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ILO launches new project in Kenya targeting child labour in Kenya's tea and coffee sectors.
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ILO launches new project in Kenya targeting child labour in Kenya's tea and coffee sectors.

Refining the Determination of Minimum Wage Standards in Kenya
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Refining the Determination of Minimum Wage Standards in Kenya

The International Labour Organization (ILO) project All Hands in Kenya (AHK) collaborated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in Kenya, to develop a government economic position paper meant to guide the minimum wage during the upcoming Labour Day celebrations.

From Migrant Worker to Restaurant Owner: Bigeni Maina’s Journey to Success
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From Migrant Worker to Restaurant Owner: Bigeni Maina’s Journey to Success

"I would like to grow my business to the point where it not only meets but surpasses the financial requirements of my family, ensuring stability and security for us all," says Bigeni.

Collaborative Pathways for Labour Migration Governance in East and Horn of Africa
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Collaborative Pathways for Labour Migration Governance in East and Horn of Africa

"Strengthening the Common Approach on BLMA and Skills Development Among Labour Migration Advisory Group (LMAG) in East and Horn of Africa."

Empowering entrepreneurs and freelancers to leverage digital economy opportunities in Kenya
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Empowering entrepreneurs and freelancers to leverage digital economy opportunities in Kenya

Through an intensive programme, ILO PROSPECTS Kenya rolled out training that supports entrepreneurs and freelancers to apply a new tool for business digitalization.

ILO addresses child labour in Mombasa as stakeholders chart a way forward
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ILO addresses child labour in Mombasa as stakeholders chart a way forward

Statistics from the 2022 child labour report by ILO and UNICEF painted a stark picture, with approximately 160 million children globally falling victim to child labour.

Social Partners from 39 African Countries Gather to Chart Course for the Future of Work in the continent
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Social Partners from 39 African Countries Gather to Chart Course for the Future of Work in the continent

The International Labour Organization took part in the event in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on promotion of social dialogue on employment.

Tea-Triangular: Kenya, Malawi and Uganda tripartite stakeholders and tea supply chain representatives share knowledge to combat child labour in the tea supply chain.
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Tea-Triangular: Kenya, Malawi and Uganda tripartite stakeholders and tea supply chain representatives share knowledge to combat child labour in the tea supply chain.

Key stakeholders from Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda have joined forces to address the critical issue of child labour within the tea industry.

Tackling water woes: ILO’s vocational training success in Kenya
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Tackling water woes: ILO’s vocational training success in Kenya

With support from the Government and partners, ILO PROSPECTS introduced a skill development programme supporting maintenance of water sources and supply systems in a drought prone community of Garissa, Kenya. The first batch of trained Water System Operators graduated this week.

Kenyan Judges Trained on the International Labour Standards
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Kenyan Judges Trained on the International Labour Standards

Kenyan judges were trained in International Labour Standards by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), and the ILO Labour Law and Reform Unit (LABOURLAW), collaborating with the Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA).

ILO forges alliance to unlock opportunities through digital innovation in Kenya
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ILO forges alliance to unlock opportunities through digital innovation in Kenya

The ILO PROSPECTS programme facilitated an agreement between Learning Lions and Humans in the Loop, creating pathways for young people from host and refugee communities in Kenya to access opportunities in the digital economy.

Accelerating the elimination of child labour in Africa: Key takeaways from the county stakeholders forums in Kenya
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Accelerating the elimination of child labour in Africa: Key takeaways from the county stakeholders forums in Kenya

Key objectives of the forums included the establishment of contacts with government officials and stakeholders, identification of child labour challenges specific to the coffee and tea sectors, and the development of coordinated mechanisms for implementing project work plans at the county level.

MRC Implementation Agreement Signing and Motorbike's Handover Ceremony
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MRC Implementation Agreement Signing and Motorbike's Handover Ceremony

The ILO, through the BRMM programme, is collaborating with the Government of South Sudan to establish the first MRC in Juba, aiming to provide accurate information and timely support to potential migrants, returnees, and their families, fostering informed decision-making.

Advancing Labour Migration Governance and Protecting Workers' Rights in Africa
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Advancing Labour Migration Governance and Protecting Workers' Rights in Africa

Contributing to improved labour migration governance and the protection of migrant workers' rights through enhanced social dialogue, trade union cooperation, and advocacy

Advancing Kenya's digital infrastructure: navigating challenges and embracing AI
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Advancing Kenya's digital infrastructure: navigating challenges and embracing AI

With the support of the ILO, the Community of Practice on Digital Skills and Jobs gathered to analyze the main obstacles to overcome infrastructural challenges and to find pathways to ensure fair and inclusive access to emerging AI technologies.

Portraits from PROSPECTS - Visualizing change in host and refugee communities
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Portraits from PROSPECTS - Visualizing change in host and refugee communities

Depicting stories of host and refugee individuals with improved self-reliance and resilience, an exhibition led by ILO PROSPECTS programme at the colonnade of ILO Headquarters will underpin ILO’s approaches promoting inclusive socio-economic growth and decent work for both host and forcibly displaced communities. The exhibition will be on from 14 December to 11 January in its first phase.

From Challenges to Opportunities: Entrepreneurship Training for Kenya's Returned Migrant Workers
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From Challenges to Opportunities: Entrepreneurship Training for Kenya's Returned Migrant Workers

Reinforcing the entrepreneurial and business management skills of 660 vulnerable returned migrants in Nairobi and Mombasa cities.

Governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations validate the AU-ILO youth employment strategy for Africa
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Governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations validate the AU-ILO youth employment strategy for Africa

A collaborative effort between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the African Union Commission (AUC), YES-Africa is a guiding framework to shape the future world of work for the continent's youth.

ILO partners with the African Union to spearhead transformative macroeconomic policy framework for employment generation in Africa
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ILO partners with the African Union to spearhead transformative macroeconomic policy framework for employment generation in Africa

The International Labour Organization (ILO) in partnership with the International Training Centre, Turin conducted a capacity development and planning workshop on pro-employment macroeconomic and sectoral policies for African Union (AU) member states. The training was in response to the widening decent work deficits and growing inequalities that threaten achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Africa.

Unveiling Trends, Practices, and Opportunities in Skills Development Across Southern, East, and Horn of Africa
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Unveiling Trends, Practices, and Opportunities in Skills Development Across Southern, East, and Horn of Africa

Addressing the need for more reliable information on the skills dimensions of labour migration by establishing an information hub within the Knowledge Sharing Portal on Skills and Labour Migration (ASPYEE) platform.