All events for topic
Launch of Road Map on Care Economy in Indonesia
The Government of Indonesia has initiated on care economy at the Indonesian leadership in G20 in 2022 by acknowledging the care economy as part of G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration 2022.
Launch of Road Map on Care Economy in Indonesia
The Government of Indonesia has initiated on care economy at the Indonesian leadership in G20 in 2022 by acknowledging the care economy as part of G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration 2022.
Research Seminar
The Civil Rights Question of our time: How companies use AI to hire, surveil and fire workers and what organized labour can do to fight back
Emmy-award winning journalist Hilke Schellmann discusses the pitfalls of AI in hiring and strategies for organized labour to counteract them.
Public Education 116: Work and Care Work
The ILO and Jurnal Perempuan launch the 116 edition of Jurnal Perempuan on Work and Care Work, highlighting the importance of the ILO's 5R Framework on Care Work (Recognition, Reduction, Redistribution, Representation and Reward).
Boosting Care Economy Awareness in Indonesia via Social Media
The training aims to support the ILO to promote the “Recognize-Reduction-Redistribute (3R)” from the above 5R Framework of Care Economy, by digital-based awareness raising and outreach activities; to community of workers, business, employers, and social partners.
Digital Communications Training for Trade Unions on Care Work
The training aims to equip the trade unionists with skills on social media and content awareness raising on issues related to care work.
Launch of Social Experiment of ILO-Magdalene on Care Work
The launch highlights and screens a documentary video about hundreds of hours spent by five women with different backgrounds on caring responsibilities and domestic work without recognizing the economic values of the care work.
International Journal of Labour Research
Launch of the 2023 edition of the International Journal of Labour Research
The ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) will organize a high-level launch of the International Journal of Labour Research on 11th December 2023 at 14:00 (CET-Geneva time). "A new social contract: achieving social justice in an era of accelerating change" will be launched during a panel discussions which will bring together authors, researchers , academics, ILO representatives and leaders from trade union movement.
Labour migration
ILO Roundtable: Migrant workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining
The ILO will host a virtual roundtable to discuss and present the findings of its latest report on the freedom of association and collective bargaining (FACB) rights of migrant workers. The roundtable will gather a panel of stakeholders representing the voices of the world of work and key experts, that will identify key challenges and ideas to ensure that migrant workers effectively enjoy their FACB rights .
Tracking Progress: FCDO's In-Depth Review of Labour Migration Interventions in Kenya
A high-level monitoring visit on the ongoing ILO Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Program interventions in Kenya (Nairobi and Mombasa)
ILO Symposium, 18-20 September 2023
New Approaches to Strengthen Workers' Education for Trade Union Revitalization
This global symposium will bring together senior trade union leaders, academia and workers’ education institutions, activists and cooperation partners from all regions in a three-day virtual format from 18 to 20 September 2023. The three-day symposium aims to generate a collective analysis of the current state of workers’ education around the world, recommend and adopt innovative strategies and solutions to the pressing and emerging needs of workers in the context of an ever-transforming world of work through workers’ education, in contribution to the global strategy on workers education.
Regional Symposium, 28-30 August 2023
Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in the Arab States
This regional symposium will bring together senior trade union leaders, academia and workers’ education institutions, activists and cooperation partners from the Arab States in a three-day virtual format from 28 to 30 August 2023. The three-day symposium aims to generate a collective analysis of the current state of workers’ education in the Arab Region, recommend and adopt innovative strategies and solutions to the pressing and emerging needs of workers in the context of an ever-transforming world of work through workers’ education, in contribution to the global strategy on workers education.
Regional Symposium, 23-25 August 2023
Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in Africa
This regional symposium will bring together senior trade union leaders, academia and workers’ education institutions, activists and cooperation partners from Africa in a three-day virtual format from 23 to 25 August 2023. The three-day symposium aims to generate a collective analysis of the current state of workers’ education in the Africa Region, recommend and adopt innovative strategies and solutions to the pressing and emerging needs of workers in the context of an ever-transforming world of work through workers’ education, in contribution to the global strategy on workers education.
Regional Symposium, 22-24 August 2023
Workers'Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in Europe and Central Asia
This regional symposium will bring together senior trade union leaders, academia and workers’ education institutions, activists and cooperation partners from Europe and Central Asia in a three-day virtual format from 22 to 24 August 2023. The three-day symposium aims to generate a collective analysis of the current state of workers’ education in the Europe and Central Asia Region, recommend and adopt innovative strategies and solutions to the pressing and emerging needs of workers in the context of an ever-transforming world of work through workers’ education, in contribution to the global strategy on workers education.
Regional Symposium, 16-18 August 2023
Workers'Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in Asia and Pacific
This regional symposium will bring together senior trade union leaders, academia and workers’ education institutions, activists and cooperation partners from Asia and Pacific in a three-day virtual format from 16 to 18 August 2023. The three-day symposium aims to generate a collective analysis of the current state of workers’ education in the Asia Pacific Region, recommend and adopt innovative strategies and solutions to the pressing and emerging needs of workers in the context of an ever-transforming world of work through workers’ education, in contribution to the global strategy on workers education.
Women Leadership Training: Strengthening Leadership Skill for Women Officials in Trade Unions
The training programme aims to promote inclusive representation and leadership in trade union organizations by empowering and strengthening the leadership skills of trade union's women committee members at factory level.
ACTRAV Labour Research Journey for Africa
Trade Union Unity in Africa: How can it be achieved?
To stimulate the discussions and research on the challenge of revitalization within the trade union movement, the ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) will organize a Labour Research Journeys in April and May 2023. This series of webinars will bring together authors, researchers, academics, ILO representatives and leaders from trade unions. For Africa, the high-level regional webinar will focus on the theme” Trade Union Unity in Africa: How can it be achieved?”
A just transition
Capacity building training for trade unions on Green Jobs and Just Transition in chemical and pharmaceutical industry
This workshop will introduce the project “Making Just Transition work though stronger workers’ organizations in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry” to the partner unions (VGCL/VUIT and its local/sectoral affiliates) in southern Viet Nam, raise their awareness and build their capacity to promote green jobs and a just transition of the chemical industry through social dialogue.
Extending social health protection to informal sector workers in India: A survey report
The survey report on extending social health protection to informal sector workers in India is an outcome of ILO-supported ESIC project. The purpose of this project is to strengthen its health services while increasing coverage and financial protection of working people in India.
EMPLOYMENT Seminar No. 41
The impact of trade union and democracy rights on trade: An industry-level study
EMPLOYMENT Seminar #41. The seminar will present a paper that endeavours to shed light on the impact of freedom of association and collective bargaining rights on international trade by using new indicators in law and in practice developed by the authors, along with the Freedom House democracy indicators.
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