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Social protection
The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso
Five decrees implementing on the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) adopted by the Council of Ministers
Towards SDG Target 8.7: prevention and elimination of child labour in Burkina Faso’s cotton production sector.
Child labour is present in the garment, textile and cotton supply chain in multiple countries around the world. It is found particularly in Africa and Asia where cotton production systems are labour intensive and/or are dominated by small-holder farms.
Child labour
To fight child labour in Burkina Faso, education stakeholders built their capacities in Koudougou
The Permanent Secretariat of the Accelerated Schooling Strategy (Stratégie de Scolarisation Accélérée/Passerelle - SSA/P) of the Ministry of Education, Literacy and promotion of National Languages of Burkina Faso strengthen its action against child labour. During a workship held from 22 to 24 June 2022 in Koudougou, the stakeholders of the SSA/P, strengthened their knowledge on child labour, with the support of two ILO projects and the Directorate for the Fight against Child Labour of the Ministry of Labour.
A child should go to school, not to work
Domboué Nibéissé was 9 years old when he stopped going to school and started to work in the cotton fields in Burkina Faso. Difficult and tiring work, two years later he was given an opportunity to return to school.
Child and forced labour
Burkina cotton producers adopt a strategic plan against child labour with the support of the CLEAR Cotton project
The National Union of Cotton Producers' Cooperative Societies of Burkina Faso (SCOOP-UNPCB) is involved in the fight against child and forced labour. Meeting from the 2nd to the 3rd December 2021 in Bobo Dioulasso, the elected representatives and technicians of the UNPCB validated a strategic plan aimed at fighting against these scourges.
Child labour in Burkina Faso
Prevention of child labour through the socio-professional reintegration of children withdrawn from the cotton, textile and garment value chain: the action of CLEAR Cotton
Ouagadougou (ILO News) - The CLEAR Cotton project is strengthening its strategy to combat child labour in Burkina Faso. It recently signed two agreements for the implementation of integrated programmes for the prevention, identification and withdrawal of children aged 15 to 17 in child labour or at risk of child labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chain. The support for the socio-professional reintegration of children removed from child labour is the other component of these agreements.
Child labour
The CLEAR Cotton project offers education opportunities as an alternative to child labour in the cotton fields
The CLEAR Cotton project contributes to national efforts to eliminate child labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chain in Burkina Faso, Mali, Pakistan and Peru.
World Youth Skills Day
Quality apprenticeships for young people in Burkina Faso
150 young apprentices trained thanks to the project Support to the Global Initiative for Decent Youth Employment in the Sahel, whose primary objective is to promote quality apprenticeship systems and youth employment.
Eliminating child labour
The CLEAR Cotton project works with the Government of Burkina Faso to say no to child labour
The CLEAR Cotton project and the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Protection committed to the fight against child labour in Burkina Faso during a “Week of Action” to mark World Day Against Child Labour.
Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
Join us for a regional virtual event to commemorate the World Day against Child Labour.
AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa
The African Union, ILO and UNICEF organized a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, to discuss strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.
Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
I commit the Office to work as one ILO to mainstream child labour issues into all relevant areas of work of the Abidjan Declaration implementation plan, in order to maximize our contribution to ending child labour in Africa. We will work closely with our tripartite Constituents to do so
Child labour in time of COVID
Combating child labour in times of COVID-19: the example of the CLEAR Cotton project
The CLEAR Cotton project implements the Accelerated Schooling Strategy (Stratégie de scolarisation accélérée – passerelle - SSA/P) in Burkina Faso and Mali, in order to withdraw children from cotton fields and send them back to school. During the first campaign, the COVID pandemic broke out, and solutions had to be implemented to keep these children in school and away from the fields.
International Migrants Day
African journalists win awards for excellence in labour migration reporting
New ILO - Belgium programme
Supporting Burkina Faso and Senegal to promote social protection
The Government of Belgium and the International Labour Organization will support the strengthening and extension of national social protection systems in Burkina Faso and Senegal to increase coverage of informal economy workers and their families, facilitate their access to health care and enable them to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Greening Women-Led SMEs in Burkina Faso
A PAGE-facilitated green entrepreneurship training was held to assist business owners in improving ecological standards by fostering the greening of their businesses. The nine entrepreneurs all work within local agriculture and non-timber forest product (NTFP) processing and sustainable trade.
ILO builds national capacity to analyze data on child and forced labor in Africa
The International Labour Office under its project “Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa” (ACCEL Africa), conducts a training on data analysis relating to child labour and forced labour for 28 participants from national statistics offices, labour ministries and regional workers and employers' organizations of the Economic Community of the West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) in Africa.
Emerging Insight: Using PACE to improve products
Call for expression of interest
Analysis of the situation and evaluation of the needs of cooperative societies of cotton producers in Burkina Faso for the promotion of fundamental principles and rights at work
Project launch
Clear Cotton project seeks halt to child labour in West Africa and Pakistan
Four-year project co-funded by the EU kicks off with workshop participants vowing to make cotton production sustainable.