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Business resilience is a key driver of economic prosperity in the Caribbean
Image of gears being joined together

Business resilience is a key driver of economic prosperity in the Caribbean

Made up of mostly Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Caribbean faces multiple vulnerabilities to climate hazards such as hurricanes, flooding, landslides, heatwaves, drought and sea level rise

Pivoting social dialogue to enhance the role of unions in COVID-19 recovery
Workers in dialogue

Pivoting social dialogue to enhance the role of unions in COVID-19 recovery

Greater inclusion can encourage more human-centred approaches to labour solutions in the Caribbean

Occupational safety and health is at the heart of COVID-19 recovery: Mainstreaming policies on infection prevention and control, psychosocial risks and ergonomics is key to effective crisis response
Hands typing on keyboard  with virtual overlay of blog on the screen

Occupational safety and health is at the heart of COVID-19 recovery: Mainstreaming policies on infection prevention and control, psychosocial risks and ergonomics is key to effective crisis response

Prioritizing TVET in COVID-19 recovery efforts for the Caribbean: How CARICOM Member States can address delivery, continuity and resilience
Hands typing on keyboard  with virtual overlay of blog on the screen

Prioritizing TVET in COVID-19 recovery efforts for the Caribbean: How CARICOM Member States can address delivery, continuity and resilience

Message from Dennis Zulu, Director, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean on the Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office
ILOPOS Dennis Zulu Photo

51st Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office

Message from Dennis Zulu, Director, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean on the Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office

As we observe the 51st anniversary of the opening of the Office, we look forward to a better tomorrow working together as ILO tripartite constituents, the UN family and other partners towards a more resilient and sustainable recovery, which will lead to the achievement of decent work for all in the Caribbean region

Mr Dennis Zulu appointed as the New Director of the ILO Caribbean Office
Photo of Dennis Zulu

Mr Dennis Zulu appointed as the New Director of the ILO Caribbean Office

Mr Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), has appointed Mr Dennis Zulu, a Zambian national, as the new Director of ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean with effect from 01 September 2020.

Caribbean countries move forward on youth employment policies
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Caribbean countries move forward on youth employment policies

ILO launches employer and trade union guides on the CARIFORUM-EC Economic Partnership Agreement
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ILO launches employer and trade union guides on the CARIFORUM-EC Economic Partnership Agreement

The ILO Office for the Caribbean, has published two user-friendly guides on the CARIFORUM-European Community (EC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for use by Caribbean employers and trade unionists.

Message from Dr. Ana Teresa Romero, Director, ILO Subregional Office for the Caribbean on the occasion of its 40th anniversary
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Message from Dr. Ana Teresa Romero, Director, ILO Subregional Office for the Caribbean on the occasion of its 40th anniversary

For ILO constituents in the Caribbean, 2009 calls for a “double celebration” - the International Labour Organization is 90 years old and the Office that was setup to serve the Caribbean is 40.

Maritime industry can improve employment prospects of Latin American and Caribbean people
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Maritime industry can improve employment prospects of Latin American and Caribbean people

The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the International Labour Organization sign Memorandum of Understanding
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The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the International Labour Organization sign Memorandum of Understanding

The (OECS) Secretariat and the ILO have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate on labour market issues to support national development efforts and the integration process within the OECS Economic Union.

ILO and UWI Centre for Gender and Development Studies to launch report on Reconciling work and family
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ILO and UWI Centre for Gender and Development Studies to launch report on Reconciling work and family

The report provides information on workers' experiences, particularly women, of negotiating work and family responsibilities and implications for gender equality and poverty in Trinidad and Tobago. It uses data, interviews and policy reviews to examine major trends and issues as well as offers recommendations for action, including measures to be taken by the government, employers and trade unions.

Trade union leaders meet on EPA and CSME at ILO-CCL Round Table
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Trade union leaders meet on EPA and CSME at ILO-CCL Round Table

The Round Table will contribute to the public discourse on the Economic Partnership Agreement and the CSME, and allow trade unions to gain a better insight into the characteristics of the CSME and the provisions and implications of the EPA

ILO workshop to reveal status report on labour legislation in the region
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ILO workshop to reveal status report on labour legislation in the region

The findings of an ILO report on the status of compliance of national labour legislation with CARICOM Model Labour Laws in the Caribbean region will be revealed at an ILO Caribbean Tripartite Workshop on Labour Legislation

ILO regional training course for labour dispute for conciliators and mediators
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ILO regional training course for labour dispute for conciliators and mediators

The course is being held for conciliators and mediators in industrial disputes of the Ministries of Labour throughout the Caribbean region.

ILO convenes high-level meeting for caribbean employers' organizations
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ILO convenes high-level meeting for caribbean employers' organizations

This high-level meeting is held every 3 years and is the forum where representatives of national, regional and international organizations of employers discuss major concerns within the world of work’s labour and social dimensions.

Harmonizing of labour force surveys for regional integration
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Harmonizing of labour force surveys for regional integration

The national statistical offices of the five countries have embarked on an ILO project to produce a harmonized series of key labour market indicators from their Labour Force Surveys.

ILO seminar for judges on International Labour Standards (ILS)
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ILO seminar for judges on International Labour Standards (ILS)

Judges from national courts, industrial courts and tribunals, will meet from 25-29 September 2007 to discuss ways of making full use of the resources of international labour law in their daily practice, contributing to better implementation of international labour standards at the national level.

ILO Training Workshop for senior labour officials
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ILO Training Workshop for senior labour officials

OAS and ILO Sign MOU for cooperation at XV-Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour
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OAS and ILO Sign MOU for cooperation at XV-Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour