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New ILO report urges efforts to strengthen responsible business practices in Thailand's automotive sector
Thailand's automotive industry is strong in key areas like wages and social protection coverage.

New ILO report urges efforts to strengthen responsible business practices in Thailand's automotive sector

Findings reveal opportunities to enhance decent work conditions and tackle disparities, emphasizing collaboration for industry-wide improvements.

DA, DOLE lead aquaculture project advisory on decent work and responsible business conduct
fisher rowing boat to harvest lobster

DA, DOLE lead aquaculture project advisory on decent work and responsible business conduct

The Philippine government through the DA and DOLE will co-chair the newly established Project Advisory/Steering Committee on Aquaculture to promote decent work and responsible business in aquaculture supply chains.

Decent work and responsible business conduct in aquaculture: Pioneering partnership
a fisher in water ripples

Decent work and responsible business conduct in aquaculture: Pioneering partnership

The ILO convenes key constituents and stakeholders to foster cooperation towards decent work and responsible business in aquaculture supply chains with support from the Government of Japan.

Sectoral skills council is key in providing skilled workers according to the need of the industry
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Sectoral skills council is key in providing skilled workers according to the need of the industry

Five main recommendations to strengthen Indonesian human capital and ensure skills’ link and match in electronics sector are jointly developed by key sectoral labour actors with the facilitation of the ILO’s Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct.

Opening address at the launch of the Women Entrepreneurs Peer Programme
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Opening address at the launch of the Women Entrepreneurs Peer Programme

By Mr Khalid Hassan, Director, ILO Country Office for the Philippines at the launch of the Women Entrepreneurs Peer Programme, 30 January 2024, Manila, Philippines

Empowering Investors: ILO at the 27th World Investment Conference in New Delhi
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Empowering Investors: ILO at the 27th World Investment Conference in New Delhi

The ILO participated in the 27th World Investment Conference in New Delhi, India, from 11 to 14 December 2023. During this event, the ILO launched the KPIs for measuring the impact of FDI on decent work, aligning with the guidance provided in the ILO MNE Declaration.

EU and ILO to strengthen constituents’ capacity on labour dimension of human rights due diligence
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EU and ILO to strengthen constituents’ capacity on labour dimension of human rights due diligence

A new EU-funded action will enable the ILO to inform and train its constituents globally on effective and inclusive human rights due diligence and responsible business conduct, thereby advancing decent work.

ILO convenes stakeholders to validate study on decent work and responsible business practices in electronics sector
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ILO convenes stakeholders to validate study on decent work and responsible business practices in electronics sector

The ILO is scaling up its support for decent work and industry upgrading in one of Indonesia’s leading manufacturing and export sectors.

Indonesian businesses move towards responsible business conduct
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Indonesian businesses move towards responsible business conduct

The ILO continues to support Indonesian government and businesses to strengthen the implementation of responsible business practices and conduct.

ILO at the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights Forum
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ILO at the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights Forum

The ILO participated extensively in the 12th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, held from 27 to 29 November 2023 under the theme 'Looking at the past, anticipating the future'.

Regional Seminar advances dialogue on responsible business and decent work in Latin America
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Regional Seminar advances dialogue on responsible business and decent work in Latin America

The III Regional Seminar on Responsible Business Conduct and Decent Work (Lima, Peru, 21-23 November 2023) presented a valuable platform for governments, employers, and workers representatives from Latin America to enhance dialogue on the labour aspects of responsible business conduct (RBC).

VIII Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
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VIII Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

More than 300 representatives of governments, business, workers’ organizations, civil society and indigenous peoples gathered in the VIII Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss concrete actions to advance respect for human rights in business operations.

VIII Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
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VIII Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

ILO supports Thai auto sector to navigate evolving Human Rights Due Diligence environment
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Tripartism and social dialogue

ILO supports Thai auto sector to navigate evolving Human Rights Due Diligence environment

Joint efforts seek to strengthen responsible business practices and global competitiveness of the automotive industry.

ILO Symposium advances integration of labour market policies into macroeconomic framework for high-quality economic development
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Labour market policy and high-quality development

ILO Symposium advances integration of labour market policies into macroeconomic framework for high-quality economic development

ILO promotes investment in skills development for Responsible Business Conduct in Indonesia
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ILO promotes investment in skills development for Responsible Business Conduct in Indonesia

The ILO has established a three-year project initiative to support a human-centred recovery from recent disruptions in the global supply chains. The project is funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan.

National stakeholders welcome the implementation of ILO projects on responsible business and decent work
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National stakeholders welcome the implementation of ILO projects on responsible business and decent work

The ILO new projects on responsible business and decent work are in line with Indonesia’s target to become a developed country in 2045.

Mainstreaming human rights into the curriculum of Qatar’s largest business school
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Responsible business conduct

Mainstreaming human rights into the curriculum of Qatar’s largest business school

The ILO and the Ministry of Labour of Qatar are working with Qatar University to write a casebook on business and human rights, with a focus on labour rights initiatives in Qatar.

The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights comes to ILO for technical exchanges on the business and human rights agenda
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The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights comes to ILO for technical exchanges on the business and human rights agenda

ILO MNE Declaration provides guidance to responsible business and decent work
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ILO MNE Declaration provides guidance to responsible business and decent work

The Senior Specialist and Manager of the ILO Helpdesk for Business presents the importance of the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration) on inclusive, responsible and sustainable workplace practices to Indonesian companies and business associations.