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It’s World Day of safety and health at work!
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April) serves to raise awareness about occupational safety and health and gives us an opportunity to talk about the causes of work-related injuries, diseases, and fatalities, and measures to prevent them. This year, on Occupational Safety and Health Day, the focus is on the impact of climate change.
Shaping migration narratives: Insights from the ILO/OSCE E-MINDFUL project
The E-MINDFUL project, which closed in December 2023, developed evidence-based and action-oriented guidance, including innovative instruments, that can orientate future communication efforts on migration and migrants.
How entrepreneurship helps me stay resilient in Ukraine
Alla Zhuravel runs her husband’s business in Ukraine while he serves with the armed forces. She also teaches entrepreneurship skills to Ukrainians whose livelihoods have been affected by the ongoing conflict. It’s rewarding work and it helps to sustain her.
Four essential questions
How did the war impact the Ukrainian labour market?
In our interview series with leading economists, researchers and policy-makers, we interviewed Oleksandr Zholud, Chief Expert, Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis Department at National Bank of Ukraine. He shared his views on how the war impacted employment, the policy priorities that would help Ukraine rebuild better and the type of support workers and enterprises need to weather the crisis.
Informal EPSCO
Promotion of social justice essential for sustainable and equitable recovery, ILO tells EU ministers
Speaking to EU ministers of employment and social affairs, the ILO Director-General underlined the need to put social justice back at the centre of policy-making, using concerted and decisive action.
International Labour Standards
New safety standard on chemicals expected to improve workers’ health and support conflict recovery
Ratifying Convention No. 170 will not just improve the safety of workers, but may also boost Ukraine’s trade competitiveness and help with rebuilding damage caused by the Russian aggression.
Occupational Safety and Health
Ukraine ratifies the Chemicals Convention, 1990 (No. 170)
Ukraine is the 24th country to have ratified Convention NO. 170
Staff news
Retrospective on challenges and successes - Interview with Markus Pilgrim, Director of ILO Central and Eastern Europe stepping down
Markus Pilgrim retires after long and successful service at the ILO. During his tenure as Director, the ILO Central and Eastern Europe Office managed to further raise its profile as a specialised technical agency on world of work issues and to expand its portfolio.
ILO Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises (SURE) Programme
Ukrainian companies invest in future, despite the war
The massive destruction caused by the war in Ukraine has not prevented employers from taking part in an ILO-supported training programme on business continuity and resilience.
Ukraine recovery
Ukrainian trade unions reaffirm their commitment to actively contribute to Ukraine’s rebuilding
During a meeting in Kyiv, trade unions and international partners discussed ways to protect workers' rights, during and after the war, and to contribute to the rebuilding of Ukraine
Employment opportunity in Kyiv
Vacancy announcement - National Project Coordinator - NOA (DC) 1- Kyiv, Ukraine
Ukraine recovery
ILO, IOM help pave road for post-war labour market in Ukraine
On 12-13 July, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held a workshop in Kyiv with key government stakeholders from Ukraine, including the Ministry of Economy to discuss current and future labour market challenges in Ukraine, and the policies and capacities required to address them.
Trade unions
Workers’ rights in Europe in decline, says ITUC Global Rights Index 2023
In July 2023, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) released its 10th Global Rights Index. The report paints a grim picture of workers’ rights around the globe. According to ITUC, Europe is no longer a bastion of workers’ rights.
Despite the war Ukraine keeps up the reform process: addressing the gender pay gap is high on agenda
In early May, the Government of Ukraine, with the personal support of Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine presented the National Strategy and Action Plan to reduce the gender pay gap in the country. In addition to constituting equal opportunities, pay equity is also a means to the recovery and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine as the country urgently needs to increase female participation in the labour force. The ILO provided technical assistance to the drafting of the strategy.
Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant workers subjected to forced labour by Russian forces, say trade unions
The ILO expresses grave concerns about civilian casualties and the severe impact of the Russian Federation aggression on workers and employers who risk their lives to continue working and operating.
International Labour Standards
“Ukraine works!” 5-year ILO project closes with improved occupational health and safety standards and more effective State Labour Inspectorate
The EU-funded project provided assistance to strengthen the Ukrainian State Labour Inspection with the long-term objective of contributing to a safe, healthy and declared work in Ukraine. In addition, the project had to respond to some of the challenges posed by the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It informed Ukrainian refugees about the danger of forced labour and human trafficking, helped enterprises with business continuity during martial law, and piloted psychosocial support for workers.
International Labour Standards
New project signed to assist Ukraine with new labour code and better compliance with International Labour Standards
With support from Canada, the ILO launched a 2-year project that will promote compliance with fundamental principles and rights at work throughout the process of modernizing labour legalisation in Ukraine.
War in Ukraine
ILO proposes extra support measures for Ukraine, as war enters second year
A new ILO plan to support Ukraine’s labour and employment sector seeks to address humanitarian, as well as recovery needs, after a year of war that has created massive economic and employment losses and threatens millions with poverty.
Employment creation
ILO and SECO launch collaboration to accelerate employment creation in Moldova
The ILO and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) combined efforts for employment promotion, skills development, and formalization to create new jobs especially for rural communities and vulnerable populations including youth and women in the Republic of Moldova.
Testimonials from Ukraine
"We sincerely want to help people, and make them feel hopeful"
Ella Albanska’s company participated in packaging and distribution of food for families in need, many of them fleeing from areas affected by the war. With ILO support, the Federation of Employers of Ukraine organized a country-wide effort to engage Ukrainian companies in the manufacturing of humanitarian aid packages.
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