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New ILO report urges efforts to strengthen responsible business practices in Thailand's automotive sector
Thailand's automotive industry is strong in key areas like wages and social protection coverage.

New ILO report urges efforts to strengthen responsible business practices in Thailand's automotive sector

Findings reveal opportunities to enhance decent work conditions and tackle disparities, emphasizing collaboration for industry-wide improvements.

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Young people in Thailand’s Songkhla and Yala provinces struggling to enter the labour market
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Young people in Thailand’s Songkhla and Yala provinces struggling to enter the labour market

New ILO report shares insight into the current youth employment situation and the need for greater support for young people to find decent work.

New EU-UN ‘PROTECT’ project supports women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia
Asian family posing in the street

Labour migration

New EU-UN ‘PROTECT’ project supports women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia

A new initiative launched by the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) will help strengthen the rights of women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia, while reducing their vulnerabilities.

Ms Xiaoyan Qian takes up post as ILO director for Thailand, Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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Ms Xiaoyan Qian takes up post as ILO director for Thailand, Cambodia and Lao People’s Democratic Republic

New director also oversees Decent Work Technical Support Team for East and South-East Asia and the Pacific.

Thailand and International Labour Organization agree work priorities thru 2027
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Decent Work Country Programme for Thailand 2023-27

Thailand and International Labour Organization agree work priorities thru 2027

Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2023-27 sets out key areas for cooperation between ILO and its government, employer and worker constituents in Thailand.

Sectoral skills council is key in providing skilled workers according to the need of the industry
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Sectoral skills council is key in providing skilled workers according to the need of the industry

Five main recommendations to strengthen Indonesian human capital and ensure skills’ link and match in electronics sector are jointly developed by key sectoral labour actors with the facilitation of the ILO’s Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct.

First aid skills offer a lifeline to fishers at sea
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Occupational safety and health in fishing sector

First aid skills offer a lifeline to fishers at sea

ILO's EU-funded Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia programme is collaborating with NGO Stella Maris to give fishers in Thai fleet life-saving skills for safer maritime journeys.

Communications and Event Service Provider TOR
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Communications and Event Service Provider TOR

ILO Bangkok Office is looking to recruit a communications & event service provider to produce two videos and communication materials (i.e., flyer, social media cards, infographics) including graphic design, and take high-quality photos during the regional workshop in Bangkok, Thailand on 14-15 May 2024. To apply, please send your complete application to, copying by February 23, 2024.

ASEAN delegates gain insights from Korea on social protection schemes
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Social security

ASEAN delegates gain insights from Korea on social protection schemes

Workshop highlights best practices and lessons learned in implementing Employment Injury and Insurance Schemes.

ILO’s policy dialogue reveals potential to promote the social and solidarity economy in Thailand
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ILO’s policy dialogue reveals potential to promote the social and solidarity economy in Thailand

The ILO convened a policy dialogue on the social and solidarity economy’s contribution to decent work and sustainable development on December 15, 2023. The meeting provided an opportunity to review the workplan for the study on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Thailand.

Lifelong learning vital for workers and businesses to navigate Asia's skills landscape evolution
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Skill development

Lifelong learning vital for workers and businesses to navigate Asia's skills landscape evolution

Skills experts from across Asia make case for continuous learning in order to keep ahead of momentous changes taking place in workplaces.

ILO’s policy dialogue reveals potential to promote the social and solidarity economy in Thailand
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ILO’s policy dialogue reveals potential to promote the social and solidarity economy in Thailand

The ILO convened a policy dialogue on the social and solidarity economy’s contribution to decent work and sustainable development on December 15, 2023. The meeting provided an opportunity to review the workplan for the study on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Thailand.

ILO convenes stakeholders to validate study on decent work and responsible business practices in electronics sector
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ILO convenes stakeholders to validate study on decent work and responsible business practices in electronics sector

The ILO is scaling up its support for decent work and industry upgrading in one of Indonesia’s leading manufacturing and export sectors.

Indonesian businesses move towards responsible business conduct
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Indonesian businesses move towards responsible business conduct

The ILO continues to support Indonesian government and businesses to strengthen the implementation of responsible business practices and conduct.

Realizing women migrant workers’ rights in ASEAN region – main outcomes
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Safe and Fair project

Realizing women migrant workers’ rights in ASEAN region – main outcomes

At an InfoPoint organized by the European Commission, the ILO presented key results of the Safe and Fair project, which is part of the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative and implemented across ten countries in Southeast Asia.

Engaging with platform cooperatives to build a fairer digital economy
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Engaging with platform cooperatives to build a fairer digital economy

ILO participates and contributes to a multi-stakeholder dialogue that shed light on the platform cooperatives as a viable alternative in the platform economy and pathways towards strengthening platform cooperatives in Thailand.

Actuarial capacity of social security institutions boosted in Asia and the Pacific
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Social security

Actuarial capacity of social security institutions boosted in Asia and the Pacific

Regional actuarial valuation training builds skills and management capacity for social security institutions in the region to support evidence-based policy making.

Unlocking the potential of digitalization for inclusive social protection in Asia and the Pacific
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Social protection

Unlocking the potential of digitalization for inclusive social protection in Asia and the Pacific

Opportunities and challenges offered by digitalization of social protection systems highlighted at major event.

ILO supports Thai auto sector to navigate evolving Human Rights Due Diligence environment
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Tripartism and social dialogue

ILO supports Thai auto sector to navigate evolving Human Rights Due Diligence environment

Joint efforts seek to strengthen responsible business practices and global competitiveness of the automotive industry.