All events for country
METI Programme
Investment and Employment
2nd Regional Technical Training of the Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment programme
METI Programme
Regional technical training on trade and employment for specialists from Southern Mediterranean countries
Egypt Entrepreneurship Summit 2017: Opening a whole World of Opportunities
Under the auspices of the Ministry of International Cooperation, the ILO Cairo Office and the Middle East Council for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship (MCSBE) will hold the third annual Egypt Entrepreneurship Summit in Hurghada from 15 to 18 November 2017, titled "Opening a whole World of Opportunities".
Academy on Green Jobs Promotion in the MENA Region
The event is organised by DWT/CO–Cairo: ILO DWT for North Africa and Country Office for Egypt and Eritrea through ILO Project “Decent Jobs for Egypt’s Young People” (DJEP) financed by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in collaboration with: International Training Centre of the ILO, Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), ILO Green Jobs Programme, ILO Offices and DWT in the Arab States and North Africa.
High-level event on Youth Employment for Peace and Resilience
Under the aegis of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, the event is co-organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) together with the Ministry of Employment and Social Security of Spain and the Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the United Nations.
Evaluating Labour Market Programmes: Policy Forum & Executive Course
As part of ILO’s partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the IFAD financed project “Strengthening gender monitoring and evaluation in rural employment in the Near East and North Africa”, a Policy Forum and Executive Course on Evaluating Labour Market Programmes was offered between the 2nd and 6th of July 2017 in Amman, Jordan. The course was co-financed by the OECD Development Centre, the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, GIZ and the Economic Research Forum.
The ILO to hold a round table discussion on working conditions of domestic workers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
The ILO, in collaboration with the National Women’s Employment Committee (NWEC), will present the findings of the “Domestic Work Policy Brief: a first look at Palestine’s domestic workers and how to better protect them” and discuss with the various participants a plan of action to follow up
The ILO to hold a conference on cooperatives in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Conference will present concrete strategies to promote decent work through cooperatives.
Rethinking communication: Strengthening Arab trade unions through better communications tools and strategies
Key Arab workers’ organisations meet to discuss challenges facing their communication strategies and how to improve them.
Campaign launch to promote Palestinian women’s rights at work
ILO supports trade unions and women’s groups to launch a nation-wide campaign to promote labour rights and improve working conditions for women and girls in the occupied Palestinian territory.
ILO holds regional workshop on good practices in combating child labour
Employer, worker, government and NGO representatives from the region gather to discuss good practices in tackling child labour.
ILO launches report on challenges of child labour and youth employment in Arab States
Report examines the twin challenges of child labour and youth employment in five Arab States and ways to address them.
Palestinian employers to consolidate position on draft social security legislation
The ILO will convene a three-day workshop to enhance employers’ understanding and unify their positions on the occupied Palestinian territory's draft social security law.
ILO promotes Palestinian women’s economic rights at the national level
ILO experts hold a one-day roundtable discussion with women’s groups, national partners and other stakeholders on the correlation between women’s economic performance and economic growth in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Pay equity
ILO and Palestinian statistics office launch participatory gender pay gap survey activities
The ILO and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) are meeting with key stakeholders to build consensus and acquire local buy-in for a survey on the gender pay gap and discrimination at work in the occupied territory’s education sector
ILO holds regional training on apprenticeship systems in the Arab States
The ILO will bring together employer, worker and government representatives to reflect on progress made in apprenticeship systems across the region.
ILO holds regional child labour convention workshop
Employer, worker and government representatives from across the region gather for training on child labour convention reporting
School-to-work transitions
An in-depth study on youth transition to labour market in the occupied Palestinian territory is unveiled
The ILO releases a seminal report during a workshop on efforts to improve school-to-work transitions in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Equality and discrimination
The occupied Palestinian territory explores methods to advance gender equality in the labour market
The ILO meets with officials from the occupied Palestinian territory to consider future measures to improve gender equity and female labour force participation.
Social security
Private sector social security scheme proposed in the occupied Palestinian territory
A social security scheme developed by the ILO through a participatory process with workers, employers and government officials will be presented and discussed with decision makers involved in social security policy.