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Business resilience is a key driver of economic prosperity in the Caribbean
Made up of mostly Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Caribbean faces multiple vulnerabilities to climate hazards such as hurricanes, flooding, landslides, heatwaves, drought and sea level rise
Pivoting social dialogue to enhance the role of unions in COVID-19 recovery
Greater inclusion can encourage more human-centred approaches to labour solutions in the Caribbean
Occupational safety and health is at the heart of COVID-19 recovery: Mainstreaming policies on infection prevention and control, psychosocial risks and ergonomics is key to effective crisis response
Prioritizing TVET in COVID-19 recovery efforts for the Caribbean: How CARICOM Member States can address delivery, continuity and resilience
51st Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office
Message from Dennis Zulu, Director, ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean on the Anniversary of the ILO Caribbean Office
As we observe the 51st anniversary of the opening of the Office, we look forward to a better tomorrow working together as ILO tripartite constituents, the UN family and other partners towards a more resilient and sustainable recovery, which will lead to the achievement of decent work for all in the Caribbean region
Mr Dennis Zulu appointed as the New Director of the ILO Caribbean Office
Mr Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), has appointed Mr Dennis Zulu, a Zambian national, as the new Director of ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean with effect from 01 September 2020.
EU and ILO to support CARIFORUM Labour, Private Sector and Employers to fulfil their EPA Obligations
The objective of this project, which will be executed by the ILO in collaboration with CEC and CCL, is for employers and workers to engage more effectively in social dialogue, which in turn is expected to contribute to the design and implementation of effective social and economic development policies.
Caribbean countries move forward on youth employment policies
ILO symposium ends with call to institutionalize tripartite cooperation to advance development and regional integration
Symposium delegates agreed that Heads of Government should "take the lead in promoting tripartism and social dialogue in the design and implementation of economic and social policies aimed at achieving full and productive employment and decent work."
CDB-ILO symposium: Short and long-term measures required for sustained post-crisis recovery
Consensus on recovery measures to encourage a return to economic and employment growth in the wake of the global economic crisis and a limited fiscal space, was reached among representatives of ministries of finance, labour, employers’ and workers’ organizations, development partners and academia
Media Advisory: Delegates from across the Americas to attend ILO Regional Meeting in, Santiago, Chile from 14 - 17 December 2010
Delegations, comprising representatives of governments, employers and workers, from 35 countries of the Americas, including the Caribbean, will meet for the 17th American Regional Meeting in Santiago
ILO delivers productivity measurement programme in Barbados
Workshop on the ILO's System for the Measurement and Improvement of Productivity - SYMAPRO
Maritime and labour inspectors trained on ILO's Maritime Labour Convention, new international shipping regulation
Thirty-five officials, from across the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean, met at a three-day workshop on 10-12 November 2010, to discuss the International Labour Organization's Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) and how to apply its provisions.
ILO support for UWI's Actuarial Studies Programme
ILO Social Security Seminar for the National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago
Media Advisory: ILO regional training workshop for maritime and labour inspectors on Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
The ILO Office for the Caribbean, in collaboration with the Maritime Authority of Jamaica and the Caribbean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control, will host a regional training workshop for maritime and labour inspectors on the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
ILO launches employer and trade union guides on the CARIFORUM-EC Economic Partnership Agreement
The ILO Office for the Caribbean, has published two user-friendly guides on the CARIFORUM-European Community (EC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for use by Caribbean employers and trade unionists.
Message from Dr. Ana Teresa Romero, Director, ILO Subregional Office for the Caribbean on the occasion of its 40th anniversary
For ILO constituents in the Caribbean, 2009 calls for a “double celebration” - the International Labour Organization is 90 years old and the Office that was setup to serve the Caribbean is 40.
ILO and YTEPP partner for youth entrepreneurial training
The International Labour Organization, Subregional Office for the Caribbean and the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Programme (YTEPP) Ltd. have partnered to introduce for the first time in the Caribbean, the ILO's "Know About Business (KAB)" training of trainers programme.
ILO and YTEPP partner for youth entrepreneurial training