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Palestinian unemployment rate set to soar to 57 per cent during first quarter of 2024
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ILO assessment

Palestinian unemployment rate set to soar to 57 per cent during first quarter of 2024

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development
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EIIP regional workshop

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development

EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region
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EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region

A new action funded by the European Union will enable the ILO to improve the employability of young people not in employment, education or training across the Middle East and North Africa for their successful integration in labour markets.

Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

Palestinian unemployment rate year-on-year is set to nearly double as a result of escalation of hostilities in Gaza
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ILO assessment

Palestinian unemployment rate year-on-year is set to nearly double as a result of escalation of hostilities in Gaza

The International Labour Organization and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics estimate that the ongoing hostilities have wiped out at least 66 per cent of employment in the Gaza Strip.

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

The ILO’s Director of the Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, Sangheon Lee, advocates for stronger alignment of trade, investment and employment policies for translating economic opportunities into decent employment realities during the 5th UfM Trade and Investment Forum.

ILO launches funding appeal to respond to critical needs of Palestinian workers and employers
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Labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

ILO launches funding appeal to respond to critical needs of Palestinian workers and employers

Funding sought to implement ILO’s three-phase programme to provide immediate relief to impacted groups and support longer-term job and business recovery and social protection.

Over 60 per cent of employment has been lost in Gaza since start of current conflict
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ILO assessment

Over 60 per cent of employment has been lost in Gaza since start of current conflict

The ILO has issued its first bulletin on the impact of the current Israel-Hamas conflict on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

ILO Workshop aimed to boost agricultural cooperatives in Lebanon and Iraq and foster knowledge exchange
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ILO Workshop aimed to boost agricultural cooperatives in Lebanon and Iraq and foster knowledge exchange

The PROSPECTS Programme held a Training of Trainers workshop to address the needs of agricultural cooperatives in the region, raise awareness about their work, and enhance local capacities by establishing a network of qualified trainers.

The first female Palestinian aluminium technicians break barriers with ILO support
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The first female Palestinian aluminium technicians break barriers with ILO support

The ILO has supported the successful completion of an aluminium sector work-based apprenticeship programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, culminating in the employment of the first Palestinian women as aluminium technicians. This marks a significant milestone in the quest for gender equality and women’s economic empowerment in the region.

New study advances the transition of Palestinian informal industry workers through social dialogue
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New study advances the transition of Palestinian informal industry workers through social dialogue

An ILO study has equipped stakeholders and the tripartite partners with evidence-based data and tools to safeguard society, workers, and employers alike in informal economies through collaborative effort in labour market governance and social dialogue. The validation workshop serves as a milestone in the Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region (SOLIFEM) project, co-funded by the European Union and the ILO.

The ILO holds meeting on care provision through cooperatives with global and country level updates
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The ILO holds meeting on care provision through cooperatives with global and country level updates

On Wednesday, August 23rd, The ILO’s Cooperative Unit (COOP) and the Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Branch came together with 27 ILO colleagues from headquarters and the field to discuss progress on the initiative Cooperative Care Provision as a Gender-Transformative Decent Work Solution, initially launched in March 2023.

Operationalizing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus for social protection in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Operationalizing the humanitarian-development-peace nexus for social protection in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Efforts to boost coherence between humanitarian and development activities are laying the groundwork for a stronger Palestinian social protection sector.

Extensive Palestinian national dialogue on revised social security draft law begins
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Extensive Palestinian national dialogue on revised social security draft law begins

Palestinian stakeholders begin two months of discussions on key proposed reforms to the social security law aimed at enhancing good governance, financial sustainability and equity of the system.

Recent study by Economic Policy Institute MAS highlights limitations in Social Protection for workers in the OPT
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Recent study by Economic Policy Institute MAS highlights limitations in Social Protection for workers in the OPT

ILO analysis finds Palestinian income dynamics require more inclusive social protection approaches
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ILO analysis finds Palestinian income dynamics require more inclusive social protection approaches

New analysis shows that income poverty in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is not a static concept, with nearly half of the original 'poor' households no longer being classified as such within a 5-year period.

ILO workshop strengthens nexus coherence and coordination in the Palestinian Social Protection sector
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ILO workshop strengthens nexus coherence and coordination in the Palestinian Social Protection sector

The workshop was underpinned by training elements on how to respond to complex situations through agile and adaptive management approaches and tools.

ILO and Japan launch project to promote sustainable enterprises and decent jobs for Palestinian women and youth in agriculture
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ILO and Japan launch project to promote sustainable enterprises and decent jobs for Palestinian women and youth in agriculture

The new project aims to contribute to more sustainable and decent jobs in the agricultural sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).

First regional knowledge-sharing workshop on the impact of trade and investment policies on productive and decent employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries
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First regional knowledge-sharing workshop on the impact of trade and investment policies on productive and decent employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and Al Hussien Technical University (HTU) Collaborate to Support Young Jordanians and Syrians in Entrepreneurship Training
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Employment Promotion

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and Al Hussien Technical University (HTU) Collaborate to Support Young Jordanians and Syrians in Entrepreneurship Training

This program will provide participants with access to essential resource to aid their entrepreneurial objectives. It is part of the ILO Program of Support (POS) for the Crisis Response, and is funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration of the US Department of State (PRM).