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Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces
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Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces

The ILO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission invite you to a half-day, in-person event in Brussels to launch their report on Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces.

Webinar on Career Guidance for Building Young People’s Future: The Role of Employment Services
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Webinar on Career Guidance for Building Young People’s Future: The Role of Employment Services

How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market
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How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market

Joint ILO-Eurofound webinar on how COVID-19 is affecting the European labour market, how Europeans are experiencing the crisis, as well as the policy responses of EU Member States and social partners.

The SSE Momentum: Finance for Inclusion and the Future of Work
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The SSE Momentum: Finance for Inclusion and the Future of Work

This international conference will be organized by the ILO in Trento, Italy from 18 to 20 November 2019 to present the findings from two international research projects on the role of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social finance in shaping a future of work. The two projects are funded by the Government of France and the Government of Luxembourg.

Global Supply Chains, employment and production systems
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ILO Research Department Seminar

Global Supply Chains, employment and production systems

UNFCCC COP21 ONE UN High-Level Roundtable: Human Mobility & Climate Change
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UNFCCC COP21 ONE UN High-Level Roundtable: Human Mobility & Climate Change

This high-level roundtable brought together participants from governments, UN agencies and other organisations to discuss human mobility in all its forms in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) process.

International Experts' Meeting on assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination (ECLM project)
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International Experts' Meeting on assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination (ECLM project)

The meeting will gather a small group of academic experts from universities, research institutions and international organisations from around the world to discuss methodological approaches for the ECLM project.

Professional microcredit and support to enterprise creation in France and Europe: What effects on employment?
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Professional microcredit and support to enterprise creation in France and Europe: What effects on employment?

Together with the French Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital, and the Caisse des Dépots et Consignations, the ILO organised this conference that discussed the role of microcredit and support to enterprise creation as a tool for reintegration on the labour market, enterprise development and job creation.

Microcredit and support to enterprise creation in France: what is the situation of the entrepreneurs 3 years after
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Microcredit and support to enterprise creation in France: what is the situation of the entrepreneurs 3 years after

On 18 June 2014, the ILO, together with France Stratégie and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, launched the results of a survey conducted in 2013 with 4 204 beneficiaries of microcredit in France.

ILO at European Youth Event in Strasbourg
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ILO at European Youth Event in Strasbourg

The ILO-Brussels team will participate in a major event organized for European youth by the European Parliament in Strasbourg. ILO-Brussels will be part of the information village organized outside of the European Parliament building.

The School of Music of Gardanne dedicates the concert of the professors to the fight against child labour
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The School of Music of Gardanne dedicates the concert of the professors to the fight against child labour

In partnership with the initiative "Music against child labour", two songs on the fight against child labour: "Free the Children" and "The Music" played by the orchestra of the school and the choral group Gabriel.

Training on “Financial Literacy for Migrant Workers and their Families”
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Training on “Financial Literacy for Migrant Workers and their Families”

The Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale Issues des Migrations (FORIM) a French federation of associations of migrant workers, and the International Labour Organization jointly organize a training of trainers (ToT) in Paris (France) in December 2013.

Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in EuroMed countries
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Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in EuroMed countries

This 3-day seminar on environmental and economic issues, gender equality, social dialogue, HIV/AIDS , and mainstreaming employment and decent work in postal services in Mediterranean region showed how sustainable development can foster performance and innovation in postal services.

Claudio Abbado Concert at Salle Pleyel - Paris (France)
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Claudio Abbado Concert at Salle Pleyel - Paris (France)

Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in Asia-Pacific countries
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Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in Asia-Pacific countries

This 4-day seminar on environmental and economic issues, gender equality, social dialogue, HIV/AIDS , and mainstreaming employment and decent work in postal services in Asia and the Pacific showed how sustainable development can foster performance and innovation in postal services.

Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in the Americas
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Seminar on Sustainable Development in Postal Services in the Americas

Switzerland vs. France Red Card Campaign at Geneva Stadium
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Switzerland vs. France Red Card Campaign at Geneva Stadium

A new edition of Red Card Campaign against child labour will be launched on the occasion of the Football match Switzerland vs France at the Geneva Stadium on 20 August 03, with the support of the Swiss Football Association and the French Federation of football.