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Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Summary - India Employment Report 2024: Youth Employment, Education and Skills
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Summary - India Employment Report 2024: Youth Employment, Education and Skills

Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces are already a reality
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Future of work

Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces are already a reality

While it can improve productivity and service quality, algorithmic management also presents risks to workers’ surveillance and job quality, particularly if there aren’t robust legal safeguards.

The ILO contributes to the Roots of Resilience Conference that took place in Kerala
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The ILO contributes to the Roots of Resilience Conference that took place in Kerala

IT For Change and the Platform Cooperativism Consortium (PCC) held the 'Roots of Resilience - Building Platform Cooperatives for Sustainable and Feminist Local Economies' conference from 30 November to 2 December 2023 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The conference brought together 105 scholars, practitioners, and policy makers from 15 countries to reflect on new visions for a just and sustainable digital future.

EBMO's can drive crucial policy on skills and social protection to foster sustainable and inclusive growth of the economy
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EBMO's can drive crucial policy on skills and social protection to foster sustainable and inclusive growth of the economy

Opening remarks at the CII – EFI National Conference on Industrial Relations ‘Transforming Workforce Ecosystem for Sustainable & Inclusive Growth’ by Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director, ILO DWT/CO-New Delhi

Human rights are labour rights; it is our duty to protect and support them if we are to achieve the goal of social justice
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Human rights are labour rights; it is our duty to protect and support them if we are to achieve the goal of social justice

Opening remarks at the event marking International Human Rights Day 2023 by Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director, ILO DWT/CO-New Delhi

Freedom of association is a human and labour right: ILO’s tripartite constituents commemorate International Human Rights Day
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Freedom of association is a human and labour right: ILO’s tripartite constituents commemorate International Human Rights Day

To commemorate the Declaration the International Labour Organization hosted an event, focusing on Freedom of Association as this year also marks 75 years of ILO’s fundamental Convention, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No.87).

Decent work for domestic workers is a step in ensuring gender equity
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Decent work for domestic workers is a step in ensuring gender equity

Opening remarks at the "National Consultation: Towards Decent Work for Domestic Workers in India" by Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director, ILO DWT/CO-New Delhi

ILO organizes regional technical meeting on statistics of international labour migration and migrant recruitment costs in South Asia
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ILO organizes regional technical meeting on statistics of international labour migration and migrant recruitment costs in South Asia

A sub-regional meeting on labour migration brought together government, social partners, CSOs and academia to discuss and identify issues, challenges and more importantly to develop action plans to better measure, analyze and disseminate labour migration data.

Social justice cannot be achieved until degrading and discriminating practices are eliminated
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Social justice cannot be achieved until degrading and discriminating practices are eliminated

Opening remarks at the "Technical Consultation Workshop: Promote Decent Work for Sanitation Workers in India: With focus on Hazardous and High-Risk Work" by Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director, ILO DWT/CO-New Delhi

From local roots to global heights: MSMEs lead the way
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From local roots to global heights: MSMEs lead the way

Policymakers and government officials from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Korea and South Africa, along with other stakeholders integral to the MSME value chain and the ILO’s tripartite constituents, attended the event.

Joint Press Release on Conclave on Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises for Local Development by ILO and Ministry of MSME, GoI
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Joint Press Release on Conclave on Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises for Local Development by ILO and Ministry of MSME, GoI

The conclave brought together policymakers, industry leaders, MSMEs, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders from India and other emerging economies with the primary objective for sustainable, resilient and inclusive development and Decent Work for All.

ILO hosts Conclave to promote sustainable enterprises and local sustainable development in India
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ILO hosts Conclave to promote sustainable enterprises and local sustainable development in India

Policymakers and government officials from Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Korea and South Africa, along with other stakeholders integral to the MSME value chain and the ILO’s tripartite constituents, attended the event.

ILO COOP contributes a video message on cooperatives to the Keraleeyam festival
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ILO COOP contributes a video message on cooperatives to the Keraleeyam festival

The one week of celebrations included seminars, activities, exhibitions, shows and fairs took place from November 1st to November 7th at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Inclusion, care and support: Meet the Disability Inclusion Facilitators
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International Day of Care

Inclusion, care and support: Meet the Disability Inclusion Facilitators

Disability Inclusion Facilitators are ensuring persons with disabilities get equal access to opportunities in an effort to advance social justice and decent work for all.

Phase II of India-EU migration project launched
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Phase II of India-EU migration project launched

The European Commission and the Government of India signed the Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility in 2016. To support the joint objectives outlined in the CAMM, Phase II of the Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility project was launched.

The ship recycling industry has a critical role in combatting the climate crisis
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The ship recycling industry has a critical role in combatting the climate crisis

Address at the third Tripartite Meeting of the Industry Safety Committee for the Ship Recycling Industry in Alang by Satoshi Sasaki, OIC and Deputy Director, ILO DWT/CO-New Delhi

ILO welcomes G20 Culture Ministers' support for decent work goals
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G20 Culture Ministers' Meeting

ILO welcomes G20 Culture Ministers' support for decent work goals

G20 ministers have reiterated their support for decent work in the cultural and creative industries, including alignment with international labour standards, skills training, effective social protection and reinforced channels for dialogue.

Promoting quality apprenticeship in India, South Africa, China, Ethiopia and Switzerland
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Promoting quality apprenticeship in India, South Africa, China, Ethiopia and Switzerland

Study Tour

ILO research highlights gaps and potential in use of technology to help youth find work
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Youth employment

ILO research highlights gaps and potential in use of technology to help youth find work

Technological transformation in public employment services can support youth in Asia-Pacific to navigate labour market transitions and enter decent work.