All events for region
World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024
Climate Change and the World of Work: Challenges and Perspectives for Occupational Safety and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean
Consultation on the FORLAC 2.0 proposal
At the end of the workshop, the Strategy for the Promotion of Formalization in Latin America, and the Caribbean, known as FORLAC 2.0, will be oriented and enhanced with the suggestions collected from ILO constituent’s representatives.
Launch of the 2023 Labour Overview
The Labor Overview 2023 report on this occasion will include data and analysis on the effects of the crisis on employment, as well as the way in which labour indicators evolved in 2023, and what could happen in 2024.
Side event
Symposium: Advancing a just transition towards a greener future with decent jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean
This side event in the framework of the OECD Ministerial Summit on Environmental Sustainability in Costa Rica seeks to promote regional debate on the consequences of climate change and related labour policies. Representatives from the world of work will participate in the meeting this October 4.
ILO Research Department Training
Pacific islands regional training on evidence-based policy making for decent work
It is widely recognized that evidence (data, research, best practices) is essential for decision and policy making. In practice, the use of evidence in the policy-making touching the world of work is still at its early stages and unevenly practiced.
International Conference on Statistics of Cooperative – Measuring Cooperatives and Beyond
The ILO will host an international conference on statistics of cooperatives, as part of the cooperative statistics component of the Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base project.
A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right: the Latin America and the Caribbean perspective
Representatives of governments and employers' and workers' organizations have been convened by the ILO Regional Office to discuss the challenges of occupational safety and health, including the ratification of two fundamental ILO Conventions.
ILO Research Department Training
Latin America regional training on evidence-based policy making for decent work
It is widely recognized that evidence (data, research, best practices) is essential for decision and policy making. In practice, the use of evidence in the policy-making touching the world of work is still at its early stages and unevenly practiced.
Seeking the best route for temporary labour migration
Temporary labour migration as a modality is used throughout the American continent, which is why it is worth analyzing it from the perspective of the continent’s actors of the worlds of Work and of Migration.
Labour transitions and income dynamics in Latin America
Where are the region's labour markets headed? The ILO will hold a webinar this September 29 and 30.
Digital transition, technological change and productive development policies in LAC: challenges and opportunities
Launch of ILO regional report will be held virtually as a side event of the 4th OECD Ministerial Meeting on Productivity.
Webinar on Career Guidance for Building Young People’s Future: The Role of Employment Services
Género y Emprendimiento (GET Ahead) – Experiencias de Latinoamérica
Virtual Symposium
Integrating Trade and Decent Work: Assessing impact of trade on labour markets
The Virtual Symposium on <em>“Integrating Trade and Decent Work: Assessing impact of trade on labour markets”</em> is jointly organized by the ILO Research Department and the European Commission.
Boletín Internacional de Investigación Sindical
Regional Launch of the International Journal of Labour Research for Americas
The ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV)organised a high-level regional launch of the Journal on 19th July 2021.
ILO Research Department Webinar
Knowledge Intensity and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data
Do knowledge intensive jobs exhibit lower gender gaps in wages? Here we use a linked employer-employee dataset of the entire Brazilian formal labour force to study the relationship between gender wage gaps and the knowledge intensity of industries and occupations.
ILO Caribbean Resilience Project
ILO Caribbean Resilience Symposium
The symposium is designed to ensure that the knowledge developed by the ILO Caribbean Resilience Project is widely accessible to regional decision makers, social partners, technocrats, and development practitioners for practical policy change, advocacy and resource mobilization towards greater Caribbean resilience.
Opportunities and challenges in the post-pandemia era
International European, Latin America and the Caribbean Businesswomen Forum Launch
The Programme "Win-Win: Gender Equality means good business", implemented by ILO and UN Women, and financed by the EU, in collaboration with the International Organisation of Employers – IOE is launching this Forum. It aims to create a space for dialogue and exchange of initiatives and experiences between businesswomen from both continents and strengthen their links and commercial exchanges possibilities.
Launch of the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour (2021) in the Americas
Next Thursday, February 11, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (GMT-5), governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, employers’ and workers’ organizations and civil society, will unite under one voice to advance towards the achievement of target 8.7 of the 2030 Agenda, relating to end child labour in all its forms by 2025.
Resilience Business in Latin America and the Caribbean
Boosting Business in the new Scenario. Opportunities for Woman
The “Win-Win: Gender Equality means Good Business” programme is hosting a series of activities, in cooperation with companies and businesses’ networks of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Uruguay, which aim at the creation, launch and empowerment of the Women Entrepreneurs Network for Latin America and the Caribbean to support women successfully grow there business.