All events for region
ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024
Youth Leadership in Action: Supporting work for, with, and by young people in forced displacement
A side event highlighting the importance of promoting self-reliance of forcibly displaced youth at Economic and Social Council Youth Forum 2024
Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts
A technical knowledge-sharing event on engaging and developing the private sector in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
Regional Symposium, 28-30 August 2023
Workers' Education and Capacity Building for Trade Union Revitalization in the Arab States
This regional symposium will bring together senior trade union leaders, academia and workers’ education institutions, activists and cooperation partners from the Arab States in a three-day virtual format from 28 to 30 August 2023. The three-day symposium aims to generate a collective analysis of the current state of workers’ education in the Arab Region, recommend and adopt innovative strategies and solutions to the pressing and emerging needs of workers in the context of an ever-transforming world of work through workers’ education, in contribution to the global strategy on workers education.
ILO-RDPP Research Partnership for Improved Livelihoods of Jordanian & Syrian Youth: Launch of publications
ILO/IOE/SNEF Regional Forum on EBMOS: Delivering value in the Shifting World
ILO, IOE and SNEF are holding a Regional Forum of EBMOs in Asia, Pacific and Arab states to discuss opportunities and strategies to lead, serve business and deliver value in the shifting world on 5 December 2022, Singapore.
Transforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Refugees: Skills and Labour Market Transitions in Contexts of Fragility
The United Nations Transforming Education Summit - TES: Solutions Day aims to mobilize collective actions and initiatives around Thematic Action Tracks - that require greater attention and action to accelerate progress on the education 2030 Agenda and transform education. This event will contribute to the second Thematic Action Track of "Learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development".
ILO and UNHCR discuss further promoting decent work in the context of forced displacement
Representatives from the MENA region reflect on partnership to promote decent work and ways to develop new phase of collaboration.
Regional High-Level Meeting
on Young People's Learning, Skilling and Transition to Decent Work
Africa – Arab States Tripartite Interregional Meeting on Labour Migration
From 15-16 November 2021, the International Labour Organization and the African Union Commission (AUC) will co-host a virtual Africa-Arab States Tripartite Interregional Meeting on Labour Migration.
Wage Protection System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
A webinar will discuss the Wage Protection System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and increase participants’ awareness of its benefits to workers, employers, the economy and society.
Launch of the report “Assessing Informality and Vulnerability among Disadvantaged Groups in Lebanon: A Survey of Lebanese, and Syrian and Palestinian Refugees”
Workshop on promoting competency based training policies and systems in the GCC
A two day webinar will explore how the ILO can better support Gulf countries in the area of skills development and competency based learning.
International Journal of Labour Research
Arab States: Regional launch event of the International Journal of Labour Research
The ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) organized a high-level regional launch of the International Journal of Labour Research on 15th July 2021.“COVID-19 and Recovery: The Role of Trade Unions in Building Forward Better” and associated materials was launched during a panel discussions which bring together authors, researchers , academics, ILO representatives and leaders from trade union s in the Arab States.
Labour Migration
Communicating on labour migration in Jordan: training for senior journalists
Recognizing the important role of journalists and the media in improving public perceptions of migrant workers through balanced and evidence-based reporting on labour migration, the FAIRWAY Programme held a two-day webinar training on labour migration reporting for 16 professional journalists and representatives of Jordanian human rights associations.
Strengthening and promoting migrant construction workers’ rights in Bahrain through trade union collaboration
Training to journalism students in Jordan helps to create the foundation for more balanced and accurate reporting on migration issues
Launch of the ILO Report "Digital Refugee Livelihoods and Decent Work - Towards inclusion in a fairer digital economy"
The digitization of the world of work is fundamentally transforming how refugees can make a livelihood and obtain employment. A rapidly expanding global digital economy harbours countless new opportunities but it also poses a range of challenges and risks. A new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) now explores the growing role of digital economies for refugees, including case studies from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.
ILO Director-General Guy Ryder discusses building back better in a post-pandemic world
A virtual open dialogue session with the Islamic Development Bank will address bridging labour market skills gaps and addressing labor market fragilities and structural inequalities.
Virtual launch of the ILO Arabic-language toolkit for journalists
Join the ILO and a panel of distinguished employers’ representatives, workers’ representatives and journalists on 24 February 2021, to celebrate social justice, discuss ethical reporting on labour migration and discover the new Arabic-language ILO Media Toolkit on Forced Labour and Fair Recruitment.
Labour migration
FAIRWAY hosts webinar for Jordanian journalists on reducing discrimination and promoting positive perception of migrants in the context of COVID-19
The webinar focused on the importance of the role of the media in promoting a balanced public understanding of migration, and rights-based language and reporting styles when reporting on migrant workers. The event is part of a broader FAIRWAY Programme strategy to tackle discrimination against migrants, including through innovative social media campaigns.