All events for country
Labour relations
High-Level Tripartite Regional Seminar on Industrial Relations in Southeast Asian Countries
Review current approach to labour relations, build shared understanding on way forward for collaborative industrial relations and promote follow up initiatives at country level for working together for growth, productivity and decent work.
ILO COOP presents on “Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy” pre-conference event of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
The Japan Society for International Development (JASID), SSE Research Group Solidaridad Japan, and ILO Office for Japan will hold an event on "Decent Work and the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE)" on December 2, 2022 between 18.00 and 19.30 prior to the Japan Society for International Development (JASID) 33rd national conference.
【12/16】 ILO-JCA Joint Webinar
TSUNAGARU by Social & Solidarity Economy
The 34th Symposium on International Labour Issues
【10/14 Webinar】Sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and skills development Reskilling / Upskilling
Webinar: Advancing Responsible Labour Practices and Sustainability in Global Supply Chains - Learning from Japanese Vehicle Parts Companies in Thailand -
Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme
High-Level Event "The Role of Responsible Business Conduct in Building Resilience"
The 33rd Symposium on International Labour Issues: Toward a better future of work after the COVID-19 crisis – Sectoral response and social dialogue
ILO/KoSEA/SNU Joint Research Conference
Mapping Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia
This conference will discuss policies to strengthen social and solidarity economy in South Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines.
10th ILO/JCCU African Cooperative Leaders' Study Tour in Japan
2019 TICADVII ILO Side Event
ILO Future of Work High-Level Dialogue Jobs4Youth: A Human-centered Agenda to Boost Investments and Productivity in Africa
9th ILO/JCCU African Cooperative Leaders' Study Tour in Japan
Meeting with recruitment agencies
A meeting was jointly hosted by FICCI and the ILO with the recruitment agents to understand better ways to work on recruitment practices.
8th ILO/JCCU African Cooperative Leaders' Study Tour in Japan
24-26 July 2017
Belt and Roads Conference on Employment Services in ASEAN+3 countries
The ILO, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China (MoHRSS), and the Department of Human Resources and Social Security (DoHRSS) of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China are organizing a forum for practitioners to share knowledge and best practices in employment services delivery.
12 May 2017
Labour Policy Forum on the Future of Work
The ILO and the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT) co-organize a symposium on the future of work in Japan. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, The Japan Association for Advancement of ILO Activities, Japanese Trade Union Confederation JTUC-RENGO and Japan Business Federation will attend the forum.
ILO Seminar on Labour Dimension of CSR Trends of global supply chains and the challenges facing Japanese corporations
Summary of the keynote speech & closing remark of Ms. van Leur are updated.
Tripartite Seminar for Enhancing Social Protection in an Integrated ASEAN Community
With such development ahead of the ASEAN integration, social protection will play a crucial role by compensating for the short-term loss of income and facilitating access to education and skills, with positive impacts on the overall productivity of the workforce and economic growth in the longer term. While social protection is recognized as a key element for buffering social impact of economic changes, implications for maintaining and extending adequate social security to all, especially with new challenges posed by the regional integration, is a major concern raised by the ASEAN countries.
5th ASEAN Labour Inspection Conference: Enhancing Labour Inspection through Information and Communication Technology
The widespread adoption of internet and mobile technologies has transformed the global economy along with the way people live and work. It has also significantly changed how governments manage and deliver public services, including in the field of labour inspection (LI).
Training Course on Designing and Implementing Unemployment Benefits Linking with Active Labour Market Policies
The training course was organized by the International Training Center of the ILO (ITC/ILO) in partnership with the ILO/Japan Project "Promoting and building social protection and employment services in ASEAN".
Launch of the “Red Card to Child Labour Campaign" in Japan
ILO Office for Japan launch the “Red Card to Child Labour Campaign" and organize its kick-off event, inviting Mr. Tsuyoshi KITAZAWA.