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Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain
In a closing address to the 5th World Cocoa Conference, the ILO addressed challenges and opportunities to make the cocoa supply chain more sustainable, based on its decent work approach.
ILO’s Opportunity Salone Programme empowers youths in Bombali district
Makeni, the headquarter town of Bombali district, receives huge support from the ILO’s Opportunity Salone Programme funded by the EU, to maintain 14km feeder roads and thereby create links within the communities, providing decent jobs for unskilled Sierra Leoneans to address rural household poverty.
Namibia launches a National Coordination Mechanism for decent work in the fisheries sector.
A coordination body to oversee compliance and the general welfare of the fisheries sector in Namibia was launched recently in Namibia. It will operate as the ‘National Coordination Mechanism (NCM)’.
DA, DOLE lead aquaculture project advisory on decent work and responsible business conduct
The Philippine government through the DA and DOLE will co-chair the newly established Project Advisory/Steering Committee on Aquaculture to promote decent work and responsible business in aquaculture supply chains.
Decent work and responsible business conduct in aquaculture: Pioneering partnership
The ILO convenes key constituents and stakeholders to foster cooperation towards decent work and responsible business in aquaculture supply chains with support from the Government of Japan.
EU-Funded Program Transforms Sierra Leone's Rural Roads, Empowering Communities and Bolstering Economic Growth
In a remarkable collaborative effort, the International Labor Organization (ILO), with funding from European Union (EU), executes crucial routine maintenance on approximately 33.05 kilometres of roads in the Bo, Kenema, Bombali, and Port Loko Districts. This initiative seeks to not only connect communities but also create vital access to markets, fostering economic growth and significantly improving the lives of residents.
From local roots to global heights: MSMEs lead the way
Policymakers and government officials from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Korea and South Africa, along with other stakeholders integral to the MSME value chain and the ILO’s tripartite constituents, attended the event.
Joint Press Release on Conclave on Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises for Local Development by ILO and Ministry of MSME, GoI
The conclave brought together policymakers, industry leaders, MSMEs, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders from India and other emerging economies with the primary objective for sustainable, resilient and inclusive development and Decent Work for All.
ILO hosts Conclave to promote sustainable enterprises and local sustainable development in India
Policymakers and government officials from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Korea and South Africa, along with other stakeholders integral to the MSME value chain and the ILO’s tripartite constituents, attended the event.
Vision Zero Fund (VZF)
International Labour Organization promotes safety and health in coffee supply chain
The #CoffeePeople campaign, launched on International Coffee Day, urges collaboration between governments, employers, workers' organizations, and the private sector to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for the millions of coffee workers worldwide.
Sustainable supply chains
EU and UN agencies join forces to address root causes of child labour
A new EU-funded action will tackle the root causes of child labour in supply chains, focusing primarily on coffee and leveraging existing efforts on cobalt. Under the leadership of the ILO, the project will be jointly implemented with FAO and UNICEF, in collaboration with the International Trade Centre (ITC).
ILO and METI to co-host event promoting Business and Human Rights in Jakarta, Indonesia
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan are jointly hosting a dialogue event in Jakarta, Indonesia, to boost human rights initiatives in Asian countries.
Towards more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains event
2023 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia Pacific
The ILO is co-organising the 2023 United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand, 6-9 June 2023).
Government of Belize and ILO hold value chain analysis validation session with stakeholders for the growth of decent jobs through MSMEs
The Government of Belize and the ILO presented draft value chain analysis findings and recommendations to stakeholders in a validation session. The two sector results presented were the manufacturing of handcrafted food (dried fruits) and sustainable tourism. Stakeholders were given the opportunity to confirm, add and adjust recommendations within the aforementioned value chains.
The ILO Governing Body concludes its 347th session
The Governing Body of the International Labour Organization considered a range of issues of major importance for the world of work, including decent work in the platform economy and in supply chains, the Russian aggression against Ukraine and the situations in Myanmar, Belarus and Venezuela.
ILO and JICA exchange information on value chain analysis in Belize
The exchange was very meaningful and both the ILO and JICA are working with the Government to identify and complete high potential value chain analysis considering the country’s current investment and potential investment direction.
Director-General's mission to Côte d'Ivoire
ILO Director-General welcomes Côte d'Ivoire's action on social protection
During his visit to Abidjan, ILO Director-General, Gilbert F. Houngbo, stressed the need to promote decent work in the cocoa sector.
The ILO Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work project validates Sector Systems Analysis (SSA) report and interventions for implementation
The ILO Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work project gears up to support micro-, meso- and macro-level interventions in the Ghanaian textiles and garments value chain to promote productivity and decent work
Call for expression of interest
Consultancy for the development and piloting of a multifocal value chain selection and assessment tool
Submissions will be accepted until midnight on 8 February 2023, Eastern Caribbean Time (new extended date).