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Employment Academy
light hands

ITCILO course

Employment Academy

The gendered employment impacts of the Covid-19 trade collapse and recovery
woman working in textile

Employment Seminar series

The gendered employment impacts of the Covid-19 trade collapse and recovery

Investment and Employment
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METI Programme

Investment and Employment

2nd Regional Technical Training of the Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment programme

ILO-ILERA Seminar: Researching work in and after the pandemic
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ILO-ILERA Seminar: Researching work in and after the pandemic

This webinar will bring together a series of illuminating presentations by renowned experts, each focusing on different facets of the labour market's evolution in response to the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic.

Rigorous evidence on skills for better jobs: Recent insights from Africa
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EMPLOYMENT Seminar Series

Rigorous evidence on skills for better jobs: Recent insights from Africa

This seminar will present the main findings of a series of rigorous impact evaluations, discuss the implications for active labour market policies, and reflect on how to best use and produce rigorous evidence in policy practice.

Behind the AI Curtain: The Invisible Workers Powering AI Development
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Research Seminar

Behind the AI Curtain: The Invisible Workers Powering AI Development

A seminar unveiling the unseen human labour and ethical challenges in AI development, emphasizing the role of invisible workers and advocating for equitable and ethical practices through ILO's guidance.

Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces
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Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces

The ILO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission invite you to a half-day, in-person event in Brussels to launch their report on Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces.

Consultation on the FORLAC 2.0 proposal
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Consultation on the FORLAC 2.0 proposal

At the end of the workshop, the Strategy for the Promotion of Formalization in Latin America, and the Caribbean, known as FORLAC 2.0, will be oriented and enhanced with the suggestions collected from ILO constituent’s representatives.

The Civil Rights Question of our time: How companies use AI to hire, surveil and fire workers and what organized labour can do to fight back
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Research Seminar

The Civil Rights Question of our time: How companies use AI to hire, surveil and fire workers and what organized labour can do to fight back

Emmy-award winning journalist Hilke Schellmann discusses the pitfalls of AI in hiring and strategies for organized labour to counteract them.

Interactive dialogue and launch of Work Wise Youth: A guide to youth rights at work
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Virtual launch event

Interactive dialogue and launch of Work Wise Youth: A guide to youth rights at work

The webinar will feature an interactive and inter-generational dialogue on the importance of promoting youth rights at work for individuals, businesses and societies, and launch "Work Wise Youth: A guide to youth rights at work". The guide is intended to support ILO constituents and other stakeholders in their initiatives aimed at raising young people's awareness of their rights at work, with a focus on those in forced displacement contexts.

Designing Sri Lanka’s unemployment insurance scheme - ILO facilitates tripartite validation workshop
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Designing Sri Lanka’s unemployment insurance scheme - ILO facilitates tripartite validation workshop

Innovations and Strategies for Recognition of Prior Learning in Africa
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The SKILLS Bridge Masterclass

Innovations and Strategies for Recognition of Prior Learning in Africa

In view of the challenges faced by African countries in implementing RPL, this episode of the “SKILLS Bridge” Masterclass series is titled "Innovations and Strategies for RPL in Africa" and is co-organised with our partners, the Sub–Saharan African Skills & Apprenticeship Stakeholders Network (SASASNET) and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Launch of the 2023 Labour Overview
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Launch of the 2023 Labour Overview

The Labor Overview 2023 report on this occasion will include data and analysis on the effects of the crisis on employment, as well as the way in which labour indicators evolved in 2023, and what could happen in 2024.

How to meet the challenges of youth employment?
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World of Work Show

How to meet the challenges of youth employment?

There are approximately 73 million unemployed youth globally. In this episode of the <em>World of Work Show</em>, we discuss how to meet the challenges of youth employment with Sara Elder, Head of Employment Analyses & Economic Policies Unit of the ILO.

Youth Leadership in Action: The future we cannot afford to ignore
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Global Refugee Forum 2023 side event

Youth Leadership in Action: The future we cannot afford to ignore

In the context of the Global Refugee Forum, the ILO is supporting the linked event on Youth Leadership in Action. The event is organized to support the Global Multi-Stakeholder Pledge to Support Work With, For & By Young People in Displacement and brings together multiple stakeholders for a dynamic dialogue on the crucial role of young refugees in global humanitarian and development processes.

Virtual launch of the ILO report “Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises”
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Virtual launch event

Virtual launch of the ILO report “Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises”

This online launch event presents the main finding of the ILO report “Public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions: Responses to mega trends and crises.”

G7 Green jobs and skills: Increasing international cooperation and investment for just transitions
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COP28 in UAE

G7 Green jobs and skills: Increasing international cooperation and investment for just transitions

The panel discussion will involve leaders from G7 countries, partners countries and social partners to discuss progress on just transition and the importance of green jobs and skills strategies for achieving the SDGs.

The dynamics of youth employment and its supporting policy framework
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1st Youth Employment Research Forum, 5-6 December 2023

The dynamics of youth employment and its supporting policy framework

Tagging to the forthcoming 20th anniversary edition of the ILO Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024, the 1st Youth Employment Research Forum will bring together researchers from across the globe, who are advancing the frontiers of knowledge on youth employment and contributing to the evidence base.

Episode 5: Small Steps, Big Gains: Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning
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Masterclass Series “The SKILLS Bridge”

Episode 5: Small Steps, Big Gains: Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning

Road to COP28 UAE: G7 Driving Collective Action and Financing on Just Transitions and Green Jobs and Skills
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G7 knowledge exchange

Road to COP28 UAE: G7 Driving Collective Action and Financing on Just Transitions and Green Jobs and Skills

In the lead up to COP28, G7 countries, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and German cooperation (GIZ/BMZ), convened a virtual knowledge exchange on November 13 to present their international cooperation strategies and programmes related to just transitions and green jobs.