All events for country
Strengthening the Common Approach on BLMA and Skills Development among LMAG in EHoA
Tracking Progress: FCDO's In-Depth Review of Labour Migration Interventions in Kenya
A high-level monitoring visit on the ongoing ILO Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) Program interventions in Kenya (Nairobi and Mombasa)
Training on Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers
The ILO through the BRMM, FAIRWAY and JLMP LEAD projects, is organizing a regional training to build the capacity of stakeholders in extending social protection for migrant workers.
Training on the 19th ICLS Resolution on Employment and Labour Underutilization and the 20th ICLS Resolution on Work Relationship and Labour Migration for Tanzania
A five-day training in data management, analysis and dissemination of labour market statistics, including labour-migration statistics for staff of the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics
International Conference on Statistics of Cooperative – Measuring Cooperatives and Beyond
The ILO will host an international conference on statistics of cooperatives, as part of the cooperative statistics component of the Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base project.
Subregional tripartite workshop on promoting decent work in the forest sector, with a focus on reforestation
The ILO organized a Subregional tripartite workshop on promoting decent work in the forest sector, with a focus on reforestation, in Arusha, Tanzania, from 7 to 9 March 2023. The workshop concluded with the agreement on building blocks for advancing decent and sustainable work in the forest sector in the sub-region.
Regional workshop
Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality
ILO- ITUC Africa
High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent
As part of the commemoration of International Migrant Day 2022, the ILO, in collaboration with ITUC-Africa, organises a High-Level Panel to emphasise migration's contribution to development and to empower migrant workers.
Visit of Tanzanian delegation of ministries and insurance industry officials to Uganda
From 31 January to 4 February, Social Finance facilitated a “study tour” of Tanzanian delegates to Uganda. The study tour helped participants learn from interactions with Ugandan ministries, the central bank, the regulatory authority and different insurance companies.
Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!
The African Union, ILO and UNICEF held a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, who discussed strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.
Developing Frameworks for Recovery and Prosperity from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Webinar session
Pilot phase
ILO Launched the Skills Tracker in Tanzania
As part of a new innovative approach to promoting skills development and ensure lifelong learning opportunities for all, the International Labour Organization, with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have developed a text-messaging tool to help skills systems better understand the quality and relevance of training programs and institutions.
Tripartite technical workshop for the SADC region on Investing in the health workforce: employment and decent work in the health sector
Workshop for Public Employment Services (PES) officials in SADC region
Addressing Youth Employment in the SADC Region
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Trade union unity and principles of freedom of association in Eastern Africa
Freedom of association refers to the right of workers and employers to create and join organizations of their choice freely and without fear of reprisal or interference. This includes the right to establish and affiliate to confederations and international organizations. Linked to freedom of association is the right to collective bargaining, which allows workers to negotiate their working conditions freely with their employers.
First W4Y Regional Meeting
Labour market transitions of young women and men in Sub-Saharan Africa
Constituents from eight Sub-Saharan countries are to share and discuss the findings of school-to-work transition surveys (SWTS) conducted in their countries within the Work4Youth (W4Y) project.
Combating gender-based discrimination in East Africa
The ILO organized a workshop aimed at professional upgrading for judges and registrars from Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania on combating gender-based discrimination in the workplace in East Africa. Participants were sensitized on the use of ILO’s labour standards and supervisory bodies and their potential for enforcing national laws on gender equality.
Youth Entrepreneurship Knowledge sharing Symposium for East Africa
The ILO “Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (ILO/YEF)” program organised a three-day sub regional knowledge sharing workshop for key project partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss practices and creating opportunities for income generation and job creation in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.
Regional Domestic Workers Knowledge Sharing Forum in Africa
A regional knowledge sharing forum on domestic work provided stakeholders a venue for sharing information about their country experiences and practices, and exchanging views and insights.
Tanzania:Tripartite Workshop on Improving Communication and Media Strategies for the Promotion of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining