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Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

ILO holds discussion on pathways to strengthen the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia
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ILO holds discussion on pathways to strengthen the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia

The workshop was held in hybrid format, in Ulaanbaatar and online, to review the findings of the draft study on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Mongolia.

Understanding the contribution of the social and solidarity economy to sustainable development in Mongolia
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Understanding the contribution of the social and solidarity economy to sustainable development in Mongolia

On November 30, 2023 participants at the Mongolian Entrepreneurship Conference 2023 explored ways that social and solidarity economy entities in Mongolia can contribute to decent work and Sustainable Development Goals.

The better jobs, the better tomorrow for Mongolia
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Decent work country programme

The better jobs, the better tomorrow for Mongolia

The ILO and the tripartite constituents of Mongolia agreed to work together for better Mongolia through decent work in next five years.

ILO research highlights gaps and potential in use of technology to help youth find work
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Youth employment

ILO research highlights gaps and potential in use of technology to help youth find work

Technological transformation in public employment services can support youth in Asia-Pacific to navigate labour market transitions and enter decent work.

Harnessing the Potential of the Social and Solidarity Economy in Mongolia
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Harnessing the Potential of the Social and Solidarity Economy in Mongolia

The booth on social and solidarity economy at the World SME Day Expo 2023 explored ways to improve understanding of the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia, to strengthen its contribution to sustainable development in line with the country’s long-term development policy.

ILO launches a new initiative to eradicate forced labour in Mongolia
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Forced labour

ILO launches a new initiative to eradicate forced labour in Mongolia

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United States Department of Labor have commenced "The Bridge Project II" to combat forced labour in Mongolia, aiming to enhance the national capacity by engaging with the government, social partners, and other stakeholders.

ILO holds third regional advisory committee to share updates on strengthening the social and solidarity economy in Asia project
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ILO holds third regional advisory committee to share updates on strengthening the social and solidarity economy in Asia project

The project’s national researchers and regional advisory committee members exchanged around the progress of the research on the social and solidarity economy in Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand, and Vietnam on 9 June 2023.

Asia-Pacific governments look to technology for employment services to support youth
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Youth employment

Asia-Pacific governments look to technology for employment services to support youth

Government officials from across the region exchange and learn about how technology can help young people access decent employment.

ILO participates in the National Forum on Occupational Safety and Health in Mongolia
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SDG-Aligned Budgeting To Transform Employment in Mongolia

ILO participates in the National Forum on Occupational Safety and Health in Mongolia

The "SDG Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia" project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the ILO, which aims to align international labour standards with OSH practices and regulations, takes part in the second National Forum on Occupational Safety and Health on May 18, 2023.

Building a culture of safety in Mongolia through an art competition
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Occupational Safety and Health

Building a culture of safety in Mongolia through an art competition

Mongolian secondary school students promote occupational safety and health through a drawing contest organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Center, in collaboration with the ILO's 'Trade for Decent Work' project, funded by the European Union.

'Safe and Healthy Workplace is...' photo challenge
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Occupational Safety and Health

'Safe and Healthy Workplace is...' photo challenge

With the support of ILO-EU projects, tripartite partners in Mongolia organize a month-long OSH campaign in April 2023, aiming to foster a culture of safety and health across all sectors in the country.

Mongolia implements new labour dispute resolution mechanism with ILO's support
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Trade for Decent Work

Mongolia implements new labour dispute resolution mechanism with ILO's support

With the support of the ILO's "Trade for Decent Work" project, funded by the European Union, the Mongolian Government introduces a new mechanism aimed at enhancing the resolution of labour disputes in the country.

Safety and health at work: Nationwide campaign launched in Mongolia
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2023 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Campaign

Safety and health at work: Nationwide campaign launched in Mongolia

With the support of ILO-EU projects, tripartite partners in Mongolia organize a month-long OSH campaign in April 2023, aiming to foster a culture of safety and health across all sectors in the country.

Tripartite partners assess the need for revision of Mongolia's Law on Trade Union Rights
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Trade for Decent Work

Tripartite partners assess the need for revision of Mongolia's Law on Trade Union Rights

On 15 February 2023, ILO constituents in Mongolia assessed the need for a possible revision of the Law on Trade Union Rights. 

ILO holds second regional advisory committee to share updates on strengthening the social and solidarity economy in Asia project
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ILO holds second regional advisory committee to share updates on strengthening the social and solidarity economy in Asia project

The project’s national researchers and regional advisory committee members exchanged around the progress of the research on the social and solidarity economy in Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Vietnam on 6 February 2023.

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022
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16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2022

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an international initiative that takes place between 25 November and 10 December, starting with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and ending with Human Rights Day. The primary goal of the campaign is to raise awareness and engage the public in ending GBV and other harmful practices against women and girls.

Influential voices of Mongolia call for zero tolerance for violence and harassment at work
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Influential voices of Mongolia call for zero tolerance for violence and harassment at work

From actors to politicians, activists to athletes – a wide range of influential people from various sectors of Mongolian society have joined forces to urge ratification of C190, the very first international treaty to recognize the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment.

Awareness campaign educates youth in Mongolia about their rights at work
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SDG - Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia

Awareness campaign educates youth in Mongolia about their rights at work

With the support of "SDG-Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia" project funded by the European Union, the National Decent Work for Youth Network (DWYN) continues to make powerful advances in its mission to educate and empower young people about their rights at work, and how to assert them.

Tripartite partners use animation to promote the revised Labour Law of Mongolia
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Trade for Decent Work

Tripartite partners use animation to promote the revised Labour Law of Mongolia

With the support of "Trade for Decent Work" project funded by the European Union, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Mongolia creates animated videos to increase understanding of the revised Labour Law among the general public.