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Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality
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Regional workshop

Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality

High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent
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ILO- ITUC Africa

High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent

As part of the commemoration of International Migrant Day 2022, the ILO, in collaboration with ITUC-Africa, organises a High-Level Panel to emphasise migration's contribution to development and to empower migrant workers.

Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!
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Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF held a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, who discussed strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

Launch of the Trade for Decent Work Project- Ghana
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Launch of the Trade for Decent Work Project- Ghana

The Ghana project aims at improving the application of the ILO Fundamental Conventions as well as compliance with reporting obligations to the ILO supervisory bodies, in particular regarding child labour and the worst forms of child labour, in sectors with high incidence such as the cocoa sector, and related conventions contributing to decent work in those sectors and connected activities in the local and global value chains such as all services and transport.

Africa regional launch of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative and “the social dimension of the ecological transition” project
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ILO Green Week and Earth Day 2021

Africa regional launch of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative and “the social dimension of the ecological transition” project

In the context of the ILO’s Green Week and this year’s Earth Day, the ILO and its tripartite constituents will host a regional launch of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative. The event will also launch the social dimension of the ecological transition project on advancing climate action, a just transition, and decent work in Africa.

Capacity Building on Skills Anticipation in the Tourism and Hospitality sector
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Capacity Building on Skills Anticipation in the Tourism and Hospitality sector

The SKILL-Up Programme is supporting the national TVET system to better develop the skills needed in the country’s labour market.

High Level Meeting for Operationalization of Employment Impact Assessment in the Public Sector
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High Level Meeting for Operationalization of Employment Impact Assessment in the Public Sector

STRENGTHEN Strategic Knowledge Sharing Seminar Ghana
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STRENGTHEN Strategic Knowledge Sharing Seminar Ghana

Sub-Regional Tripartite Consultations for the Formulation of Skills Partnerships on Migration Western Africa and the Sahel
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Sub-Regional Tripartite Consultations for the Formulation of Skills Partnerships on Migration Western Africa and the Sahel

Skills partnerships can contribute to reaping migrants’ potential more effectively, being an innovative mechanism for maximising brain gain and sharing the benefits of migration for both origin and destination countries.

ECOWAS meeting of Experts' and Ministers in charge of Labour and Employment (ECOWAS Social Dialogue Forum)
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ECOWAS meeting of Experts' and Ministers in charge of Labour and Employment (ECOWAS Social Dialogue Forum)

In order to strengthen dialogue, coordination and collaboration among Member States in the labour and Employment fields within the region, the ECOWAS Commission institutionalized the ECOWAS Ministers in charge of Labour and Employment meeting in 2006. In the same vain, ECOWAS established a Tripartite Forum of Social Dialogue in 2011 by the adoption of the Supplementary Act A / SQ.1/7 / 07/10. One of the main objectives of the Forum is to prevent and resolve conflicts, to promote peace and social stability, and stimulate socio-economic development and integration at the national and regional levels.

SCORE HoCo Programme kicks off in Ghana
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SCORE HoCo Programme kicks off in Ghana

Under the ILO Project "Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) " , a programme focusing on the Hospitality sector in Ghana Hospitality Coaching (HoCo) has been designed to address sector deficits and tap into the huge opportunities that exist in the Ghanaian economy.

Inter-Regional Knowledge-Sharing Forum on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM
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Forum on child labour and working conditions in small-scale mining

Inter-Regional Knowledge-Sharing Forum on Child Labour and Working Conditions in ASGM

The International Labour Organization's CARING Gold Mining Project, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, will host the first-ever Inter-Regional Knowledge-Sharing Forum to discuss issues on child labour and working conditions in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) on 28-30 May 2019.

Policy Working Group Meeting - Joint Briefing of Project Studies
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Policy Working Group Meeting - Joint Briefing of Project Studies

Briefing Meeting on Cocoa Study with Selected Stakeholders in the Cocoa Sector
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Briefing Meeting on Cocoa Study with Selected Stakeholders in the Cocoa Sector

Policy Working Group Meeting to Review 2017 Activities
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Policy Working Group Meeting to Review 2017 Activities

Launch of How Immigrant Contribute to Ghana's Economy in Accra (ECLM project)
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Launch of How Immigrant Contribute to Ghana's Economy in Accra (ECLM project)

An event was held in Accra on 20 June 2018 to launch the report, <a target="" href="/global/topics/labour-migration/publications/WCMS_634506">How Immigrants Contribute to Ghana's Economy</a>. The report was produced in the context of the project "Assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination" (ECLM). The agenda for this event can be downloaded below.

Strategic Policy Working Group Meeting
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Strategic Policy Working Group Meeting

One-Day Study Visit to Export Companies in Agro-Processing Value Chain
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One-Day Study Visit to Export Companies in Agro-Processing Value Chain

Technical Training Workshop
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Technical Training Workshop

Official Launch of Strengthen Project
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Official Launch of Strengthen Project