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Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Bahrain takes leap forward in enhancing end-of-service rights for migrant workers
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Bahrain takes leap forward in enhancing end-of-service rights for migrant workers

A new provident fund for end-of-service indemnity for migrant workers is established in the Social Insurance Organization as part of GCC-wide reforms to reform social protection systems in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

ILO Director-General: Saudi labour market reforms pivotal for advancing social justice and development in the Kingdom
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Official visit

ILO Director-General: Saudi labour market reforms pivotal for advancing social justice and development in the Kingdom

Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo, accompanied by Regional Director for Arab States Ruba Jaradat and the Director-General’s Senior Advisor for Africa and Arab States Chad Blackman, met with government, employer and worker representatives and attended the Global Labour Market Conference in Riyadh.

ILO Launches Flagship Study on Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries
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ILO Launches Flagship Study on Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

ILO and IsDB share progress on joint work on socioeconomic and policy impacts of Just Transition in MENA region
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ILO and IsDB share progress on joint work on socioeconomic and policy impacts of Just Transition in MENA region

Strengthening Data of Ethiopian Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia
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Strengthening Data of Ethiopian Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia

Enhancing the operational capacity of Ethiopian Diplomatic Missions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

A returnee raised her income and improved her skills
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A returnee raised her income and improved her skills

Migrant workers who lack proper information usually end up extending their stay, despite their visas having expired, putting them in danger of being classified as irregular/undocumented migrants. Migrants are even more vulnerable in such situations and face numerous challenges, including labour rights violations, abuses, and exploitation.

Development cooperation between ILO and Saudi Arabia enters new phase
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Development cooperation between ILO and Saudi Arabia enters new phase

A letter of intent was signed on the side-lines of the International Labour Conference to launch Phase II of a joint ILO-Saudi development cooperation programme, under which the ILO will provide support in analysis, policy and capacity development.

ILO Regional Director for Arab States completes official visit to Saudi Arabia
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ILO Regional Director for Arab States completes official visit to Saudi Arabia

Regional Director Ruba Jaradat met with government, employer and worker representatives and attended the annual Islamic Development Bank meetings.

ILO and Saudi Arabia launch a new phase of technical cooperation
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ILO and Saudi Arabia launch a new phase of technical cooperation

The renewed cooperation aims at advancing employment and labour market policies and outcomes, strengthening social dialogue, and ensuring the application of fundamental principles and rights at work, as well as improving skills governance for better employability of young Saudis and occupational safety and health at work.

The Arab States and Asia Pacific Employers Leaders Network held for first time in Saudi Arabia
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The Arab States and Asia Pacific Employers Leaders Network held for first time in Saudi Arabia

Digital transformation, income diversification, evolving consumer needs, social dialogue, international trade cooperation, change management and internal management were among the core issues discussed by employer representatives at the meeting in Riyadh.

ILO leads MENA leadership programme to promote a just transition to a green future of work
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ILO leads MENA leadership programme to promote a just transition to a green future of work

Worker, employer and government representatives from the region met online to gain a better understanding gained a better understanding of how to shape policies to implement climate change commitments.

ILO Constituents Re-affirm the Importance of Social Dialogue as a path towards formalization and Decent Work for Youth in the Middle East and North Africa region
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ILO Constituents Re-affirm the Importance of Social Dialogue as a path towards formalization and Decent Work for Youth in the Middle East and North Africa region

The ILO Constituents agreed to a framework for action in the region on the 2nd day of the first regional meeting of the Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region (SOLIFEM) Project, which took place in Algiers, in collaboration with the Algerian Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. SOLIFEM is co-financed by the European Union and the ILO.

ILO Jordan holds second project advisory meeting for RDPP Research Partnership for Improved Livelihoods of Jordanians and Syrians
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ILO Jordan holds second project advisory meeting for RDPP Research Partnership for Improved Livelihoods of Jordanians and Syrians

Continued coordination with key stakeholders is integral to the success RDPP Research Project. These efforts are organised to enhance the understanding on youth employment and livelihoods in Jordan.

Saudi Arabia reinforces its commitment to eradicate forced labour in all its forms
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Forced Labour

Saudi Arabia reinforces its commitment to eradicate forced labour in all its forms

Saudi Arabia ratifies the Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention

Saudi Arabia ratifies ILO conventions setting out safeguards with crucial importance for the response to COVID-19
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Saudi Arabia ratifies ILO conventions setting out safeguards with crucial importance for the response to COVID-19

Saudi Arabia ratifies the Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95) and the Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1964 (No. 120).

ILO Regional Office welcomes announcement of Saudi reforms on labour migration
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ILO Regional Office welcomes announcement of Saudi reforms on labour migration

Community changemakers help Pakistan’s migrant workers avoid exploitation
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Our impact, their voices

Community changemakers help Pakistan’s migrant workers avoid exploitation

An ILO project in Pakistan is raising awareness among prospective migrant workers about safe labour migration.

Arab States pledge to reduce gender pay gap in the region
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Arab States pledge to reduce gender pay gap in the region

The joint ILO, UN Women and OECD Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) saw high-level offcials from across the Arab States reigion commit to pay equity between women and men

FAIRWAY produces easy-to-read factsheets on laws governing migrant workers in the Arab States
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FAIRWAY produces easy-to-read factsheets on laws governing migrant workers in the Arab States

The ILO’s FAIRWAY Project has mapped out the key legal provisions dealing with migrant workers in English across eight Arab countries to provide greater access to information for the general public.