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Social protection in the Gulf countries: what rights can migrant workers access?
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Social protection in the Gulf countries: what rights can migrant workers access?

This event will launch a first-of-a-kind comprehensive report on migrant workers’ access to social protection across the GCC countries: Social protection for migrant workers in countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC): A regional mapping of provisions on paper and in practice – prepared by ILO, in collaboration with ODI and IOM.

Workshop with GCC governments promotes a rights-based approach to employment contract termination for migrant workers in the Gulf
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Workshop with GCC governments promotes a rights-based approach to employment contract termination for migrant workers in the Gulf

The ILO, together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UN Women and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the GCC Executive Bureau co-hosted a workshop with representatives of the six GCC governments (United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar and State of Kuwait) to discuss legislation, policies, reforms, good practices and remaining challenges in addressing issues around ‘unexplained absences’ from the workplace.

Extending social protection to migrant workers in Gulf countries: State of play and next steps for reform?
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Extending social protection to migrant workers in Gulf countries: State of play and next steps for reform?

This event examined social protection challenges faced by migrant workers in the Gulf countries, and provided insights on legal provisions and potential avenues for reform.

Egypt Entrepreneurship Summit 2017: Opening a whole World of Opportunities
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Egypt Entrepreneurship Summit 2017: Opening a whole World of Opportunities

Under the auspices of the Ministry of International Cooperation, the ILO Cairo Office and the Middle East Council for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship (MCSBE) will hold the third annual Egypt Entrepreneurship Summit in Hurghada from 15 to 18 November 2017, titled "Opening a whole World of Opportunities".

Academy on Green Jobs Promotion in the MENA Region
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Academy on Green Jobs Promotion in the MENA Region

The event is organised by DWT/CO–Cairo: ILO DWT for North Africa and Country Office for Egypt and Eritrea through ILO Project “Decent Jobs for Egypt’s Young People” (DJEP) financed by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in collaboration with: International Training Centre of the ILO, Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), ILO Green Jobs Programme, ILO Offices and DWT in the Arab States and North Africa.

WorldSkills Conference 2017: Skills strategies for a globalized world
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WorldSkills Conference 2017: Skills strategies for a globalized world

Conference themes include: the globalization of skills and careers in an increasingly digitized world; jobs and skills mismatch; labour force mobility and the constraints of existing qualifications; skills development in cities, and; combating gender inequality in skills. The session on Jobs and Skills mismatch is being organized in partnership with the ILO.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) offers hope of higher salaries for migrant workers
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Skilled labour migration

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) offers hope of higher salaries for migrant workers

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) provides an opportunity for workers to identify what they have previously learned through informal training or on the job experience, so that it can be assessed and formally acknowledged.

Inter- regional expert forum on Skills and Migration in the South Asia and Middle East Corridor.
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Inter- regional expert forum on Skills and Migration in the South Asia and Middle East Corridor.

The two-day forum has presented new research and discussed the impact that skilling has on migrants’ wages and working conditions, and also the extent to which migrants are able to transfer their knowledge and skills after returning home from the Middle East.

Evaluating Labour Market Programmes: Policy Forum & Executive Course
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Evaluating Labour Market Programmes: Policy Forum & Executive Course

As part of ILO’s partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the IFAD financed project “Strengthening gender monitoring and evaluation in rural employment in the Near East and North Africa”, a Policy Forum and Executive Course on Evaluating Labour Market Programmes was offered between the 2nd and 6th of July 2017 in Amman, Jordan. The course was co-financed by the OECD Development Centre, the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, GIZ and the Economic Research Forum.

ILO/GCC Sub-regional Workshop on Enterprise Development in the Gulf Region: Establishing an Enabling Environment and Building on Best Practices
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ILO/GCC Sub-regional Workshop on Enterprise Development in the Gulf Region: Establishing an Enabling Environment and Building on Best Practices

The ILO Regional Office for Arab States is organizing a workshop with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to promote the ILO-ILC2007 Conclusions on Sustainable Enterprises. This is a part of an ongoing cooperation agreement between the ILO and the GCC.

Conference on Safe and Legal Migration, Overseas Employment organized by Government of Telangana
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Conference on Safe and Legal Migration, Overseas Employment organized by Government of Telangana

The development of a State policy on labour migration; and to meet key stakeholders engaged on labour migration issues.

ILO and UAE to launch new labour market governance project in the UAE
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ILO and UAE to launch new labour market governance project in the UAE

Project aims to improve labour market information systems and governance in the Gulf state.

Senior officials from Asian and Gulf States discuss migrant worker issues in countries of origin and destination
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Labour migration

Senior officials from Asian and Gulf States discuss migrant worker issues in countries of origin and destination

Officials from Arab Gulf and Asian nations will meet to devise future programmes on migrant worker recruitment and internal labour market mobility

Mapping of the Skills Assessment Procedures, Certification Standards and Equivalencies between Sri Lanka and UAE & Kuwait - in identified occupations of the construction industry.
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Mapping of the Skills Assessment Procedures, Certification Standards and Equivalencies between Sri Lanka and UAE & Kuwait - in identified occupations of the construction industry.

The main objective of the study is to apply standards of selected countries of destination for testing potential migrant workers in identified testing centres that are registered and reliable and reach agreements on joint minimum standards for skills certification and recognition in the construction sector.

ILO and officials meet to finalise labour migration database in the Arab states
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Labour migration

ILO and officials meet to finalise labour migration database in the Arab states

The ILO and government officials from Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates have gathered to review and validate a comprehensive ILO-managed labour migration database.

Arab and Asian labour migration experts frame fair migration agenda
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Labour migration

Arab and Asian labour migration experts frame fair migration agenda

Labour migration specialists from the Arab States and countries of migrant workers origin gather to formulate a common fair labour migration strategy.

ILO participates in the Abu Dhabi Dialogue Third Ministerial Consultation on labour migration
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Labour migration

ILO participates in the Abu Dhabi Dialogue Third Ministerial Consultation on labour migration

The ILO will meet with officials from Arab Gulf and Asian nations at the Third Ministerial Consultation of the Abu Dhabi Dialogue to devise future programmes on migrant worker recruitment and internal labour market mobility.

Arab Labour Conference on Labour Market Governance in the Context of Changing Arab Societies - Egypt
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Arab Labour Conference on Labour Market Governance in the Context of Changing Arab Societies - Egypt

The ILO, Arab Labor Organization and high-level representatives from governments, unions and employers’ organizations discuss labour market governance in the context of Arab transitions.

Pan-Arab conference aims to reform labour governance
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Pan-Arab conference aims to reform labour governance

The ILO, Arab Labor Organization and high-level representatives from governments, unions and employers’ organizations will discuss labour market reform in the context of Arab transitions.

Launch of DFID-ILO “Work in Freedom” programme
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Launch of DFID-ILO “Work in Freedom” programme

The UK Department for International Development (DFID), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) will launch the new “Work in Freedom” programme to fight trafficking of women and girls from South-Asia.