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Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.
New partnership to advance occupational health agreed between ILO and Japan’s University of Occupational and Environmental Health
The International Labour Organization and Japan’s University of Occupational and Environmental Health and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will create the basis for a collaboration to strengthen workers' access to occupational health services worldwide.
Japan Highlights
ILO sends message for the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the ICA-AP Committee on Women
The event focused on the theme of Gender Equality for a Brighter Future. It was organized by the ICA-AP Committee on Women, as hosted by the Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union (JCCU), September 19, 2023.
ILO Office for Japan supports a special dialogue session on the future of the social and solidarity economy in Tokyo
On the 17 June 2023, the Institute for Solidarity-based Society (Rengo Institute) at Hosei University, with the support of the ILO Office for Japan, held a public lecture on 'Special Dialogue Session: The Future of the SSE” in Tokyo, Japan.
ILO Japan Centenary
ILO Director-General praises Japan’s social justice achievements
More than 230 constituents, civil partners, partner institutions, and young people attended the ILO Office for Japan’s centenary celebrations, which took place in central Tokyo on Tuesday, 25 April.
Case study on the ratification of Convention 181: Japan
Key role of private employment agencies in strengthening national labour markets: The Japan way
Social dialogue
Governments, employers and workers meet to strengthen industrial relations in Southeast Asia
Nine Southeast Asian countries and Japan highlight the importance of social dialogue for competitive business, growth and decent work.
Fostering Labour and Social Security Attorneys in Business and Human Rights
ILO and JICA sign MOC to promote Business and Human Rights
【Vacancy announcement】Short-term consultant (Bangladesh legal research)
ILO co-hosts the “Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy” Seminar, a pre-event of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
The SSE Research Group of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID), Solidaridad Japan, and ILO Office for Japan, held an event titled the "Decent Work and the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE)" on 2 December 2022. About 100 academics, co-operators, government officials and trade unionists attended the event at the JTUC-RENGO Hall, prior to the Japan Society for International Development (JASID) 33rd National Conference, which provided English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation, remotely as well as in person.
Policy Recommendations in Business and Human Rights
National Strategies Aligned with International Instruments are Needed
ILO Tokyo and JETRO sign agreement to strengthen collaboration on co-research
Responsible supply chains
ILO welcomes launch of Japan guidelines on human rights in supply chains
New Government of Japan guidelines to help strengthen labour practices of Japanese business and support sustainability and resilience throughout supply and value chains.
Tokyo International Conference on African Development
Decent work agenda for Africa to be promoted at TICAD 8
Key elements of the decent work agenda will be promoted at ILO-organized events taking place during the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8).
Forced Labour
Japan reinforces its commitment to fight against forced labour
Japan becomes the 177th Member State to ratify Convention No. 105
World Day Against Child Labour
Rally in Diet Encourages an End to Child Labour
The Music Against Child Labour Initiative
Oginome Gives Special Lesson on Child Labour Issues
The Music Against Child Labour Initiative
‘Keep the Love Alive’: Oginome Stands Up to Child Labour