparel Sector. The Approach will serve as an umbrella for different ILO technical cooperation projects operating in cotton, textile and garment supply chain.

Tackling decent work decifits in Indonesia’s palm oil sector with collective bargaining agreements
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Tackling decent work decifits in Indonesia’s palm oil sector with collective bargaining agreements

The ILO supports labour-management cooperation in the palm oil sector in Indonesia with the signing of collective bargaining agreements in 31 companies in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

ILO-IOM join forces to better protect Indonesian migrant workers in the palm oil sector
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ILO-IOM join forces to better protect Indonesian migrant workers in the palm oil sector

To better protect the labour rights of potential Indonesian migrant workers, the ILO and IOM jointly develop pre-departure training modules and relevant informational materials for palm oil sector in Indonesia-Malaysia Corridor.

ILO Myanmar Commission of Inquiry finds far-reaching violations of freedom of association and forced labour Conventions
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ILO Myanmar Commission of Inquiry finds far-reaching violations of freedom of association and forced labour Conventions

The Commission of Inquiry urges the Myanmar military authorities to immediately cease all forms of violence, torture and other inhumane treatment against trade unionists, and to end all forms of forced or compulsory labour.

Chile: ILO and the Museum of Memory present Database on Freedom of Association in the period 1973-1990
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Chile: ILO and the Museum of Memory present Database on Freedom of Association in the period 1973-1990

The initiative, which emerged in 2018, is of great relevance for the country's historical memory and the promotion of human and labour rights.

Kyrgyz union leaders call to guarantee freedom of association and free the world of work from violence and harassment
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Kyrgyz union leaders call to guarantee freedom of association and free the world of work from violence and harassment

Trade union leaders of Kyrgyzstan have discussed ways to promote freedom of association and address violence and harassment through independent and democratic trade union policies and workplace practices during tripartite technical consultations in Bishkek on September 27-28, 2023.

From a stay-at-home mother to a trade union leader
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Women leadership

From a stay-at-home mother to a trade union leader

The ILO’s women leadership training programme has inspired a female union leader to continue fighting for the union recognition and labour rights of her fellow workers.

ILO study recommends digitizing the unions’ grievance tools and case management system for effective advocacy and policy reform
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ILO study recommends digitizing the unions’ grievance tools and case management system for effective advocacy and policy reform

The ILO latest study provides trade union confederations and their federations with a set of recommendations describing potential features of a new process for grievance management and incorporating technological tools.

ILO supports the development of women trade union leaders in garment industry
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Womens' empowerment

ILO supports the development of women trade union leaders in garment industry

The ILO training programmes empower women trade unionists, encouraging them to assume leadership roles and support the recognition of women issues in company’s collective bargaining agreement.

ILO urges the Myanmar military authorities to immediately release Thet Hnin Aung, General Secretary of MICS-TUsF
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Freedom of association

ILO urges the Myanmar military authorities to immediately release Thet Hnin Aung, General Secretary of MICS-TUsF

Following his release from prison, Thet Hnin Aung was rearrested and his whereabouts remain unknown.

Strengthen civil society to realize human and labour rights
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Strengthen civil society to realize human and labour rights

Human and labour rights 75th anniversaries prompt calls for an expanded ‘civic space’.

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant workers subjected to forced labour by Russian forces, say trade unions
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Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant workers subjected to forced labour by Russian forces, say trade unions

The ILO expresses grave concerns about civilian casualties and the severe impact of the Russian Federation aggression on workers and employers who risk their lives to continue working and operating.

The ILO supports the launch of survey on decent wages for journalists
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The ILO supports the launch of survey on decent wages for journalists

The ILO supports the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Jakarta to promote decent wages and working conditions for Indonesian journalists.