A 10-question pocket guide to making MSD work for you
This pocket guide aims to help front-line practitioners feel more comfortable in their understanding of what the MSD approach is and broadly how it can be practiced. It presents ten questions to stimulate reflection and help practitioners chart their own course through an MSD intervention lifecycle.
This is not a comprehensive guide. Instead, it intends to communicate the main substance of the approach in a digestible manner, contributing towards a common understanding within project teams and facilitating further conversation among project stakeholders. Individual team members may choose to use it as a personal checklist or to foster team-wide discussions. It may be used in real-time or employed in a forward- or backward-looking manner.
This is not a comprehensive guide. Instead, it intends to communicate the main substance of the approach in a digestible manner, contributing towards a common understanding within project teams and facilitating further conversation among project stakeholders. Individual team members may choose to use it as a personal checklist or to foster team-wide discussions. It may be used in real-time or employed in a forward- or backward-looking manner.
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