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EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region
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EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region

A new action funded by the European Union will enable the ILO to improve the employability of young people not in employment, education or training across the Middle East and North Africa for their successful integration in labour markets.

Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

The ILO’s Director of the Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, Sangheon Lee, advocates for stronger alignment of trade, investment and employment policies for translating economic opportunities into decent employment realities during the 5th UfM Trade and Investment Forum.

First-Ever African Labour Migration Conference Kicks Off in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
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Labour migration

First-Ever African Labour Migration Conference Kicks Off in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

ILO and African Union Commission join forces to protect migrant workers' rights

ILO – ERF Launch Event of the Egypt Policy Note “Toward More Job-Rich Growth: The Case of Egypt”
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ILO – ERF Launch Event of the Egypt Policy Note “Toward More Job-Rich Growth: The Case of Egypt”

On 31 May 2023, the International Labour Organization (ILO)/ADWA’ Project together with the Economic Research Forum (ERF) successfully launched the Egypt policy note Toward More Job-Rich Growth: The Case of Egypt, co-authored by professor Chahir Zaki and Moheb Said.

Morocco strengthens its capacity on green jobs indicators
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Morocco strengthens its capacity on green jobs indicators

Officials from the High Commission for Planning (HCP) followed a workshop training on 20-22 March in Rabat, led by ILO, about green jobs statistics as part of an action plan for the measurement of green jobs in Morocco. The objective was to reinforce national capacities in statistics in the fields of environment and green jobs as the Government is investing in a greener and more inclusive growth path.

First regional knowledge-sharing workshop on the impact of trade and investment policies on productive and decent employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries
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First regional knowledge-sharing workshop on the impact of trade and investment policies on productive and decent employment in the Southern Mediterranean countries

New EU-ILO partnership to improve occupational safety and health in the Mediterranean region, notably through strengthened labour inspectorates
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New EU-ILO partnership to improve occupational safety and health in the Mediterranean region, notably through strengthened labour inspectorates

The project will benefit workers in vulnerable conditions, such as women and young workers, with a focus on the agricultural sector in Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia)

ILO Constituents Re-affirm the Importance of Social Dialogue as a path towards formalization and Decent Work for Youth in the Middle East and North Africa region
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ILO Constituents Re-affirm the Importance of Social Dialogue as a path towards formalization and Decent Work for Youth in the Middle East and North Africa region

The ILO Constituents agreed to a framework for action in the region on the 2nd day of the first regional meeting of the Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region (SOLIFEM) Project, which took place in Algiers, in collaboration with the Algerian Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security. SOLIFEM is co-financed by the European Union and the ILO.

Road to COP28: Just Transition for Arab States
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Road to COP28: Just Transition for Arab States

The ILO hosted an event at the COP27 conference to explore how to move from commitment to implementation of Just Transition policies in Arab countries.

Regional Dialogue on Climate Change and Migration Nexus in the Arab Region
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Regional Dialogue on Climate Change and Migration Nexus in the Arab Region

Discussions examined the impact of climate change on migration patterns and trends to and from the Arab Region and how these patterns impact different vulnerable groups on the move.

The importance of just transitions and labour mobility as mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change
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The importance of just transitions and labour mobility as mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change

A discussion organized by the ILO examined how climate change has a profound impact on labour markets, displacement and migration, necessitating mitigation and adaptation strategies and decisive action to protect migrant workers and include them in just transition strategies.

The importance of just transitions and labour mobility as mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change
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The importance of just transitions and labour mobility as mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change

The ILO, as one of the co-conveners of the Issue Based Coalition on Migration in the Arab region (IBC/M), participated in the online Regional Dialogue on Climate Change and Migration Nexus in the Arab Region on 24 and 25 October and organized a session on ‘Migration and labour mobility as an adaptation strategy to climate change and the importance of just transitions’, bringing together ILO’s tripartite constituents who explored the numerous linkages between climate change, migration and the labour market.

Capacity building of cooperative enterprises in agribusiness sector in Morocco
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Capacity building of cooperative enterprises in agribusiness sector in Morocco

Thirty-four trainers from national cooperative support institutions benefitted from two training of trainers carried out in Morocco. This initiative is part of the ILO’s ongoing work to create more and better jobs in the agribusiness sector in the country.

The Social and Solidarity Economy as an agent of social innovation in Africa
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The Social and Solidarity Economy as an agent of social innovation in Africa

An ILO research report on the contribution of SSE to social innovation in Africa is now available in English and French

In Morocco, a renewed hope for former child domestic workers
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Alliance 8.7

In Morocco, a renewed hope for former child domestic workers

Meet Ghizlan. At age 12 she worked as a child domestic worker when she should have been attending school. See how Morocco is changing laws and attitudes to protect children like Ghizlan.

Trade can generate more and better jobs in Southern Mediterranean countries
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Trade can generate more and better jobs in Southern Mediterranean countries

An ILO report assesses the impact of trade growth and economic development of Southern Mediterranean countries on the quality of jobs in the region, with a particular focus on women and youth, and on SMEs in the region.

12th Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy - Plenary Session 4: Financial mechanisms for innovative SSE ecosystems
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12th Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy - Plenary Session 4: Financial mechanisms for innovative SSE ecosystems

12th Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy - Elective 7: SSE as tool for social cohesion, peace and resilience
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12th Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy - Elective 7: SSE as tool for social cohesion, peace and resilience

A set of papers on “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” is now available from the ILO
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A set of papers on “Financial Mechanisms for Innovative Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems” is now available from the ILO

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is receiving increased attention for its role in addressing a variety of economic and social challenges, ranging from the future of work to the provision of social services. The social and economic problems around the global COVID-19 pandemic have brought into focus the need to strengthen the SSE to support the recovery process, along with the public and private sector.