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Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain
The Director of ILO-Brussels addresses the World Cocoa Conference

Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain

In a closing address to the 5th World Cocoa Conference, the ILO addressed challenges and opportunities to make the cocoa supply chain more sustainable, based on its decent work approach.

The ILO 8.7 Accelerator Lab launches vision for innovation, knowledge sharing and scaling up
8.7 Accelerator Lab launches vision for innovation

Making innovation work for decent work

The ILO 8.7 Accelerator Lab launches vision for innovation, knowledge sharing and scaling up

The ILO 8.7 Accelerator Lab gathers a group of innovators from different countries and projects of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work branch to apply the ILO Strategy on Knowledge and Innovation to the work of the branch.

Asia-Pacific partners revitalize collaboration to tackle child labour and forced labour in the region
Asia-Pacific partners revitalize collaboration to tackle child labour and forced labour

Child labour and forced labour

Asia-Pacific partners revitalize collaboration to tackle child labour and forced labour in the region

Regional stakeholders emphasize rights-based strategies and collaborative efforts to tackle the pervasive issues, supported by international partnerships and innovative solutions.

Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency
UPSCALED Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency

Indonesia establishes the first MRC for migrant fishing vessel crews in Pemalang Regency

The ILO supports the establishment of the first Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) for Indonesian migrant fishing vessel crews to ensure their labour rights and to be free from exploitation and forced labour at sea.

Annual profits from forced labour amount to US$ 236 billion, ILO report finds
Profits and poverty report ILO News hero

Forced labour

Annual profits from forced labour amount to US$ 236 billion, ILO report finds

The new study on forced labour in the private sector reveals a 37 per cent rise in illegal profits from forced labour since 2014.

Key stakeholders discuss how to tackle forced labour and make it less profitable
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Forced labour

Key stakeholders discuss how to tackle forced labour and make it less profitable

The illegal profits from forced labour have risen significantly over the past decade, and are highest in Europe and Central Asia. A high-level conference in Brussels discussed the way forward.

Peru has interinstitutional guidelines for the identification and referral of cases of forced labor and trafficking in persons
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Peru has interinstitutional guidelines for the identification and referral of cases of forced labor and trafficking in persons

The mechanism is the result of the joint efforts of the National Coordination of Specialized Prosecution Offices for Trafficking in Persons, with technical assistance from specialized agencies of the United Nations: ILO, and UNODC

ILO to release new report on the economics of forced labour and illegal profits
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Media Advisory

ILO to release new report on the economics of forced labour and illegal profits

The ILO will publish the second edition of "Profits and Poverty: The economics of forced labour report", which will unveil the latest estimates of illegal profits derived from forced labour.

Balochistan Officials Empowered Against Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
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Forced Labour and Human Trafficking

Balochistan Officials Empowered Against Forced Labor and Human Trafficking

One of the BRIDGE project’s aims in Pakistan is to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders in Balochistan province to combat forced labour, bonded labour, and human trafficking

ILO and trade unions strengthen collaboration with Central Java on labour rights for fishers
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ILO and trade unions strengthen collaboration with Central Java on labour rights for fishers

The ILO’s 8.7 Accelerator Lab and Trade Union’s in the Fishing Sector conducted a series of activities to strengthen collaboration with Central Java’s relevant stakeholders in fishing sector

Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue
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Promotion of social dialogue

Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue

The ILO facilitates workers and employers of the Indonesian palm oil sector to promote social dialogue for improved productivity and workplace cooperation.

Migrant Resource Centre reduces migrant fishers’ vulnerability at sea
Indonesian migrant fishers

Our impact, their voices

Migrant Resource Centre reduces migrant fishers’ vulnerability at sea

Lack of access to information on migration has made migrant fishers vulnerable to exploitation. The ILO’s 8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative and the Indonesian Migrant Worker Union (SBMI) have set up a Migrant Worker Resource Centre (MRC) to better protect Indonesian migrant fishers.

Interregional Knowledge and Experience Sharing Forum on Labour, Employment and Labour Migration Concluded
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Interregional Knowledge and Experience Sharing Forum on Labour, Employment and Labour Migration Concluded

Forum aims at promoting South to South Cooperation and foster inter-regional coordination, on thematic areas of labour migration and child labour.

ILO and BRIN kick off a joint survey on decent work in marine fishing in Indonesia
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ILO and BRIN kick off a joint survey on decent work in marine fishing in Indonesia

To support more efficient policies and interventions that better protect Indonesian fishers from forced labour, the ILO’s 8.7 Accelerator Lab programme and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) conducts a joint survey on fishers’ working conditions in Indonesia.

Indonesian migrant workers' precariousness in sea-based sectors
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Opinion editorial

Indonesian migrant workers' precariousness in sea-based sectors

An opinion editorial by Mi Zhou, Chief Technical Advisor of the ILO Ship to Shore Rights Southeast Asia programme, published by the Antara News on 18 December.

The Supreme Court of Justice of Peru improves the interpretation of trafficking in persons
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The Supreme Court of Justice of Peru improves the interpretation of trafficking in persons

Criminal Chambers of the Supreme Court issued a new plenary accord to improve the interpretation of trafficking in persons with support from the ILO

Winners of 2023 ILO Global Media Competition on Labour Migration announced
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International Migrants Day

Winners of 2023 ILO Global Media Competition on Labour Migration announced

The winning entries are examples of balanced and ethical reporting on migrant workers and labour migration that also help to address stereotypes and misconceptions.

Peruvian Specialized Prosecution Offices for Trafficking in Persons unify legal interpretation criteria and enhance their capacities through simulations in cyber investigation
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Peruvian Specialized Prosecution Offices for Trafficking in Persons unify legal interpretation criteria and enhance their capacities through simulations in cyber investigation

With technical assistance from specialized agencies of the United Nations - ILO, IOM, and UNODC - prosecutors reached consensus on the prosecution of trafficking in persons and modern slavery. They worked on practical cases and received training in cyber investigation

Young Survivors of Trafficking in Persons Receive Entrepreneurial Training from Businesswomen to start their own projects
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Young Survivors of Trafficking in Persons Receive Entrepreneurial Training from Businesswomen to start their own projects

These training sessions build on the ILO’s efforts on the GET Ahead methodology for capacity building of adolescent survivors of trafficking in persons

ILO at the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights Forum
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ILO at the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights Forum

The ILO participated extensively in the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, held from 27 to 29 November 2023 under the theme 'Looking at the past, anticipating the future'.