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The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso
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Social protection

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso

Five decrees implementing on the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) adopted by the Council of Ministers

Joining nets across countries and waters to better protect fishers and their stock
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Joining nets across countries and waters to better protect fishers and their stock

AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa
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AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF organized a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, to discuss strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

I commit the Office to work as one ILO to mainstream child labour issues into all relevant areas of work of the Abidjan Declaration implementation plan, in order to maximize our contribution to ending child labour in Africa. We will work closely with our tripartite Constituents to do so

Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

Join us for a regional virtual event to commemorate the World Day against Child Labour.

ILO builds national capacity to analyze data on child and forced labor in Africa
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ILO builds national capacity to analyze data on child and forced labor in Africa

The International Labour Office under its project “Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa” (ACCEL Africa), conducts a training on data analysis relating to child labour and forced labour for 28 participants from national statistics offices, labour ministries and regional workers and employers' organizations of the Economic Community of the West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) in Africa.

Invest in skills development and green economies in LDCs, says ILO
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Skills for Green economy

Invest in skills development and green economies in LDCs, says ILO

How more and better skills combined with pro-employment policies can contribute to job creation in new green economies of Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

Does investing in education pay off for African youth?
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School-to-work transition

Does investing in education pay off for African youth?

In sub-Saharan Africa, a stable, well-paid job is often an impossible dream, even for educated young people, according to an ILO report.

Decent jobs for youth should be at the top of African Development agenda, says ILO
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First W4Y Regional Meeting

Decent jobs for youth should be at the top of African Development agenda, says ILO

Informality and vulnerable employment remain the reality for the vast majority of young workers in the region, says a new ILO report prepared for the Work4Youth Regional Conference that is taking place this week in Addis Ababa.

Effective delivery of ILO technical cooperation projects in Africa
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Effective delivery of ILO technical cooperation projects in Africa

ILO Africa's technical advisors and programme coordinators meet in Cotonou, Benin from 4-6 March 2013 to discuss policy project portfolios in the context of the new ILO reform.

Cotonou: 7th Forum of Workplace Safety and Health Committees
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Cotonou: 7th Forum of Workplace Safety and Health Committees

How Much Does Business Really Bring to HIV Response? Quantifying In-Kind and Financial Contributions of the Private Sector
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How Much Does Business Really Bring to HIV Response? Quantifying In-Kind and Financial Contributions of the Private Sector