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Labour Day heightens urgency for renewed commitment to social justice
Workers from a readymade garment factory in Bangladesh are seen leaving work at the end of the work day

Social Justice

Labour Day heightens urgency for renewed commitment to social justice

Celebration of Labour Day has a sense of urgency for renewed commitment to social justice, as we navigate through the complexities of our time, including climate change and the rapid evolution of the workplace due to technological advancements.

Bangladesh showcases achievements in skills development at Global Skills Forum
Education Minister of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Director General of ILO and Ambassador, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

Global Skills Forum 2024

Bangladesh showcases achievements in skills development at Global Skills Forum

Recognizing the crucial role of skilled labour in driving higher-value production and economic advancement, the Government of Bangladesh has since 2007 multiplied its investment in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and skills development, and after one and a half decade the results of these numerous efforts are tangible.

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Reflections on Bangladesh's progress on safety and health at work
A Bangladeshi man in protective gear shows thumbs up sign


Reflections on Bangladesh's progress on safety and health at work

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an opportunity to reflect on the progress made since Bangladesh began commemoration of the day in 2016.

National dialogue promotes quality employment and decent work
Key speakers at the national dialogue of promoting decent work for social justice

National dialogue promotes quality employment and decent work

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, and the International Labour Organization convene national dialogue to engage stakeholders on key issues, with a call for actionable outcomes for quality employment and decent work.

Bailey Road Restaurant and other recent fire incidents show again how enforcement, prevention and safety culture is needed to keep work- and public places safe
Rescue personnel outside the Green Cozy Cottage building on Dhaka's Bailey Road killing more than 40 people


Bailey Road Restaurant and other recent fire incidents show again how enforcement, prevention and safety culture is needed to keep work- and public places safe

Social dialogue highlights areas for investment to boost gender equality in the world of work in Bangladesh
Participants of a dialogue on ensuring gender equality at work at the ILO in Bangladesh offices

Gender equality

Social dialogue highlights areas for investment to boost gender equality in the world of work in Bangladesh

Social dialogue on investing for accelerated gender equality in the world of work organised by the ILO highlights several challenges that continue to undermine the quest for gender equality in the world of work.

Unlocking potential: Gender-Responsive Budgeting in TVET and skills development - Investing in women's economic empowerment
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Unlocking potential: Gender-Responsive Budgeting in TVET and skills development - Investing in women's economic empowerment

The ILO’s ProGRESS Project, funded by the Government of Canada, organised a dynamic discussion on ‘Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) for the skills and TVET sectors’ on 11 March 2024.

World Day of Social Justice reminds us of the importance of decent work
Bangladeshi workers leave work at the end of day

World Day of Social Justice reminds us of the importance of decent work

ILO, GIZ partner to strengthen effectiveness and inclusivity of trade unions in Bangladesh
Panellists lead a discussion on how to strengthen the capacity of trade unions

Trade Unions

ILO, GIZ partner to strengthen effectiveness and inclusivity of trade unions in Bangladesh

The project is aimed at deepening and strengthening the effectiveness of workers’ organisations, as well as increasing the participation of women and youth in trade unions.

Forty persons with disabilities receive job offers at groundbreaking national job fair
Organizers and participants of a job fair for persons with disability pose for a photo

Disability Inclusion

Forty persons with disabilities receive job offers at groundbreaking national job fair

The Bangladesh Business and Disability Network (BBDN) organized their largest post-COVID National Job Fair for Persons with Disabilities on 19 February resulting in 40 participants receiving jobs offers pending successful background checks.

Bangladesh Tripartite Decent Work Country Programme Steering Committee begins 2024 reflecting on progress
Members of the Bangladesh decent work steering committee at their first meeting for 2024 at the ILO offices in Dhaka

Bangladesh Tripartite Decent Work Country Programme Steering Committee begins 2024 reflecting on progress

Labour reforms, green jobs for a just transition and private sector driven skills development to be prioritized in 2024

Bangladesh’s progress in occupational health and safety could be leveraged to address workplace violence and harassment
Students at a technical and vocational training institute in Bangladesh in protective gear

Occupational safety and health

Bangladesh’s progress in occupational health and safety could be leveraged to address workplace violence and harassment

Occupational Safety and Health frameworks are proving to be effective means of preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work, a new ILO report says.

Advancing TVET leadership through Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBT&A) Level-6 training for managers and implementors
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Advancing TVET leadership through Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBT&A) Level-6 training for managers and implementors

Skills 21 Project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) has been supporting the Ministry of Education - a systematic professional development pathway for TVET teachers and managers.

Bangladesh Government and ILO partner to support returning migrant workers’ re-integration into the labour force
ILO, the government of Bangladesh and the Swiss government sign a migrant re-integration project

Migrant workers

Bangladesh Government and ILO partner to support returning migrant workers’ re-integration into the labour force

The Government of Bangladesh, through the Economic Relations Division (ERD) in the Ministry of Finance today signed an agreement with ILO for a project that will enhance policies, capacities, and systems for inclusive and sustainable reintegration of migrant workers. The project is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Investing to empower: Shalimar's journey from victim to champion
Shalimar at the centre with some of the women she supervises at a readymade garment factory in Bangladesh

Women's empowerment

Investing to empower: Shalimar's journey from victim to champion

Shalimar overcame poverty, gender discrimination, and violence to become a line supervisor at EchoTex Ltd. through the GEAR initiative. Her journey from a factory helper to a leadership role and activist against gender-based violence exemplifies empowerment and the positive impact of investing in women's development.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes for women & girls: A Plea for Action
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Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutes for women & girls: A Plea for Action

To mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence observance, the Government of Canada funded ILO’s ProGRESS project supported the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) to conduct a rapid survey on gender-based violence (GBV) in TVET institutes, involving students, the TVET managers and officials, with a particular focus on sexual harassment. Total 296 (172 male and 124 female) participated in the rapid survey from 132 institutes.

ILO in Bangladesh to steer UN’s disability inclusion agenda for next two years
Md Jahidul Islam, UNFPA staff in a wheelchair

Disability Inclusion

ILO in Bangladesh to steer UN’s disability inclusion agenda for next two years

The ILO Country Director for Bangladesh Tuomo Poutiainen has been selected as the next UN Disability Champion. On behalf of the UN agencies based in Bangladesh, he will coordinate the UN Disability Inclusion Task Team that works to mainstream disability inclusion in the UN

ILO organizes regional technical meeting on statistics of international labour migration and migrant recruitment costs in South Asia
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ILO organizes regional technical meeting on statistics of international labour migration and migrant recruitment costs in South Asia

A sub-regional meeting on labour migration brought together government, social partners, CSOs and academia to discuss and identify issues, challenges and more importantly to develop action plans to better measure, analyze and disseminate labour migration data.

Latest Bangladesh Labour Force Survey incorporates first-ever disability data
Two persons with physical disabilities attend the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023

Labour Market Data

Latest Bangladesh Labour Force Survey incorporates first-ever disability data

The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has published the Labour Force Survey 2022, incorporating for the first time ever, indicators for measuring disability inclusivity, a major step towards ensuring no one is left behind.