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Co-create innovative financial solutions to break the cycle of child labour in Mali
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Co-create innovative financial solutions to break the cycle of child labour in Mali

The workshop highlighted the crucial importance of inclusive innovation to address the challenges of solidarity finance.

From the fields to the classroom: Abdou's journey to education in Foh village
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From the fields to the classroom: Abdou's journey to education in Foh village

A step forward in measuring the impact and combating child labour with the national workshop on results-based monitoring in Mali
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A step forward in measuring the impact and combating child labour with the national workshop on results-based monitoring in Mali

This workshop, which took place from January 22 to 24, 2024, marked an important step forward in the implementation of innovative monitoring and evaluation strategies, crucial for assessing the effectiveness of ACCEL Africa project interventions against work children in the cotton and orphanage sectors.

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso
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Social protection

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso

Five decrees implementing on the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) adopted by the Council of Ministers

ACCEL Africa: Advancing Responsible Gold Mining for Livelihoods and Rights
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ACCEL Africa: Advancing Responsible Gold Mining for Livelihoods and Rights

The video presents the approaches undertaken by the ACCEL Africa project in Mali, Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire to foster the formalization of the ASGM sector in the three target countries, providing insights from miners, local leaders, Government’s representatives, and private sector on how to promote a more responsible gold mining supply chain towards the elimination of child labour, the respect of human rights and the environment, and the promotion of decent work for all.

Un nouveau départ pour les femmes de Tiola : Comment ACCEL Africa brise le cycle du travail des enfants.
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Un nouveau départ pour les femmes de Tiola : Comment ACCEL Africa brise le cycle du travail des enfants.

From the fields to the classroom: Oumou's dreams come true
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From the fields to the classroom: Oumou's dreams come true

Mobile phones, digital training and financial education to address child labour in rural West Africa
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Mobile phones, digital training and financial education to address child labour in rural West Africa

The power of technology is being harnessed in Mali to deliver free audio messages on child labour, including new content specifically relating to financial education, to address one of the major root causes of child labour: poverty. The financial education component aims to improve farmers’ knowledge of and increase their access to financial services.

Partage régionale des connaissances pour des partenariats sur l'élimination du travail des enfants dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement
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Avis aux médias

Partage régionale des connaissances pour des partenariats sur l'élimination du travail des enfants dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement

La conférence régionale favorisera l'échange de connaissances et facilitera la création d'expériences de partenariat intra-africain et par le biais de la coopération Sud-Sud.

Good Practices: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains
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Good Practices: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains

ACCEL Africa documented 14 good practices in the fight against child labour, which emerged from the ACCEL Africa project implementation in 6 countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda. <br><br>Hayat Osseiran, International Consultant, with the technical supervision of Angelica Munoz ILO M&E and Knowledge Sharing Officer, prepared the good practices collection. The ACCEL national teams and partners developed and shared technical information, inputs and visual materials.

ACCEL Mali organizes national knowledge sharing days on the elimination of child labour
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ACCEL Mali organizes national knowledge sharing days on the elimination of child labour

Partners shared the importance of a diverse set of initiatives to combat child labour in Mali.

Harnessing the power of technology: delivering cost-effective digital training on child labour to field officers in remote areas using mobile phones
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Harnessing the power of technology: delivering cost-effective digital training on child labour to field officers in remote areas using mobile phones

Experience of ACCEL Mali with VIAMO

Accelerated schooling strategy (SSA/P) in Mali
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Accelerated schooling strategy (SSA/P) in Mali

The International Labour Organization (ILO), through the ACCEL Africa and CLEAR Cotton projects, with the financial support of the Japanese Association for the Progress of ILO Activities, delivered on July 21, 2022, in Bamako, kits of school supplies and textbooks to 800 children benefiting from the accelerated schooling strategy (SSA/P).

Termes de référence: Recrutement d’un consultant individuel pour identifier et faire un diagnostic rapide des Groupes de Prestation de Services (GPS) afin d’élaborer un programme d’appui technique, février-mars 2023
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Termes de référence: Recrutement d’un consultant individuel pour identifier et faire un diagnostic rapide des Groupes de Prestation de Services (GPS) afin d’élaborer un programme d’appui technique, février-mars 2023

Dans les régions de Sikasso et Kayes, le projet ACCEL met en oeuvre des actions au niveau communautaire et a déjà identifié des Groupes de Prestations de Services qui pourraient recevoir un appui directe. L’objectif général à travers le recrutement de ce consultant individuel est d’identifier et faire un diagnostic rapide des GPS existants dans 15 villages présélectionnés par le projet dans la région de Sikasso afin d'élaborer un programme d'appui technique.

Accelerated schooling strategy (SSA/P) in Mali: 800 beneficiaries received school supply kits and textbooks
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Travail des enfants

Accelerated schooling strategy (SSA/P) in Mali: 800 beneficiaries received school supply kits and textbooks

The International Labour Organization (ILO), through the ACCEL Africa and CLEAR Cotton projects, with the financial support of the Japan Association for Advancement of ILO Activities, delivered on July 21, 2022, in Bamako, kits of school supplies and textbooks to 800 children benefiting from the accelerated schooling strategy (SSA/P).

Concours des journalistes sur le travail des enfants : Les lauréats récompensés.
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Concours des journalistes sur le travail des enfants : Les lauréats récompensés.

Stratégie de Scolarisation Accélérée (SSA/P) Passerelle in Mali: children beneficiaries of 8-12 years old are reintegrated in the formal circuit of education after 9 months of learning
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Stratégie de Scolarisation Accélérée (SSA/P) Passerelle in Mali: children beneficiaries of 8-12 years old are reintegrated in the formal circuit of education after 9 months of learning

Accelerated Schooling Strategy – or Stratégie de Scolarisation Accélérée (SSA/P) Passerelle

Stakeholders of the Mali mining sector got together to discuss the implementation of the CRAFT Code as a tool to promote the elimination of child labour in the Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector through improved due diligence practices
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Stakeholders of the Mali mining sector got together to discuss the implementation of the CRAFT Code as a tool to promote the elimination of child labour in the Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector through improved due diligence practices

The CRAFT Code, developed by Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) and RESOLVE, is designed to help both upstream and downstream players in the value chain assess critical social and environmental risks, with a specific focus on empowering artisanal miners to improve their practices in order to create better working environments as well as access to global markets and better trading conditions.

Towards a Solidarity Future: The Gathering of Cooperative Societies for Development in Mali
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Towards a Solidarity Future: The Gathering of Cooperative Societies for Development in Mali

ACCEL Africa’s Media Production Competition: Leveraging the power of media to combat child labour in Mali
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ACCEL Africa’s Media Production Competition: Leveraging the power of media to combat child labour in Mali

The video was the award-winning entry to ACCEL Africa’s Media Production Competition, which was launched in April 2022 and conducted in the lead up to the World Day Against Child Labour in June 2022.