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Building Capacities for Social Protection: ILO Wraps Up TRANSFORM Training in Mozambique to CNAS’ members
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TRANSFORM Training in Mozambique

Building Capacities for Social Protection: ILO Wraps Up TRANSFORM Training in Mozambique to CNAS’ members

Today it ended a three-day TRANSFORM training on social protection conducted for bolstering the capacities of the members of the National Social Action Council (CNAS). This council, established as a multisector coordination mechanism, plays an important role in supporting the implementation of the National Basic Social Security Strategy 2016-2024 (ENSSB II).

With ILO’s support through the ACTION/Portugal project, the Course on Social Protection Statistics kicks-off
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With ILO’s support through the ACTION/Portugal project, the Course on Social Protection Statistics kicks-off

A course on social protection statistics kicked off today in Praia, Cabo Verde, bringing together members of the Interinstitutional Working Groups on Social Protection Statistics (GITEPS) from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique hosts innovative MOZMOD training in partnership with ILO and UNU-WIDER
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MOZMOD capacity-building

Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique hosts innovative MOZMOD training in partnership with ILO and UNU-WIDER

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of Mozambique, under the leadership of the National Direction of Economic and Development Policies (DNPED), is organizing a training centred around MOZMOD, the tax-benefit microsimulation model for Mozambique. This activity is taking place from 22 to 24 August 2023 in Boane District, Maputo Province, in collaboration with the ILO and UNU-WIDER.

World Day Against Child Labour
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Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!

World Day Against Child Labour

The International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the first World Day Against Child Labour in 2002 as a way to highlight the plight of children engaged in child labour. Observed on June 12th, the day is intended to serve as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labour.

Workers’ organizations join forces and launch national campaign for ratification of Convention No. 102 in Mozambique
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Campaign on ratification of C102 Mozambique

Workers’ organizations join forces and launch national campaign for ratification of Convention No. 102 in Mozambique

During the week of the International Workers’ Day, the two largest national trade union confederations of Mozambique, namely the National Confederation of Independent and Free Trade Unions of Mozambique (CONSILMO) and the Mozambican Workers Organization (OTM-CS), launched through a press conference held on 5 May 2023 a national campaign calling for the ratification of Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No.102). This campaign is being supported by the ILO through the Portuguese-funded project “Strengthening of Social Protection Systems in the PALOP and Timor-Leste (Phase 3), also known as ACTION/Portugal, and the IrishAid-funded regional project "Accelerating the Achievement of Universal Social Protection to Leave No One Behind."

Civil society platform organizes training on social protection for members of political parties and journalists with ILO’ support
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Civil society platform organizes training on social protection for members of political parties and journalists with ILO’ support

From 3 to 4 May 2023, the Mozambican Civil Society Platform for Social Protection (PSCM-PS) organized a training on social protection geared towards members of political parties and journalists. This capacity building activity aimed at raising awareness on social protection among politicians and the media ahead of October’s municipal elections. The goal being to provide this target audience with more knowledge and evidence on social protection that could be used to feed into party manifestos and high-quality media coverage.

Technical retreat for elaborating Mozambique’s Fifth Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection
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Technical retreat

Technical retreat for elaborating Mozambique’s Fifth Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection

In the framework of the ACTION/Portugal project, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Mozambique is organizing a technical retreat for the production of the Fifth National Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection with the support of the ILO and ITC-ILO. This five-day retreat will provide national institutions engaged in social protection with a space for developing the forthcoming bulletin, and with training on various relevant issues, including on the use of geographic information systems for social protection statistics (done in collaboration with the National Agency for Geo-Spatial Development) and on how to fill in ILO’s Social Security Inquiry (SSI), which is relevant for reporting on the progress towards the accomplishment of SDGs in the area of social protection

High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent
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ILO- ITUC Africa

High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent

As part of the commemoration of International Migrant Day 2022, the ILO, in collaboration with ITUC-Africa, organises a High-Level Panel to emphasise migration's contribution to development and to empower migrant workers.

ILO Mozambique supports TRANSFORM training on social protection for Ministry of Economy and Finance
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TRANSFORM training

ILO Mozambique supports TRANSFORM training on social protection for Ministry of Economy and Finance

The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique (MEF), with ILO’s technical and financial support, kicked off today a three-day application of the TRANSFORM package for policymakers, which is taking place in Boane district (Maputo Province) between 14 and 16 November 2022. This training is being supported by the IrishAid-ILO programme “Inclusive Growth, Social Protection and Jobs” as well as the United Nations Joint Programme on Social Protection 2017-2023, funded by the embassies of Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom. MEF requested ILO’s support for building the institutional capacities and skills of 24 senior technicians and enhance their knowledge and awareness on social protection, equipping them to better address existing challenges in the planning, budgeting, and implementation of social protection in Mozambique. By doing so, the goal is to support a more effective and efficient social protection system in Mozambique and ultimately contribute to increased fiscal space for the social protection sector, enabling coverage extension, increased adequacy, and better access.

Human security and emergency jobs for peace and resilience
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Human security and emergency jobs for peace and resilience

Experiences through partnership between Japan and the ILO for the promotion of decent work agenda in the context of fragility

National Institute of Social Action convenes second National Planning Meeting with ILO support
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National Institute of Social Action convenes second National Planning Meeting with ILO support

With the support of ILO through the Joint United Nations Programme on Social Protection 2022-2023 (funded by the Embassies of Sweden and Finland), the National Institute for Social Action (INAS) is organizing the second edition of its National Planning Meeting, which is taking place in the district of Boane from 5 to 7 April 2022.

CONSILMO organizes consultation seminar on one-stop shop initiative to support the extension of social security to the informal economy
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CONSILMO organizes consultation seminar on one-stop shop initiative to support the extension of social security to the informal economy

With ILO’s support through the ACTION/Portugal project, the Confederation of Independent and Free Trade Unions of Mozambique (CONSILMO) is organizing on 5 November 2021 (from 9:00 to 13:00) a seminar to launch consultations on its new proposal, the One-Stop Shop for the Formalization of Micro and Small Enterprises and Workers (KUFMET in the Portuguese acronym).

Social Protection Week
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Social Protection Week Mozambique

Social Protection Week

10th edition of Mozambique’s Social Protection Week kicks-off with ILO support

Social Protection Week Program
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Social Protection Week Mozambique

Social Protection Week Program

Programa da Semana de Protecção Social Básica (11 a 17 de Outubro de 2021)

REGIONAL TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE-SHARING WEBINAR ON SOCIAL PROTECTION DATA Good Practices on Mainstreaming Social Protection Data in the National Statistical System
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REGIONAL TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE-SHARING WEBINAR ON SOCIAL PROTECTION DATA Good Practices on Mainstreaming Social Protection Data in the National Statistical System

This Webinar is being organized by the ILO with sponsorship from multiple projects namely under the UNSDF Egypt, Mauritania, Somalia and ACTION/Portugal with the goal to deliver good practices in Africa on the integration of social protection data in the national statistical systems of Mozambique and Cape Verde.

Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!
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Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF held a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, who discussed strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

ILO is supporting the eighth consecutive edition of the Social Protection Week in Mozambique, organized by Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS), that will take place from 12th to 18th October 2020
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ILO is supporting the eighth consecutive edition of the Social Protection Week in Mozambique, organized by Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action (MGCAS), that will take place from 12th to 18th October 2020

The Social Protection Week represents the highest advocacy moment for the social protection sector and along the week, ILO will support: a webinar on Social Protection Responses to COVID-19 in Portuguese speaking countries (12th October), the Civil Society National Conference on Social Protection (13th October, Beira city), the launch of the 2020 Social Action Budget Brief (14th October) and the launch of the 2nd Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection (16th October)".

WEBINAR on Responses in the Field of Social Protection to COVID-19 in PALOP countries: lessons learned
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WEBINAR on Responses in the Field of Social Protection to COVID-19 in PALOP countries: lessons learned

Responses in the Field of Social Protection to COVID-19 in PALOP countries: lessons learned", webinar organized by ILO through the ACTION/Portugal project on 12th October within the Mozambique's Social Protection Week 2020, to support exchange of experiences in cushioning the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 with Social Protection responses among African Portuguese-speaking countries.

Presentation of the Results of the Rapid Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the informal economy in Mozambique
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Presentation of the Results of the Rapid Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on the informal economy in Mozambique

Counting with a limited number of participants whilst practicing social distancing amongst other mitigation measures, Moztrabalha and the Social Protection unit of the ILO will carry out a workshop on the 26/08/2020 at the Tivoli Hotel along with ILO constituents and social partners, to jointly debate ways to mitigate the negative socioeconomic impacts of COVID on workers in the informal economy in Mozambique

Developing Frameworks for Recovery and Prosperity from the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Developing Frameworks for Recovery and Prosperity from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Webinar session