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Call for Proposals - Storytelling Consultant on Enterprise Formalization and Women’s Entrepreneurship Development
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Call for Proposals - Storytelling Consultant on Enterprise Formalization and Women’s Entrepreneurship Development

The Enterprise Formalization and Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Team of the ILO is seeking a highly skilled storytelling consultant (or consultant company) to support our initiatives on small enterprise development, inclusive entrepreneurship, and women’s economic empowerment. The consultant is expected to create and draft compelling narratives that describe and highlight the challenges and successes of own-account workers and micro and small-sized enterprises, including women-owned and led businesses, supported by the ILO in various world regions.

The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards
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The 13th Labour Assembly concludes with a call to more effective social dialogue in addressing labour challenges, importance of adhering to ILO standards

ILO Assistant Director General and Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Ms. Beate Andrees: "Inclusive social dialogue is the key to addressing major transitions in the world of work".

The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work
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The 13th Labour Assembly Convenes, Addressing Türkiye's Labour Landscape, and Advocates for Social Dialogue and Decent Work

ILO Director-General welcomes Türkiye's government’ and social partners' commitment to social dialogue.

Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon
training at the digital hub

Enterprise digitalization

ILO, DICT, and Japan launch first Digital Transformation Centre in Luzon

The ILO, DICT, and Japan constructed and launched the first Digital Transformation Centre in Pampanga to boost enterprise digitalization and competitiveness.

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice
African Union and ILO officials at the partnership review meeting

Building a Stronger Africa

AU, ILO forge partnership for decent work & social justice

The AU-ILO Joint Planning Meeting reassures strengthened collaboration and coordination between the African Union (AU) and the International Labour Organization to advance social justice in the continent.

Two new modules on the SSE Awareness Raising Package now available in Swahili
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Two new modules on the SSE Awareness Raising Package now available in Swahili

In 2023, ITCILO Turin developed two modules for an online open access awareness-raising package on social and solidarity economy (SSE) for the UNTFSSE. With financial support provided to the ILO by the Government of Luxembourg, these modules were made available in English, French, and Spanish.

ILO and UNTFSSE celebrate first anniversary of UNGA Resolution on the SSE with a global webinar
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ILO and UNTFSSE celebrate first anniversary of UNGA Resolution on the SSE with a global webinar

Emerging Insight: Developing an impact monitoring system for Sida’s guarantee instrument
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Emerging Insight: Developing an impact monitoring system for Sida’s guarantee instrument

Business competition for hospitality and tourism sector in Timor-Leste
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Business competition for hospitality and tourism sector in Timor-Leste

We are partnering with HOTL Association to organize the business competition for hospitality and tourism sector in Timor-Leste. This is part of the joint initiative with ACT/EMP on “Supporting the Hospitality and Tourism Sector in Timor-Leste through youth skills development and organizational capacity building” under the Building Youth Capacity and Network in Asia-Pacific project, funded by the Government of Japan.

ILO’s Opportunity Salone Programme empowers youths in Bombali district
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ILO’s Opportunity Salone Programme empowers youths in Bombali district

Makeni, the headquarter town of Bombali district, receives huge support from the ILO’s Opportunity Salone Programme funded by the EU, to maintain 14km feeder roads and thereby create links within the communities, providing decent jobs for unskilled Sierra Leoneans to address rural household poverty.

Two internships are available at the ILO’s Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit on communication and research
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Two internships are available at the ILO’s Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy Unit on communication and research

ILO holds discussion on pathways to strengthen the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia
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ILO holds discussion on pathways to strengthen the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia

The workshop was held in hybrid format, in Ulaanbaatar and online, to review the findings of the draft study on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Mongolia.

ILO, International Trade Centre and Government of Lesotho team up to strengthen SME competitiveness, productivity and decent work
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ILO, International Trade Centre and Government of Lesotho team up to strengthen SME competitiveness, productivity and decent work

Driving investment and export growth in Lesotho’s textiles and clothing sector, this latest project incorporates SCORE Training as a key component.

ILO promotes Social Solidarity Economy and Green Jobs in Türkiye
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ILO promotes Social Solidarity Economy and Green Jobs in Türkiye

The MNE Declaration and the Business and Human Rights agenda
Photo of a busy commercial street at night.

The MNE Declaration and the Business and Human Rights agenda

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection
construction workers in a building

Global Accelerator

Philippines joins the Global Accelerator aiming to expand jobs and social protection

To address challenges and channel investments, the Philippines becomes a pathfinder country of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions, a joint high impact initiative of the United Nations to create decent work and extend social protection for sustainable development.

UN Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy Hosts its 47th Regular Meeting
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UN Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy Hosts its 47th Regular Meeting

On Thursday, March 14, 2024, the UNTFSSE organized its 47th regular meeting, bringing together 45 participants from around the world.

Emerging Insight: Unveiling the Japan Decent Work 8 Index
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Emerging Insight: Unveiling the Japan Decent Work 8 Index

Call for expression of interest for a needs assessment in Uganda
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Call for expressions of interest

Call for expression of interest for a needs assessment in Uganda